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Posts posted by tyler711

  1. As a guy, I know exactly where you're coming from. Women have a lot of emotions that we will never understand. They are very sensitive about appearance, and get jealous easily. Here's what I do: I gave up trying to understand all my fiancee's mood swings, because it's way too complicated for me to understand. I used to blame it all on PMS, but I learned not to do that the hard way! Whenever she has them, I try my best not to get frustrated. I support her with whatever she's upset about. I always try to remind her of how beautiful she is (even though it's obvious!) and I always tell her I love her. We always get each other flowers (even though I would prefer some golf balls, and my truck needs new rear tires). Try to do and say little things to remind her of how you feel, this will go a long way. Every now and then plan something for just the two of you, something that she likes to do. Maybe rent "The Notebook" and cook her dinner. Good luck friend!


    Oh.. buying chocolate never hurts

  2. Yes and no.


    Yes: I love my fiancee unconditionally, and I also love my family.


    No: I love my fiancee unconditionally, and no one could ever replace her as a partner.


    I assume you're talking about two girlfriends? This is probably not the answer you wanted. I think it's possible to love someone, and be attracted to someone else, but to me, true love can only be shared between two people.

  3. I don't know the reasons behind her leaving, so I'm saying this based on what you wrote. Don't go rush out and try to meet other girls to forget about her. Maybe in time she will come back, but probably not. Get a good workout routine started. Go with some friends to a movie. Occupy yourself so you don't dwell on this. Take everything you have that reminds you of her and put it in a box. Don't throw it away, but keep it somewhere that you don't have to look at it. Keep yourself busy and if she never contacts you again then move on at your own pace. You will meet someone else eventually, but you want it to be under the right circumstances. Good luck!

  4. Sorry if my post was confusing. It's too confusing too think whether people need to kill or not. What I meant was that people DO kill, and they will until the end of time. A serial killer will kill, and in return we need to kill him via the death penalty. If someone wants to kill my family, then it is my reponsibility and my necessity to kill them first. If one evil dictatorship, or terrorist group rises up against a free country, then they need to stop them, and usually that means people get killed. I don't know about the Latin. The answer is probably, but kind of irrelevant to ponder.

  5. Two years is nothing. Some 17 year old boys are immature, some are not. Some 15 year old girls are immature, and some are not. You know you and you know her,so make you decision based on that. Be yourself, and be respectful to the parents. You will be 18 and she 16 and if they don't like you too much then they make you vanish until she is 18.

  6. Raccoon is right, but his thought process seems a little too ambitious . Humans are mammals and animals and always will be. Technology and medicine certainly help us, but a heart, brain, and soul can never be replaced by a computer. Humans do need to kill each other. If this weren't the case, we would be typing in German right now. Or Latin for that matter. We also need to kill other species to eat.

  7. I can't fathom ever being raised by gay parents. I disagree. I do like the idea of crack babies and teen pregnancies getting a decent home and a better shot at life, though. That's something for me to ponder. Maybe I'm to traditional, but one thing I look forward to in life is hopefully having a son. Teaching him to hunt, fish, work on cars, work hard, play catch, be his soccer coach, like my father was to me. Is it fair to put a little boy that wants to climb trees and shoot BB guns with gay parents that would rather take him shopping or out for a pedicure?

  8. Referring to our society, as well as third world. I see people smoking everywhere. Phillip-Morris is a multi billion dollar company. In my lifetime, I've seen it dramatically increase. It is more acceptable today than before because we are more politically correct, along with obesity, homoesexuality, whatever. I don't know about the 40's or 50's. I don't know the percentage of adults who smoke, don't really care, but I know it's a good percentage. I was making a small point about smoking being popular, which it is. If you want to argue internet semantics, and nitpick three words from my post, then please do so, I have better things to do.


    Sorry, but you're blowing smoke.

    Actually, I'm not. I'm stating my opinion, which is neither right nor wrong, but what I know based upon my observations. The poster asked what I thought of weed so I gave my opinion, never did I say it was concrete fact, so don't accuse me of being ignorant or wrong.

  9. If the government would legalize it, tax the hell out of it, and crack down on dealers


    If it was legalized, why would the government need to punish dealers? I doubt taxing it would do a thing. Look at cigarettes. The price per pack is $4 to $5 and rising and it's more popular than ever, and all it does is make you stink. What Uncle Sam needs to do is strongly enforce the laws we have in place, secure the border from drug smugglers, and get this crap out of our society. Marijuana is absolutely a gate way drug, it is also a DRUG unto itself. I used to be a firefighter and I've seen the firsthand effects of people driving while high, spousal abuse, etc. It may not kill you from overdosing, but it will kill you if you're stupid, and that right there is enough reason to never legalize it.

  10. Never done any kind of drugs. I see it as a sign of individual weakness or naivety. Can't cope with reality, teens and peer pressure from friends, and what have you. Yes, this includes marijuana. Drugs are also a major source of crime in society. No one can tell me that marijuana is just like smoking, or not a "hard" drug. I've seen plenty of violent people that were high and if you get high and get behind the wheel you're going to wreck just as much as if you did some other drug. Plus it's illegal. I hope to never see anything legalized in my life time. It's a nasty drug, a nasty habit, like smoking.

