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Posts posted by coollady1957

  1. If I were you I would chalk it up to her not being very interested. Seems like perhaps she was making excuses with the being so busy thing.


    I wouldn't try to get in touch with her at all So yep, just leave the ball in her court and go ahead with your life finding someone new to date.

  2. I am very sorry to hear about the loss of your father. Please accept my heartfelt condolences. I understand the extreme difficulty of healing and coming to terms with what has happened. I agree with the post that suggests counseling of some form for yourself and your mom at some point.


    My husband passed away three and a half years ago, quite suddenly at the age of 48. My son was 17 at the time and my daughter 22. They both grieved differently for their father. My son is the one that came to the point of needing couseling.


    He had become very angry and bitter about the loss of his father. After several months of therapy he was able to come to terms with it all and allow himself to go through the necessary process of grieving.


    I understand how your mom feels, with having lost her partner. That is one of the most devasting things to have to ever endure. There were a few points that I felt I was losing my mind trying to deal with my own grief and also help my son and daughter get through the loss of their father. Thankfully I had great family support during my worst times of grief.


    You and you mom and family are in my thoughts and I hope the best for you in your recovery from losing your father. It may not seem like it right now, but time does allow for learning to deal with it better day by day. You will never forget your father, and special occasions will be difficult at times. Take care, and always let any of us know when or if you would like to talk.

  3. Have you decided what to do about your cat yet.? Are they giving him any pain killers or something to keep him comfortable.? I am very sorry that your cat is ill. I had a cat that lived to be 14 and he was having significant health issues at that time.


    Your cat, in human years would actually be about 64 years old. They don't age 7 years for each year of their age. Your cat would definitely be to the age of having significant health issues if compared to human years. See the info below from this website.


    link removed


    Below is an excerpt from the site ^ .


    So, how old is my cat in human years?

    There has been a study done on the metabolic rates of cats at various ages compared to humans, and the old ‘seven years to a human year’ is way too simplistic. In fact, you’ve probably noticed how kittens grow out of their dependent period much quicker than children, so a 1-year-old cat equates to a 15-year-old human, and a 2-year-old cat to a 24-year-old. After that, one cat year equals 4 human years, then once the cat gets to 13, its metabolism slows down even more, so that 1 year equals only 3 human years. So an 8.5-year-old cat is the same ‘age’ as a 50-year-old human – and how many humans think of themselves as at old at 50 these days?


    However, it is worth taking extra care of your feline friend from around 8 years of age, as subtle changes can be flags for early, treatable problems. Between the ages of 3 and 8 most cats are low maintenance. After that, a little consideration goes a long way!

    Cat Aging Chart


    1 year = 15 human years

    2 years = 24 human years

    3 years = 28 human years

    4 years = 32 human years

    5 years = 36 human years

    6 years = 40 human years

    7 years = 44 human years

    8 years = 48 human years

    9 years = 52 human years

    10 years = 56 human years

    11 years = 60 human years

    12 years = 64 human years

    13 years = 67 human years

    14 years = 70 human years

    15 years = 73 human years

    16 years = 76 human years

    17 years = 79 human years

    18 years = 82 human years

  4. Did the vet say exactly what the stomach problem was? If not I would ask what this issue supposedly is that's going on?I


    You might want to seek a second opinion from another vet. That way you will have had at least two professional opinions about the health of your cat.


    I understand how you feel about your cat. I am a cat lover and have five of them. I would be horrified to have to put one of them down. I have had to do it in the past, but it was only after checking every option possible.


    I hope the best for your cat and hope he can get well.

  5. It would be really nice if you could see a doctor before Thursday. It definitely needs to be checked , even if it is " Just a toe ". There could be some really nasty bacteria growing in there. I had a friend several years ago that had an infected toe and allowed it to go too long before seeking medical advice.


    She ended up with a staph infection AND Pseudomona bacteria. It was a really nasty infection. So I would suggest not even waiting a day longer to see a Dr. As Ren suggested maybe you go to an Urgent Care type clinic that is usually open several hours after most people get off from work.

  6. I agree with the other posts. You need to take a pregnancy test before you get too involved with what you need to do, and who to talk to. Go get yourself a home pregnancy test. It definitely could be just stress and anxiety about having had sex that last time without protection. How long ago was it that you had the unprotected sex ?

  7. I wouldn't want just anyone touching my hair. I have every long waist length hair. I have had many compliments on my hair from strangers, but never had a stranger try and touch it. IF they did I would highly object to that.


    Having my boyfriend touch my hair is a different story. I love it when he brushes the hair from my face. He never does it in such a way as to way, I like your hair this way or that way. Sometimes after I wash my hair, he will brush it out for me and I love that part.


    He likes to put his hands in and under my hair at the back of my neck when we are kissing or in other intimate moments.


    So as long as its only my BF touching my hair, and in a gentle, or sensual manner then its all great.

