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Posts posted by hoping

  1. hmm i guess im a lil too young to understand.....but what is the difference between dating and actually going out??? i would say "i dated a girl for 3 years" and it means the same as saying "i went out with a girl for 3 years.." u know what i mean?

  2. hmm i should find out if she works for the gym :S....any more opinions on this subject?? love to hear what u guys have to say! and i know it has been asked a millions tims on this forum....but what are the body languages i should be noticing? i mean when we talked we held eye contact for the most part....and when i went to shake her hand when introducing myself she leaned forward and clarified my name....i dunno hellp! lol

  3. well radiotone.....

    i honestly think u should wait for a lil bit before u press it on her....becuz after all she did just get out of a relationship...and she is just enjoying freedom!....give her a little bit....ask her out for a cup of coffee or something on the downlow....a walk or something...u know? and then go on from there....see how things go when u go for coffee and make ur decision on it...


    dont invest urself too heavily in her just yet....becuz from what i know...girls that just got out of the relationship are kinda everywhere....not in a hooking up sense...but emotionally they tend to go back and forth.....unless she gives u a clear green light....or a strong sign....i dont think u should go for it just yet! thats my 2 cents

  4. well heres the scoop:


    i have been posting about my breakup from a 2 yrs relationship a month and 2 days ago.....i've been doin alot better in the last 2 weeks....this week has been great....there are still some down times and what not but im gettin thro them....


    anyways onwards with the story, i was at a gym workin out...i saw this girl in the aerobics room alone doing stretches and whatnot....so after working out some more....i racked up my b4lls and decided to talk to her....i basically just said that i saw her doing stretches and thought maybe a girl would know how to work on abs, and besides i dun want to ask the guys in the gym cuz i be embarrassed and i dont want to join a pilate class either....anyways we small talked for a little bit and we introduced ourselves...and she seemed to be quite enthusiastic about showing me some exercises.....anyways fastward i told her i had to finish another set on my weights n ill be right back...so i finished my set of work out very quickly (haha) and went to the aerobics room...where we talked for about 15-20 minutes just about random stuff....and it was a nice conversation it wasn't akward or anything we were both smiling when talking and stuff....anyways 3 o'clock hits and i was like "so did you want to show me some of these exercises?" and she was like "ohh i have class at 3!".....at this pt i thought to myself ohhhh mann a damn rejection!!...but she followed her sentence with "well r u gonna be here on thursday? i can show u on thursday at 2".....so i said "yeahh for sure that would be cool" .....and we parted from there....


    i wanted to ask for her number on the spot but i thought i wait until thursday, when i get to know her a little better. but the pt is.....how does this sound to u guys??? is there any signs in there that she might be interested in getting to know me?? or is she just being nice??? but if she is just being nice why would she go out of her way to set for a later day to show me these exercises?? and finally....do u guys think it was obviouse that i wanted to get to know her??? and 1 more, how should i go about to find out whether or not shes available?


    OPINIONS PLSSS!!! and thanks for reading it was alot longer than i thought it would be!

  5. bobo dude.....u totally read my mind.....i have expressed that concern sooo many times to my friends....that my ex can just get approached...which is a lil too often....and she can choose whos better...etc...while me...the dumpee...is chillin at home wonderin where im gonna meet my next girl....ahhh...

  6. all i know is that a relationship will NOT work if there isn't any trust between BOTH partners......i believe u should express ur concern to him...but sounds like u already have....i honestly think u 2 should spend some QUALITY time together for a bit.....and see how things go from there....if he loves u....he should be concern about the fact that ur unhappy about him going out all the time....

