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  1. Gsq

    "Is this a date"

    aww come on, no one is offereing any advice?
  2. Ok I just wanna get some opinion and advice: Here is the background story: My ex of 2 year broke up with me a little over a month ago, I was hurt but I am now finally recovering a bit; hit the gym, picked up tango, and other hobbies. Anyways there is this one girl I ran into 2 weeks ago, lets just call her K, K is a friend of me and my ex's mutual friend. But she doesn't know my ex, she know OF my ex but she never talked to her before and only met her once. Anyways when I first ran into K near her work place, she was all smiling at me, I didn't recognized her at first but then she ask "dont you remember me" and I finally remember. And after that I ran to her about 2 more times near her work place and I went in to visit her once just to look around. (I was beginning to get a little interested in her, as I notice myself) So last week, I just flat out walk up to her and ask for her number so we can hang out in the weekends sometime. She gave it to me, but her first reaction was, "are you bore, is that why you asking me out" Btw, she knows that I was with my ex for 2 year, but she wasn't sure that we broke at the time when I ask for her number. The mutual friend of ours filled her in on the detail a little later I think. Anyways, so I called 2 days later, asking if she wants to go dinner on saterday, her first reaction was "dont you have a gf" So I was being honest and told her that my ex broke up with me already. K then said "you dont have to tell me the detail", which I didn't. And I proceed to ask her out again, she said she was busy on that week, and she ask to reschedule to next Saterday May 6. And so I told her I will call her next week and talk more about it, and here is the kick, right before I hang up, she pop in a question "so is this a date?", btw she seem to be laughing and giggling alot during the whole phone conversation even when she pop in that question. And that totally caught me off guard, cause I was right about to hang up, so I kind of reacted with a rule that I was taught "always answer a question with a question when you dont know how to answer". And thats what I did, I said "does it feel like it?". And she just laugh a little bit more and said "yea we'll hang out" Then we hung up. 1) So..my question is, did I gave a stipud answer to her question? lol 2) Is she being cautious about not being a rebound? 3) What should I do from now, and on our first date (I am interested in her, I havn't went on a first date for....over 2 year, is this even a first date?) 4) How would I know if she is interested too? Because I am really insecure about the fact that she knows that I just got out of a 2 year relationship, makes me seem like I am running to her for rebound but in fact its not true...because I work on my self first and I am always optimistic and out going thats why my griefing period didn't take long 5) When should I ask for 2nd date if all goes well? 6) I originally plan to have dinner with her, chat, and teach her how to dance Foxtrot a little under the moonlight or something, cause I recently gotten really into ballroom dancing. (is this too cheesy or too intimate on the first date? Anyways soo much question, thanks guys and gals in advance for helping me out
  3. Last night my Ex went to AIM one of my best friend, and told him to tell me to move on, and she also told him that she have moved on. I dont get it? Telling me to move on is one thing, but tell me friends to tell me to move on after we have broken up for almost a month with atleast two and half week of LC and NC? And beside, in the pass week or two, I have done nothing that shows I am not moving on. Oh, and she found out from that friend of mine that we are going clubbing tonight, and she sent me an email last night. Here is how it goes "Good luck, have fun with peter tmw, I am going to be with Kent" Ok so what now? What is she trying to do?
  4. Thanks guys, I will try my best to hang in there. My ex can't seem to stop bragging how great this new guy is to one of our mutual friend. And that mutal friend of ours is a big mouth, she can't seem to restrain herself from throwing everything my ex told her about this "great guy" at my face everytime I talk to her. Sigh, so I am doing NC on that mutual friend too
  5. Thx for the replys, so is there any hope at all for us after her "growing and maturing"? Because it is very ironic, she was that one that taught me what it means to be commited and how its like to be in a fulfilling relationship. I never had a serious gf before her, when I first met her, she always try to get me to watch Dr.Phil with her and she always read these books about building a good relationship. It were like that for two year, then it just suddenly change over night, I think two of her friend encouraged her alot to just go out and see her option. What can she possibly be confuse about? Can peer pressure really have that much effect on a girl?
  6. Here is my story, me and my ex were together for 2 years, but she dumped me last month right before she turns 21. Her reason for dumping me was "I want to see my options, I want to see whats out there, and I dont want to be tie down". But what I dont understand is that a month right before she dump me, we were still planning for our future together and happily in love like a perfect couple. We never argue, and we were in a really commited relationship. Anyways, 10 days after she dumped me, she met some guy at a party and start dating him, slept with him on the first date, and slept over at his house on the 3rd date. And now she is thinking about getting serious with him. A mutual friend told me all this. Oh one thing, right before she met the new guy, I talked with her, thats before I try to apply NC. I told her that since we broke up, I went on a date and that it doesn't feel the same and I miss her alot. She seems to be jealous of the fact, cause she was eager to find out about the detail, which I didn't disclose too much information on. But since then I been trying to apply NC for over a week now, and out of the blue she email me today saying "O I hope you are happy and have moved on, b/c I have and I am dating someone else" Is she trying to burn the bridges by telling me to move on? Can any1 please make sense of all this for me? Can a girl really fell out of love that quickly in less than one month of time? I really loved her, should I be hopeful for a 2nd chance? I didn't put my life on hold btw, I apply all the advice from this forum, I got 24 hour fitness membership, took up some ballroom dancing class, and learning guitar soon.
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