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Everything posted by fur_ever21

  1. Thanx. I start going on ride a long's this Friday...Appreciate your comments.
  2. This is the only post I have read of yours but all it took was knowing what it was about and, I am right there with you. I loved my daddy to pieces. I am 47 now it has only been 3 years ago and it feels like yesterday. My advice to you is to make every minute special. Even if it is sitting next to your daddy and just "being there" a lot can be said by a touch or a hold of a hand even a smile at a time you think you can't. What helped me too is that I started, well I call it my own little personal book, but I started writing. How I felt at the time since dad got diagnosed and weeks past even. I saved it all on a disc. I haven't read it for 2 years and was just thinking I should the other day. Let the beautiful and precious memories be clear in your mind. Let the sad and hard times go.Hang in there. It is true Time DOES heal. It doesn't take away the pain or the memory...it just makes it a little easier to get by. I was just crying a few days ago because my dad was foremost on my mind. It is not easy but you gotta keep going on. You know he would like it that way. I know I am talking as if he is gone already, I am sorry. I am only speaking from experience. Cancer has struct my dad, my mom and I lost a sister last year. Me myself have had it. I know there ARE the wonderful stories of survival and I hope the best for your daddy but I am the type of person that likes to know all so I can be prepared. So sorry if I came on too strong. I don't know who you are but my heart goes out to you and and (here is a hug for you today).....
  3. Thank's to all of you who have responded to my concern of going back to work after my hip replacement. I have tried to email a thanx back to all of you but am not able to access that page so I will thank you this way.Any more input would be greatly appreciated.I am taking everything all of you said and decided to do ride-a-longs and slowly get back into my job, hopefully without any dislocations lol Thanks again! email removed
  4. Hello, I am a 47/f who had a Total "mini incision" Hip Replacement with a Zimmer on Sept. 21/05 I am an EMT who runs Ambulance in my home town and love it. I want to go back to work more than anything. I have clearance from my Dr and the City but need to convince myself I'll be ok. Anyone have any positive comments on a situation like mine?
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