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Everything posted by had-enuff

  1. "Ok, so me and my boyfriend don't have sex (i want to wait till marriage) but we do havwe oral" That is sex - oral sex! You are in denial.
  2. This is a subject I know something about, unfortunately. I used to think I was shy, but I guess I just don't like socializing. I'm now 40 and I've pretty much accepted this is the way it will always be. The net is both and godsend and curse for us types. It provides help but at the same time reinforces all our anti-social qualities by providing such a seemingly rich virtual life. I think a good step to overcome this afflication would be to turn off your computer and go out and meet people. Alas, I never do. I just don't like doing that. Outside of family/business I haven't been to a social function in many, many years. Guess I'm hopeless. Of course eventually you want a lover/friend but you have no idea how to make that happen. You feel like everyone knows some secret you don't, like there's some secret password you don't have that everyone uses to hook up. I now accept that I'm merely getting what I gave out, and should not be too surprised or bitter that I am now completely alone.
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