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Everything posted by lovemetender

  1. Why do guys throw girls away like they're yesterdays trash?! I don't think I will EVER understand... Honestly, what runs through a males head when they play such games? I don't understand how our brains can be so different, how our mind set can be so different? Can someone please help me to better understand?? I know there are good guys out there, but im 22 years old and HAVE NOT experienced one!!
  2. Hi everyone! I want to thank EVERYONE who replied to my first post! It was a warm welcome to the website, so thank you for the great advice. So here I am again posting again. So its been almost a week since that happened (if you read the last post) and I am over it. I had been talking to a guy now who has been my friend almost two years now. He doesn't live here, but he did live here and thats how I met him. Well I tell this guy everything and he has always hinted that he likes me and such. So after I told him about the guy drama he asked me out and asked and told me he would treat me right. So I am going to give him a try and take it really slow. Well he is about to fly here and come see me in about a week. Im totally physced, except for one thing!!!! I told him that my mom is a huge success, and how she owns her own business and yada yada. Stupid lie YES I KNOW! But at the time I just wasn't thinking we could or would ever be anything So now he talks about her all the time and Im thinking in my head, well my mom isnt a loser but she isnt some huge business woman. My mom is a vet tech. He wants to meet my mom and I am freaking out!!! Should I tell him? Why I said this, well I thought he would like me better if my background was "MORE" then what it is. His dad is a freaking COLONEL in the Army and his mom is a manager at Banana Republic. Soooooooooooooo please don't write me and say im a freaking loser. My perspective is on like the movie Meet the Fockers........if yall have seen it. Please give me some advice!! Thanks guys, ya'll are awesome!!
  3. Hi! I am new to this site and this is my first post. I want to thank everyone who responds to this post in advance, so thank you : ) Okay so here is my situation, I will make it short and sweet. I met a guy and I had been hanging out with him for about a month as friends and then he finally asked him out. So we talked about how much we liked eachother, and how sad it is going to be when he has to leave. You see, he is only here until March because he is in the Army and doing his AIT training. So we spent pretty much everyday together. We decided that we wanted to take a little weekend trip away, so we went about an hour and a half away and got a room and all that good stuff. We had a ton of fun together. Sex was the last thing on my mind; i was not planning on it but I also wasnt going to shy away from it. Well it happened, not that night but that morning. So we did the bedroom deal and went about are day all normal and happy. We can back home and caught a movie before he had to be back on post. I dropped him off and everything was good, we gave out hugs and kisses and our ill talk to you in a little bits. Then in a matter of two hours he sends me a text message saying all this nonense. Then he came out and said he didn't want to see me anymore. I was really upset and I asked him where this came from. He told me his friends were telling him to not get attached because he is leaving. He said that wasn't what he wanted, but he really thought about it and they're right. I was left very hurt and there is no changing his mind. I don't know if this was like a hit it and quit it thing, or if he really did get to attached to me and thought it would be better now then later. WHY DO GUYS DO THIS? Can someone please help? This is my first post!
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