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Everything posted by appygirl

  1. What do I do when I know that the person I was supposed to be with is cheating on me but still trying to make me believe that she still loves me? I was with her for a couple of months and things were great for a while. After the first 2 months or so she just suddenly changed. Quit coming around, not calling etc... she started hanging out with her "friend" and I knew after a couple of days that she was cheating on me with her. Everything pointed to that, she would make up excuses to why she never called me back or came over to see me like we had planned. I knew from the minute that I met her that she had a real problem with lying...she would exagerate about things that she owned and talk about things that she has done, that I know never happened. I work with this person too, we work separate shifts but I still have to see her all the time in passing. She really made me feel special for the period of time that we were together. But then things changed and I knew that she was lying to me about where she was at night (I work at night). And just started blowing me off all the time, I would call her and text her and just begged for the truth....after a month of pain and not even able to talk to her (cuz she wouldnt even call me back) I finally got her to tell me that she is involved with this "friend" of hers. I finally had the answers that I needed, she was indeed cheating on me and just left me hanging like that. So I began to move on, I knew that I had been used in the worst way possible, she had been seeing another person this whole time and couldnt even atleast tell me that we were no longer together, I got NOTHING. After a couple of weeks I had a chance to talk to her and actually have a conversation with her about everything that had happened. We ultimately decided to get back together and give it another try (why I did this after what she had done, I have no clue). We were good for maybe 2 days but I noticed that she was still talking to her ex (the one she cheated on me with) all the time, I mean several times a day. Over the next couple of days she started to blow me off again, always had some reason of why she could not come over to see me. I gave her the benefit of the doubt (again wanting to believe that she was true to me). So after the 4th time in a week of her blowing me off on our plans and her having some grandiose excuse I realized that she indeed was cheating on me AGAIN. And again she never even called or anything to tell me that we were no longer together.....just nothing. Just She would call me and still be telling me that she loved me and so on....but yet I would drive by her house in the early AM after work and she wouldnt be at home ( I knew at that point that she was with her ex). I have been lied to this entire time, unfortunately I wanted to believe that she really did love me, I am sooooo crushed. She used me and had her fun then just dumped me on my * * *......man I hope she gets a taste of her own medicine some day....
  2. First of all, this relates to a lesbian relationship that I am in....but I am having trust issues and need advice: Hi everyone. I am currently with another woman whom I am crazy about. We got together several months ago and I still had no idea that I liked women. Long story short, I was straight (or thought I was). So I got to like her alot and then all the sudden she just abruptly stopped seeing me. She started dating another girl and that lasted for about a month. All that time I was sooooo hurt and depressed like no other. It all came down to me figuring out that I really liked her and wanted to be with her. She FINALLY told me one day that the reason she moved on to another person was because our relationship had to be super secret (I was still not sure what I wanted). So since she is "out" and proud of it, it got to hard to be with me and have to hide everything. SO basically I told her that I want to be with her and that things will change if she were to get back with me. I am ready to show my love for her and allow it to be public and so on. I have even told my family. So my question is that she still talks to the ex...the one she just broke it off with...I am scared and nervous about this. I want to trust her but I just cant, everytime I cant get a hold of her or something my mind races, I think that she is doing something with another person. I am all about having friends outside the relationship but with the ex is a hard one.....what should I do? I dont want to smother her by calling all the time and bugging her.... I need advice
  3. Hi again, Yes it is true that I do not trust this other woman at all. SHe is a complete drunk partier and has even asked my girlfriend (now her ex) where I live so that she can kick my a**. I mean she is totally immature and cant handle that my girlfriend came back to me. Like I said, my girlfriend still thinks that this woman is a good person and still talks to her on a regular basis. I am just so insecure because I went through hell when she decided to leave me and be with someone else....she really loved me but when she got with this other girl she was to afraid to deal with hurting me so just kinda cut off all contact. It ofcourse hurt me worse that way rather than just telling me the truth.. So long story short, once I was able to get her on the phone long enough to explain to her that I was having very serious thoughts about being with her and being in a gay relationship...she was SHOCKED. So ofcourse I gave her the opportunity to decide whether or not she wanted to be with me now that I am willing to be open about it...and she did pick me. So that being said....the other woman is not happy at all and I cant get over the fact that she will do anything to get my girlfriend back....my trust was broken and I need to be able to trust her now that she is with me and not secretly behind my back with the other girl. She always tells me I have nothing to worry about, but Im having a hard time.
  4. Thank you Pizzachick for responding. You see she has a problem with not answering her phone alot of the time. I admit that I get VERY nervous when she doesn't aknowledge my calls. When she broke it off with me a while back and was with the other girl, she basically just ignored me and never did tell me what was going on....so I suffered for weeks knowing in my mind that she was with another person but she would just blow me off, I never got the answers to why she just "left" overnight basically. Once I finally got her to tell me that she was with this other girl was when we slowly started to talk and I told her that basically I was not given the time to "come out" and show that I wanted to be with her. I pretty much gave her the choice between the other girl or trying again with me...she did choose me. Im scared tho...I suffer from anxiety and depression and this is really getting to me, I want to trust her but she has really hurt me in the past....I want to tell her that im fine with her talking to the other girl but needs to like keep it to a minimum....I dont want to make her mad though. I dont want her to feel like I am smothering her or trying to control her
  5. Hi everyone. I am currently with another woman whom I am crazy about. We got together several months ago and I still had no idea that I liked women. Long story short, I was straight (or thought I was). So I got to like her alot and then all the sudden she just abruptly stopped seeing me. She started dating another girl and that lasted for about a month. All that time I was sooooo hurt and depressed like no other. It all came down to me figuring out that I really liked her and wanted to be with her. She FINALLY told me one day that the reason she moved on to another person was because our relationship had to be super secret (I was still not sure what I wanted). So since she is "out" and proud of it, it got to hard to be with me and have to hide everything. SO basically I told her that I want to be with her and that things will change if she were to get back with me. I am ready to show my love for her and allow it to be public and so on. I have even told my family. So my question is that she still talks to the ex...the one she just broke it off with...I am scared and nervous about this. I want to trust her but I just cant, everytime I cant get a hold of her or something my mind races, I think that she is doing something with another person. I am all about having friends outside the relationship but with the ex is a hard one.....what should I do? I dont want to smother her by calling all the time and bugging her.... I need advice
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