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Everything posted by AlmostFamous

  1. Wow thanks guys. Icemotoboy, it helped a lot. I even got so excited about making plans for a trip to somewhere for my birthday(its 2 days before his departure.. damn), and not having to have a phone on me expecting his call and all. Although I still wasnt sure whether or not I should meet him, Cat. I really doubt I can hold my tear if I see him again. And.. SnOman thanks a lot for your advice too, but he's the one who seriously wanted to break it off, even though the breakup itself seemed kinda mutual, I pleaded begged etc many times after that. I'm still so much into him, but its totally up to him, not me. And he IS leaving in June for sure because of his job I know that. Great to know he might've acted happy though. Sorry if I didnt give you enough info. We've been broken up for 2 months now after 2 years of a really intense relationship. He proposed to me, wanted to marry me as soon as possible but I kept putting off as I wasnt ready for that myself. He treated me like a queen and everything was marvellous and I didnt think I deserved all that. But things got seriously twisted while we were on the trip together for a week. We fought like crazy every other moment. That was couple weeks before we broke up. We got back from our trip and he was confused about our relationship but he gave me another chance and we got back to happy again and he even said 'Thanks for making me happy again, I love you soooo much'. But after this stupid fight he turned around for good saying 'I dont think its going to work out, I dont see a path between us.. etc' I guess this 'timing' thing wasnt right as he knew he had to leave here some time soon due to his work, and I kept saying 'I cant marry you anytime soon, I can't leave here cause of my family' I know I was way too selfish and I took all that for granted supposing he's always going to be there for me no matter what. So.. its not just our big fights we had during the trip, even though they sure paved the way for the breaking up. Well...anyway... I got on the messenger earlier and unblocked him for a min to tell him to stop calling me and all. Can you guys please take a look and give me some opinion? I was really nervous talking to him... Did I say something wrong? Does he seem really mad or upset? me: hi me: are you there? him: yeah I'm here him: I stepped out for a while him: talking to my mom me: oh I was writing you an email ...... And after some casual talks about his brother, what he's going to do etc. him: so what's up? me: really hard to say... haha me: ok 2 things I was wanting to tell/ask you him: ok him: you just unblocked me on here tonight didn't you? me: 1. I really dont think its a great idea to meet up.. me: I dont know.. I may change my mind.. but this is what I want me: because I see no point.. me: childish eh? me: please dont take all that as a childish game or anything him: I'm not me: someone's gotta move on, just like you do him: I understand where you're coming from him: and I know that I should respect it me: then why did you tell my friend that it was childish huh? him: and I know that it's not because you see no point in it him: it was childish of you to block my number me: thats fine him: not wanting to meet me is entirely different me: no I am talking about blocking your number me: I had to move on, get over everything i had with you me: doesnt mean I dont care about you, please know that. me: I do care about you, and thats why I asked your friends to be supportive for you anytime you need because I cant be there any more him: what's 2? me: 2. please dont call me ever again.. me: this is really hard.. its a lot easier for me to get on with my life when I'm not thinking about you me: your calling makes it back to that horrible moment me: it was really really painful me: do you respect all these thoughts as well? him: yes him: I'm not going to ask mike to clean things up for me though him: you don't have to meet me long but I do want to give you the phones back him: you can do with them what you want but they're both in your name him: and I can't sell them for that reason alone me: please keep'em, throw'em out either way, I can inactivate it after you leave him: and what are you going to do about the rest of what I owe on the phone him: I know you don't have the money me: you can put the money on the bank account you still have the card right? him: yeah that's another thing I need to give back to yoiu me: I dont need the card either, me: if I see your face one more time, I'm going to have to cry for another month him: funny how you put a smiley face behind that me: please be safe all the time ok? me: I do care for you me: but I cant remain friends with you for a very long long time him: you need to not say that because I'm not supposed to say it back to you and I want to him: so let's just leave that unsaid him: and yes stay friends him: no more blocking him: I'll let you have your space though me: I said I can NOT him: can not what? him: ahh him: ok him: and why's that? him: chances are when I leave here I'll never have the opportunity to see you again me: yeah we wont be able to see each other any more, me: like I told you, I can move on better when i'm not thinking about you him: good luck forgetting 2 years me: you have your great friends him: let me know when you gave up on that will you him: haha you made a funny me: me: not that I can forget those 2 years me: I need to try at least to forget for a while me: it was too painful me: what I'm also afraid is that I'll probably forget a lot of those good memories as time goes by me: but I will try and keep them in my heart me: I cherish them all him: no one thing you will learn is you will only remember the good things him: I need to run me: I do remember only good things you know him: sorry I have to go check on something me: ok take care him: same here him: you too (Excuse me if I made any mistakes, english is not my mother tongue) I guess 'when I'm not thinking about you' was kind of a wrong statement... AAAAHHHH Why do I care so much? Because I cant stand how I hurt him because I care for him more than anyone else.
  2. because I'm back in the same process again after 2 months of trying to heal. This does suck. Love f**king hurts...... Just letting you know you're not the only one who's hurting like hell right now. Smile for a min though. (huggie)
  3. Hi, I need advice. He called me today and said he just wanted to check if I'm going to answer this time, and that he's leaving for another country for good in 2 months, and we're going to have to meet up before he leaves to give me back some stuff that belong to me. He seemed pretty happy moving on without me. Doesnt seem like he was missing me or anything. Anyway, I said he can just give it to his friend then I'll meet him later to get them back. And he's like 'you dont want to see me ok' in a sort of sarcastic way. Then I was like 'do you want to see me?' and then he said 'I was planning on it..' What should I do? I feel kind of sick since this call, and have cried my eyes out for hours. It sucks I know the exact date he's leaving. I need any kind of advice. I was even crying all through my dreams while I was taking a nap.
  4. I guess you're right. He neither wants to come back nor wants me to move on. I AM moving on but then he gives me this false hope again. Hate this. I stop wishing him back and just go on with my life. Thanks a lot!
  5. Hello everyone, I have a quick question. Right after the break up I begged, pleaded, cried etc.c.c.. but then I found this site and started the strict NC.(Thank you all!!for letting me this) I completely stopped calling him. And 2 weeks later HE started calling, leaving voice messages asking how I am doing blah blah. I ignored them all, and he plays a trick now. I get a call from the number I dont know so I pick up and bam its him. We got to talking but nothing more than casual, and it was really a short conversation because I said I had to go and hung up. He has been calling like this a few times and this makes me expect his calls again but it's not like he wants to talk about getting back together or anything, who knows. My question is you're doing a strict NC and he plays this kind of trick to talk to you, what will you do? My friend says I should tell him like 'if you want to talk about getting back together we could but if you dont do not ever call me again' something like that. I dont know if I could say like that. Any other advice?
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