  11. Okay, I will attempt to answer from my own beliefs and experiences.


    1. When we first date, guys tend to be soooo nice. After a while (e.g., 5-6 months), they change. Why is that and what should we girls do?


    I think this is normal for every relationship. Girls do it too! When I first met my fiancee, I brought flowers all the time, went out on dates, wrote a lot of love letters, and was really mushy. I still do these things, but not as much. I think guys do this to initially attract their partner. I'm not a bad person for doing it less, we have just settled into a comfortable routine. Maybe you can change this by trying new things, breaking out of a routine and complacency.


    2. What should we girls do during the honeymoon phase? We know that if we don't give in much then the guys may think that we are not interested. But if we give in, then we get too attached and eventually get hurt when the guys become distant.


    A committed relationship HAS to be atleast 60/40. You put in 60% and expect your partner to put in 40%. You will get back what you put in, and if you don't then you have to compromise to fix the problem, or leave. Guarding your feelings and not getting too attached is no way tobe in a relationship. If it ends you're going to be hurt either way, so you might as well give it your all.


    3. Once the honeymoon phase is over, there is usually a discussion of whether to get serious or to be apart.


    I'm still a little confused. You mean after dating for a few months,there is talk of getting more serious? I don't have an answer for that. It's up to your discretion. I don't know how serious you are talking but... Can you picture yourself with this person in 10 years? Married? If this person were in a car accident andwere in a coma, would you stay by their side? You have to listen to what your heart and your head tell you, and find a mutual answer between the two.

  12. Once the honeymoon phase is over, there is usually a discussion of whether to get serious or to be apart. We both (my friend and I) were told by the guys we dated that they were not sure if they wanted to get serious with us.


    You are referring to a honeymoon after marriage, correct? I've never, ever heard of a single instance from a guy where he dated, married, went on a honeymoon then had a discussion whether or not to get serious. Usually people are serious when they get married. Sorry, just confused. =/

  13. I look around and see alot of negative posts, so why not something positive to ponder... What are some things about your significant other that you take for granted, or things that you love that you often overlook? Here's some of mine...


    1) The lunch that's waiting for me when I get home from a long day at work.


    2) Our deal with movies: One chick flick then one action movie.


    3) How she always opens the windows up when I'm gone (I leave for work when it's dark), so when I come home the house is filled with sunlight.


    4) The light in her eyes when she doesn't think I'm looking.


    5) The way she always complains when I pee outside instead of going into the bathroom.


    6) Her devotion to our relationship.


    7) How spotless the house always looks.


    8 ) Her sense of humour.


    9) The way the sunlight hits the roses on the table that she picked from outside.


    There's more, these are just off the top of my head!

  14. Oh, so many replies! Of course I told her. I learned a long time ago that I can't keep any secrets from her. I need permission form the boss before we start planning though . It's not limited to Hawaii and Italy, those are just my favorites. Anyplace exotic, though I believe our heart is set on Hawaii. ShySoul is exactly right in his assessment. I don't want certain people at my wedding (due to certain circumstances), so the only way to make it fair is to not invite my friends and family either. The more I thought about it, the more I love the idea of getting married on a private beach somewhere, alone, no distractions.


    image removed


    image removed

  15. Hi,


    In the next year or two (haven't set a definitive date yet) I will be getting married. I want to give my fiancee the wedding of her dreams, because she means the world to me. Money isn't an option, but I must decide soon so I can start saving. I have three choices: A traditional wedding here in our hometown, where both families come, reception, etc. A weeklong trip to Italy where we get married in one of those really old cathedrals. Or a weeklong trip to Hawaii to get married on a beach somewhere. The latter two do not include the honeymoon. I want this to be the best day of her life and I just can't choose! The first one I already ruled out, because I want us to be married alone, without familial distractions, because that is what it's all about. Basically, I want to plan an unorthodox wedding in some exotic place. Any thoughts?

  16. You are 18 yes? You should take some time to sit down and ponder what you really want. Do you want to go to the best college or do your parents want that for you? If your high school counselor is no help, then maybe arrange a private meeting with a college counselor. It sounds like you have a fear of the unknown. I was in your shoes. I wasted hundreds of dollars on classes I didn't want, and things I didn't want to do. Now I live on my own in my house, pay bills, have loans, job, etc. I'm just barely starting a new degree that I should have finished by now. It sounds like a lot, but it's really not that bad.

  17. I disagree. The last place "affirmative action" needs to be is in the U.S. presidency. I strongly oppose people getting more votes or more support because they are not white or male. If a black man or woman (republican, of course) were to run, and I liked their ideals, then they get my vote. If an Asian person were to do the same, then they'd get my vote. My point is, race has no place in politics. The reason all the presidents are white and male, is because this is 95% of your pool of candidates, not because "the man" or "big brother" is trying to suppress women and minorities.

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