  7. i am terribly sorry about what u r going thro.....i am a male...but bottom line is...its YOUR body....if u truly believe u r not ready for the birth of this baby....i support u on your decision 150%!....your bf shouldn't force u to keep this baby becuz just like passions1 said....it is extremely unfair to ur baby to come to this world with less support than normal...both financially AND emotionally.....we are all here for you hearmeoutPLZ....feel free to pm me anytime u need to talk or just to vent....again...i support u all the way with ur decision

  8. well i've been posting about my break up and related stuff for the past month....and the day me n my ex broke up...i went to the gym...and has been going to the gym on a very consistent basis....


    basically i have been weight lifting and boxing for the past month extensivly (sometimes i think i should slow down but i cant)....i have lost a HUGE amount of weight in a really short period of time......but obviously gaining the weight back with muscle growth....


    my question is....i have lost fat everywhere....as well as my tummy....but i cant seem to get rid of the rest of the "love handle" and a small bulge at my lower obdominal area.....what i am trying to achieve is obviously a lean stomach and maybe a 6 pack....what kind of exercises should i be resorting to? how can i lost that love handle? cuz im already gettin pretty skinny....i dun wanna end up a stick if u guys kno what i mean....anyways pls advice and guide me on this subject...THANKS

  9. well a wise woman name blender has said this to me......no one can fight "newness"...and woman (im assuming) are more prone to the attraction of "newness), while guys can think of a girl is hot but then totally forget about her the next second BECUZ that hot girl doesn't MEAN anything at all....and blender has told me as well...."all this newness will eventually wear off"....i dunno if that helps.....but thats my 2 cent

  10. i dunno....i dun see why blushing is a problem....when girls blush its sooo cute...and when guys blush....girls think its cute as well...well im assuming lol...

  11. i say u do this....

    u n ur bf go to a mall with her.....and the whole time....just ignore her, and just laugh and giggle and especially WHISPER in each other's ears, and make sure she sees all this.....if she tries to join in on a conversation....just be like "yea yea cool cool ok" and brush it off and then start laughin with ur bf again....lol i know its a mean thing to do....but sounds like this girl needs to get a taste of her own medicine.....

  12. well this girl has been an aquintance for the last 3 years....we were never really close or anything...just talk here n there....she knows i just got out of a relationship...she actually knows my ex as well.....i dunno for some reason...hard to admit...but im a lil scared....i dun even know why...is that normal? i just really want to get to know her better from this pt on....and see where things go...and for some reason i think shes "out of my league"....but again i've been readin alot of posts here and alot of female posters say its a myth (about someone out of someone's league)....i dunno i guess cuz my confidence has been shot down by the last breakup....

  13. well....for the last 3 weeks i've been heartbroken from my last breakup....i kno its a lil soon.....but im tryin to focus on another girl.....and i think i found my target....do u guys think its too soon? i mean for a fact i know im not healed completely, and definitly not ready for another relationship....but i believe myself that if i go for this girl at least i have something to keep myself looking forward to tomorrow....shes really pretty as well....definitly can be compared to my ex (can't help but compare, i guess its normal)....a very nice person as well....


    anyways im a lil rusty in my flirtin scene but imma give it shot n try to get back into the single life of 21....what do u guys think? any tips on gettin to kno this girl better? maybe its too soon?

  14. i have to start by saying i dun really know the arabian culture.....but i am just goin with what i know....if he is legally married but was really forced into it....and he wants to be with u.....i believe to be fair to u AND his wife...he should get divorced.....i mean im 21 but feelings wise....u definitly have a right to question him about ur future with him....but at the same time....maybe sit down with him and have a heart to heart talk regarding this whole situation.....is he really forced? does he want to stay married to this woman? is his feelings TRUE for you? is HE want YOU want for ur future? if he does express a concern about being arrange married....i think he should reallly take a stand on "divorce"....but obviously i am not trying to stir up sheet...and i am definitly not promoting divorce....but he HAS to be fair to u and his wife....thats just my 2 cent

  15. well....this is another 1 of those rant posts....


    friday night....feelin kinda lonely....i would be hanging out with my ex around this time back in the days.....wanna drink some beers.....but my beers are at my ex's place.....(since i was there partyin with her roommates, my best girlfriends last weekend when my ex was gone).....noticed a truck sittin infront of my ex's place for the entire day....my bud called my ex n msged her on msn to get my beers for me...and she never picked up or replied.....makes me wonder.....thoughts like these drive me insane.....its just another one of those days....

  16. well....just me talkin...but to me....the #1 killer of bein friends with ur ex (if u guys were serious)....is her not puttin u as her priority...worse....put another guy other than u as her priority.....and if u were there, and u saw her put another guy before u.....it will really....really....really set u back...not to square 1....to the negative.....

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