  8. loulou, I responded to your thread yesterday on this issue. You pretty much have cleared up the fact there, that job , work and finances are not an issue , so you are stable in that respect.


    You did mention that you had a rocky start to the marriage, but that is resolved as well according to your previous thread. You said that you both discussed having children in a couple of years after you got married, and as I took it, he agreed, but now refuses to even discuss it.


    Are there other issues going on that he may be confused or concerned about that you know off that would cause him to feel he is now not ready to have kids?


    In your other thread you say that you feel this is a " deal breaker" with him not wanting to have children just yet. Unless you can get him to open up with you, then I tend to agree with the others about backing off even bringing up the topic for a while. If he still refuses to discuss it further after a period of time then you will have to decide just how much of a deal breaker this really is for you.

  9. I have read back over all of your prior threads. I am very sorry you are going through this. You have received a good bit of advice on your other threads about this.


    I was in a situation once where I was cheated on by my BF at the time. He cheated on me physically with another woman and with MANY women on line, cyber sex, and etc. I did my best to forgive him and move on, but he continued his dirty ways.


    It is very very difficult to regain the trust again... Especially if there has been more than one or numerous occasions of infidelity in the relationship. When there is no trust , things are pretty much down hill from there unless both parties are willing to work hard at it and get the proper counseling.

  10. Coollady,

    I just turned 29 he's 27, no we are both in stable jobs and financially we are doing very well, he won't give me a reason why he won't discuss things, but he gets very uncomfortable so I end up dropping the issue



    I can certainly understand your frustrations over this. It is unfortunate that he won't open up and discuss this with you, especially since prior to marriage you had discussed having a family and he seemed to have agreed at that time.


    As far as the marriage is concerned, is everything OK there? No issues going on that would stall his desire to have a family that you know of ??

  11. I don't really understand why someone would even ask something like that , even as a joke and especially not in front of her family.


    In my opinion is wouldn't matter either way in a relationship whether the guy was or was not circumcised. As long as the guy takes care of the hygiene details of not being circumcised it shouldn't be an issue when it comes to sex.

  12. Not to pry to deeply here, but I wanted to ask if you feel comfortable offering any other info or details about your situation.


    I agree that exploring new avenues in the bedroom is not a bad thing . However, if there is something you are not comfortable with, then I would hope that he would be understanding enough for it not to be a major issue.


    Does his depression now seem to be under control at all? Is there anything else in the marriage besides the bedroom issue that he is having difficulty with?


    I can't see someone being through with a marriage just because you do not agree to certain sexual activity. And I wondered why there was a discussion of your sex life with the new " friends". By chance does his desire to explore other sex options, have anything to do with the new " friends" ? Just trying to get a bit more info from you if you are comfortable discussing it further.


    Have you been through any type of marriage and relationship counseling?

  13. Thank you for all your words of encouragement and experience! Very nice of all of you!


    We went to the Orthopedic Doctor this morning. They gave us a sling and a prescription for pain meds (that we will unlikely use - sticking to ibuprofen) and said that she should heal smoothly and quickly!


    She's been quite a busy bee today - resting but also playing alot! My little strong trooper!!!



    I am glad you daughter seems to be feeling good and doing well . I feel certain she will recuperate from this nicely. Most kids do !! As I said before I have been through many a broken bone and childhood injuries with both my kids as well as myself. Active kids that get out and play and enjoy physical activity are just bound to get some of these injuries as they grow up.

  14. How is it that you know you are in love with your brother in law? You love your husband, right ? Even though you didnt ask for advice,,,,,I would say limit your contact with your brother in law and focus on working on your marriage.

  15. Over the years, my now grow up son , suffered through quite a few broken bones during his childhood. HE was very active in sports and played hard at everything he did physically. THere were more trips to the ER than I ever imagined when he was growing up , for stitches, x-rays for broken bones,etc.


    When he was 15 he suffered a broken collar bone during a basketball game. He was put in a shoulder ( figure 8 )brace for about three weeks to keep everything in line .


    He also once had a broken foot in a motorcycle accident while dirt bike racing when he was 16.


    When he was 17 he suffered a broken arm during a football game.


    All of his fractures healed up nicely and quickly.


    As for my personal experience with bone fractures,,,,,When I was 5 years old I broke my left arm when I fell and rolled down a hill in the snow. The doctor "set" the fracture, but somehow it ended up being out of line and I ended up having to have a closed reduction to correct that.


    About 15 years ago I fell in a work shop and hit a steel beam with my arm that was lying on the floor. It crushed my arm from my left elbow and down the forearm about 5 inches. The bone in my arm was in about 5 pieces. I had to have open reduction surgery to repair the bone.


    I still to this day have a stainless steel plate and screws in about half of my left forearm. Even having had such a horrible break and surgery ,that fracture healed nicely and I only have a minor limitation in my left elbow joint.

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