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Posts posted by quietgrl

  1. Husfriend - interesting - let me guess - someone you are married to that you actually like? ;-). Please don't tell me you mean a boyfriend you are committed to. Please. ;-)



    Husfriend is a man who is not "lawfully " married to his long term girlfriend.

    An example of a husfriend is Kurt Russell(Goldie Hawn),Steadman(Oprah) and Tim Robbins(Susan Sarandon).

  2. Why is the research necessary if you plan on remaining a virgin?

    Looks like it is a myth and with so many proven birth control methods why take the risk?


    Batya and Dako,


    I'm a researcher so if people throw out questions(What's the best dating site,best condom ,best CD,worst movie,how to prevent HPV,STD or get the morning after ).My fingers sometime goes into research mode to find out the answers to the question.

    I'm only a virgin because i don't have a long term monogamous commitment from a man(husfriend or husband) but once i do.I won't be a proud sex for commitment virgin but a proud sex for commitment nonvirgin.

  3. I was doing research on how to prevent HPV and what to do if your condom broke and i came accross some weird infromation. The infromation that i found out said vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) is an alternative emergency contraceptive and if you can't get an hold of the morning after emergency pill at a pharmacy(72 hours after condom breaks or unprotective sex ).Vitamin C is a sperm killer and could be used.WARNINGThe infromation say if it's less then 72 hours go for the morning after pill instead


    Direction woman should insert two tablets within the vagina next to the cervix as soon as possible(twice a day for 3 days) and it also say a woman can do the same thing before intercourse to kill sperm.How werid Vitamin C is a sperm killer?


    Another thing i found out is Lemon juice and garlic might be a natural sperm killer/spermacide too????


    Homemade spermacide recipe:

    14 drop lemon juice

    1 tsp cornstarch

    a bit of honey

    Combine together and put inside a diapham,cervical cup or rubber.


    ****WARNING***I would do more research or talk to a doctor before trying any of these methods*******

  4. HyruleGuardian,


    friscodj and especially Caterina gave you some good advice and what i don't understand is you and your gf are only 17 and 18 years old.What is the BIG rush in getting into the "should we have sex" debate. Everyone energy should be on graduating from high school and getting into college.There will be plenty of time down the road for this sex debate but for now.I would serious set boundaries with your girlfriend because a person would wants sex will test a virgin who's waiting until marriage.Trust me.

  5. my ex had a PA ring... it was fun to play with, but nothing special.

    I think eyebrow rings look dirty... lip rings are hot on the right guy

    I had two labrets, they were awesome!


    Oh man,The PA is no good.I was trying to con one of my male friends into getting a PA a years ago

  6. i wish i could draw it, but basically it's a panties with a string ring that is conviently located towards a woman's clit. so you could insert a man's penis in it, and thrust through the ring while stimulating the clit.


    So you could basically have sex without the intercourse.


    It's better and more accessible than having the woman hold her hand down to cause the friction...


    anyone get where i'm going?







    Does this underwear have a name?

  7. Welcome to the club, sister.


    We're always recruiting new members.


    You get a complimentary hat, pin and a free glass of punch with your membership.


    Lucky you, huh?


    I can relate. But I've also come to realize that wanting a mate simply because I am lonely is not a good thing. Because deep down, I don't know if I really DO want anyone. I just want to stop feeling so bad inside. And expecting another person to somehow fix that won't work. I'm not saying that's you, but it definitely is me.


    Amen Wilhelm

  8. Ah - only an old earring hole.


    I have enough scars on my body not to have bothered much with piercings and tattoos.......although I once thought of getting one of my scars tattooed over, I'm not sure it would be a good idea....



    You have no interest in getting a prince albert?

  9. Natural Remedies



    Dietary Suggestions


    * Reduce sugar and salt intake. This is especially useful for bloating and swelling of the hands and feet, breast tenderness, and dizziness. Increase foods rich in potassium, such as fish, beans, and broccoli.


    * Eat small, frequent meals to help stabilize blood sugar.


    * Eliminate caffeine, which can aggravate anxiety, depression, and breast tenderness.


    * Increase intake of fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds, and fish.


    * Avoid alcohol.


    * Decrease intake of fatty foods and red meat.



    Other Remedies

    There are other natural remedies commonly used for PMS, including:


    * Ginkgo

    * Vitamin E

    * Royal jelly

    * OPCs (oligomeric proanthocyanidins)

    * Uva ursi

    * St. Johns wort

    * Wild yam

    * Dandelion

    * Reflexology

    * Chiropractic

    * Progesterone cream


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