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Posts posted by tyler711

  1. Keep in mind as you read my insight that I don't have any kids. I wouldn't necessarily call what you're doing wrong, because I don't know your whole situation and not my place to make that judgement. It sounds as if she has had enough from having one kid, and not wanting one more is perfectly understandable, and her right to choose. By your ultimatum, it sounds to me like you're saying this: "Either have kids with me and do what I want, or I will leave you." Is this correct? Making a choice like having children is a huge, mutual decision. You are putting her (and her son) in a very difficult situation, which is, if she doesn't give you a kid (or consider it) then you are going to end your entire relationship with both of them.

  2. legalizing weed will not stop some weed users from using harder drugs


    100% correct. I actually think legalizing weed will make harder drugs more of a problem. What will happen when all these new junkies are bored with weed? They will upgrade! Consider this analogy: An alcoholic may start out with a few glasses of wine on weekends, but once the addiction kicks in, what happens? Do they keep drinking wine? Nope. They want more, and before you know it they are drinking a pint of whiskey a day. If someone wants to puff the magic dragon in their own house, then I don't really care, but I'm not ready to walk down the street and have to smell this nasty stuff (not to mention the inevitable rise in car accidents). Smelling ciggarette smoke is bad enough.

  3. Not eating after 8, or before bed is a myth, in my opinion. Eating a good meal late will help you sleep. My understanding of pshyiology is not great, but what I remember from the class is that your body diverts blood from other parts of your body to your stomach, which makes you sleepy. Sometimes I eat dinner at 9:00, sometimes I eat at 4:00, and sometimes I don't eat it at all. I notice no difference. Forget those diet books and plans and pills. Eat your food groups as well as you can and skip the junk food and sugar. I'm by no means an expert, so take my opinion for what it's worth!

  4. There's a thousand reasons why she might be avoiding you. Afraid of committment as you said, cheating, bored with the relationship, or maybe she really is busy and not avoiding you at all. There's one thing you must do though, talk to her about this. If you don't it will eat you up inside wondering why she's doing this. If not, you will create a pandora's box. She might think that because you're distant, you are avoiding her. The only way to get past this and find a solution is to discover the problem first. The only person who truly knows is her.

  5. I was in that exact situation, pretty much the same thing. Unfortunately, until you both turn 18 you have to listen to her mother. She probably doesn't like you because she knows her daughter loves you and she feels like she is going to get replaced as soon as you guys graduate and get married, or whatever you choose to do. The mom tries to take her away from you by controlling her, which is wrong, but nothing you can do. She broke up with you to make her mom happy? Or she is taking a break? She's torn in two trying to please you both. The only thing you can do is support her and give her some time. You might go against her wishes, and see your girlfriend at work, or wherever, but be careful. Does the mom want you to completely stay away from her? Anyway, before you know it you will both have your own lives and alot more things to worry about. Send me a PM if you want, and I will tell you everything I did in my situation.

  6. I read the story. Your letter sounds good for your circumstance. It sounds honest and sincere, as well as short and straight to the point. I think it's a good letter, but then again your situation is confusing to me, so I'm not sure what to say. I can't imagine the pain of being in a situation like that, and I wish you the best of luck.

  7. If this is your first time reading the Bible, I would suggest not getting the King James version. My fiancee and I have a "couples" bible that is a "New International Version". Much easier to read, and every few pages has a relationship story or advice that relates to the scriptures in that book. The Bible is full of metaphors, and sometimes hard to understand.

  8. Exactly. Why did you separate, especially when a baby is due in such a short time? Is this your wife or girlfriend? You said you can't wait to be a daddy "again". Do you have other kids with her?

  9. Having a drink once a week, or a few times (few glass of wine, or few shots of liquor) is normal, and will not be detrimental to your health. Unless of course you have stomach ulcer, liver disease, etc. The Bible says that "a glass of wine makes a merry soul". If you get drunk every weekend, or drink to cope with problems, then you have a problem.

  10. she could put a letter in the mail to him with just one sentence, "your girlfriend is cheating on you." That's it, no return address.

    My sentiments exactly. Maybe a letter like that along with some emails the cheaters were sending each other. I just think in the long run it would be better for everyone. Who knows, he might want to marry her (if he never found out), and if she cheated then, it would be really messy. Better to clean it up now. If you like the anonymous approach, or even the minding your own business approach, to each their own.

  11. Don't tell him??! Doesn't anyone have any integrity? If I was in this poor guy's place, I would want to be told. Instead of running away from confrontation, because this girl might "blame" you, get some undeniable PROOF that she is cheating, and show him. That way no blame will befall you, and this guy can get on with his life. It's not fair for him to live a lie, especially one he has nothing to do with. I think as a friend you have a duty, and if not as a friend, then as a human being. If you were in Australia and your boyfriend went out on you, would you want to be told?

  12. Get together with your boyfriend and pool your financial resources. Open a mutual savings account and start dumping as much money into it as you can. It will be easier to save now because your parents foot alot of your bills. Try to get atleast a thousand dollars to start with, because you will need a deposit, first and last months rent, among other expenses, for an apartment.

  13. Is he over 18? If so, then he needs to focus on HIS future family with you and not so much on his own. Sounds like he's trying to please everybody. Tell all this to him so he can know what's up and get his priorities in order. As for his family, they sound purely racist. If they don't accept you because you're white, then don't accept them. I have strong feelings about racism like this, so I won't say anymore. Live your own life with the person you love as best you can. If his family still can't accept you over time, marriage, and kids, then they aren't worth knowing. Good luck!

  14. What child does not get teased? If there is a bully, he/she will find a reason to pick on a child, no matter what


    Sounds like a dodgy answer. The kid with gay parents is a lot more likely to receive teasing than the fat kid or the smart kid with glasses. Suppose there is a normal kid, ashamed of his gay parents, and he is alienated. He doesn't want to play sports, go to parent/teacher meetings, etc. because he is ashamed of someone finding out. Now suppose that there are kids in this school hellbent on tormenting him because of this. They are instantly the prime target. I'm not speculating, this happens all the time. In high school, there was a gay guy, he was nice enough, but he was bullied relentlessly. Another student with gay parents, same thing. A teacher was gay, no one was comfortable around them. Maybe I live in a part of the country that's slow to change, but a child with gay parents will not be bullied, he will be tormented. I'm not xenophobic or homophobic, I really don't care about other people's lifestyles, just giving you a different perspective for your debate. I would suggest posting this on a different type of forum to get a more well-rounded report. No one answer is right. Most of the topics and replies on a love website are bound to be pretty liberal. Good luck.

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