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  1. i keep telling myself im inlove with him..do you think he is cheating or wants to or etc.? if he would then why would be worry about what i am doing and does anyone have any advice on why they say "the person who is cheating will probably accuse YOU of cheating" ? does anyone have any ideas on the reverse psychology of that?
  2. whenever my ex dumps me which is about once a month,i agree with him and the second i show a sign of life ya know.god forbid eat something or go out with a friend he gets all freaked out and starts making time for me.its a GAME and i know that but i am trying to figure out what makes people do that in their minds..
  3. got some questions,my mf and i met a few years ago. he was infatuated and totally inlove with me.i had a few pre-exhisting issues before i met him.some problems that i am still trying to deal with but nothing TOO serious. he know's i've been trying to get some of this taken care of but he started being really mean. we lived together. had a dog. every time we'd get into a fight he'd kick me out of the house nand dump me. he got mad at me for getting mad at him for beating off to porn at work. (i worked under him and needed his help one day and he couldn't stop to help me b/c of it.i think he is addicted and dont know if it could lead into anything else or already has. I am a beautiful,intelligent girl and he stopped paying attention to me physicially and mentally. would never make time for me on the phone,email,IM's. always look for excuses to get off the phone.(were long distance now btw) he kicks me out tells me he doesnt want to see me anymore b/c he doesnt trust me and thinks i cheat and lie,etc. then when we get back together he would say"well,i dont know if this is gonna work again b/c youve been up to something" ALL THE TIME even though i haven't. i wonder why he keeps accusing me of this * * * * when HE is the one who dumps me and then accuses me..he admitted to me before that he pushes me out of the way on purpose and makes me think he doesnt love me to see if ill cheat.. he gets mad at me for having the certain issues i do but doesnt think he contributes to ANY of them in any way. he also tells me he wants me to deal with my issues but is afraid if i do i wont need him anymore...
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