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Posts posted by Jonboy582

  1. Suppose I will have to, I got anouther problem I need to see a doctor about aswell but too ebarased to do that. As a matter of fact I was there today getting some antibiotics and nearly said the other problem but chickened out. By the way the other problem is I have a painfull lump behind my right nipple and its growing.

  2. Hi,


    I not going through a very good time atall right now emotional problems are eating me from the inside, and I feel suicidal at times.


    Well yer this is causing my hair to fall out Im only 18 for crying out lound and my hair is falling out. What can I do? and if the pain goes will it grow back?. I mean if I run my fingers through my hair I pick up like 4 hairs each time.


    I really want this sorted this one burden too far first of all my lifes messed up now my hairs falling out. I was/am famous for it, one of my best qualities. What do I do without it. Im soo low

  3. well im a bloke but I have same problem lol. Even though it only my bakini line. But I suggest using sesitive skin shaving foam for men, and mens sesitive razors. They are alot kinder on the skin that womens products. Also make sure your shaved area is very clean and cleasned afterward, but not with an astringent alcahol based product.


    Hope my male advice was at all helpfull.

  4. OMG same happened to me !!!!!!! . We had sex then later on that day we broke up. I think it may be either he was out of order and used you or whats more likely the case. He was trying to see if there was anything there between you still, but maybe you did not connect in the way you used to so he decided to call it a day.. But believe me, its not your fault and you will pull through.


    Also im sure he did love you, my girlfriend loved me, but she changed and we soorta grew apart. Just cos he did not love you at end of the relationship doesnt mean he didnt love you atall. I been in the exact same position as you and I know it hurts. Just dont blame ya self, and eat something as well.


    I suggest alot of crying find a close friend or relative whos shoulder you can cry on, also if your still friends, ask ya ex all the questions that are running around in your head. If not a good doce of no contact is needed.





  5. Well I am going against what most people have said. He has not said it to be nasty or whatever. He accepts you for who you are and loves you for it you know that. He also knows you dont like your size. This is probably why he commented as he can see your gaining weight and the chnaces are that it may continue unless something is done, so he probs told you to stop you gaining anymore. Also at the moment your not obese or probably even fat, but if trends continue one day you may well be. So he will be trying to prevent this and you know what they say its better to prevent things rather than cure them. I think he is being a very carering b/f thats all. Only problem is he lacks abit of tact, he could of thought of a more subtle way of letting you know. Bet hey this just my opinion.


    Also if he truly cares for you and loves you, he will stick around until you are ready for sex again. And quite frankly if he leaves you due to no sex, he was not worth it anyway. But im sure he will stay. Good luck.

  6. The same sort of happened to me. And I was devistated, I heard the dreaded lines I want to be just friends. I blamed myself at first, but the truth of the matter is that people can just grow apart. Nothing may have done to cause him to change his opinion on you. But keep telling yourself it was not you. Also I find writting my thoughts down in the form of poetry helps me cope. Stick in there and I hope you feel better soon.

  7. Ok im short for time so I didnot read it all and I get the general gist I think. Its ok to be friends with ya exs mate. Me my ex and a joint best friend all know each other very closely and its fine. Only problem is perhaps if you and the friend started dating. If that happens then you may be on dodgy ground, but just ask the two how they feel and so on.


    Sorry if I completely missed the point but I only got 5 min on net so did not read it much .

  8. Cheating is never right, so never do it. Thats all I goit to say mate, if you love her leave her alone, cos atleast if she gets married she has a stable future ahead of her hopefully, do mess up her chances. First rule of love is knowing when to let go, and doing whats best for the person you love. Think you are doing the right thing but not getting physical with her.

  9. Ohh well contrasting opinions there, and was wondering cos a friend of mine (and when I say friend I dont mean me lol cos I know thats what alot of people say, I just come out of a seriouse relationship and am not ready). well I supported him and her with there decision. But yer I knew anouther person who was about to do the same thing and I was just wondering if it was the right thing to do.

  10. here here I agree, well accept maybe for the plants, but although saying that I feel guilty when I let plants die lol. And because of that fact I always give shed loads of plants to jumble sals cos I keep alive bits I brake of my cactuses lol.


    But back to the point, life should never be taken for granted and should be treasured.

  11. Ok I got a question not saying it applies to me before anyone rants on and moans at me lol.


    Ok would you say it is wrong for a 14 year old to date a 18 year old? bear in mind the 14 year old is actualy extreemly mature for there age both mentaly and physicaly.


    And if you say thats ok what about if the 14 year old was physicaly mature but not so mature mentaly?


    And what would you say if the two were to copulate so to say?


    Also bear in mind the 18 year old is not taking the girl for a ride and has great respect for them and feelings.

  12. Oh...I know of at least five people conceived while their mother was on the pill and using it correctly.


    I know many more whom were conveived using "withdrawl method".


    Some women are just very fertile and some men have very tough swimmers! And sometimes there are so many factors that can go into hormonal birth control not working.


    The "real life" success rate of the pill according to how most users take it is about 95%...that's 5% where it fails!


    My sister and I were also both "mistakes" but with condom only that failed (did not break...just did not work!)...my brother was only planned one which he likes to brag about


    Erm also I may add that different forms of the pill work better for other people. So because of that they may not have been on the pill that best suited them, thus it was easier to get pregnant.

  13. Ahh I know how you feel. My girlfiend and I recently split up, and it was due to her suddenly one day not loving me. It hurts soo much to love someone with all ya heart for only them to say they no longer feel the same way. You feel stupid for lovng them upset about them leaving and all that, then you worry about what do u tell friends and family. All I can say is get it all out as quick as possible so u can start to heal, also ask him where things went wrong why he stopped loving you so u dont have these thoughts running round and round and round in ya head. Thats th only way you can find inner peace I found.

  14. when it is erect (sp) doesnt it look the same anyway????


    i dont actaully think it matters, normally it was done for religion or during the wars to prevent infection, these days i think its normal not to have it done. my mother had to fight to have my brother done, but now i dont think doctors like doing it....


    No looks totaly different. On following links ase some pictures showing the difference. I will say now they do contain adult content of full frontal male nudity. So if you are under 18 or 21 in some states of America or if it is against local law please do not view it. (just thought I would give full warning lol)


    This is a circumcised penis (drawing)

    link removed


    This penis is uncircumcised (actual photo of someone)

    link removed


    Hope that has cleard things up for some people. Also when erect you do not really notcie a difference between circumcised and uncircumcised as the head of the penis is no longer covered by the forskin. But well in the flacid state it is noticeable as the head is not covered by the foreskin. Also finally you can sorta have different grades of cicumcision where you can have like half or all removed.

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