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Posts posted by Jonboy582

  1. How about a Gift Certificate to a book store. Its impersonal and small. She can choose something for herself. Or maybe a Christmas CD..


    Like... Trans-Siberian Orhcestra.. awesome christmas cd.. and inexpensive.

    Well that sort of gift is all about monatry value and has no thought in it. And as he wants to get to "the next level" I dont think that is anywere near the way forward. To me that would just come accross as a lack of effort.


    Wool hats are nice. However, I found my wife, former best friend by getting her a dildo fist. She likes to use it on her and then me. We take turns. Gettin fisty in the windy city.

    Riiiight ok then every man to their own lol. I DON'T suggest a dildo lol.


    Not too sure about this suggestion, but erm why dont you take her to the theatre or something. I have been their with friends and also on a date. So it can go both ways. What do you lot think?? but I suppose at christmas times tickets cos like up to and over $80 each. (im english so not 100% sure).


    I'd go with a season of a TV show she likes (assuming she's missing that season.) Finding a good gift for someone is pretty hard but something practical and useful like a season of a favorite show is never offensive to a just-friends friend, and a potential excuse to hang out for 20 some hours for someone who's interested in being more than just friends.

    I quite like this idea I mean mention you like "the series" aswell, and who knows she may invite you to hers to watch it. Or mention in passing conversation "I gotta watch these aswell" but just don't make a big deal of it or keep mentioning it. Playing it suttle is the best way forward for now I think. Only problem I can see with that is that there so darn expensive for 1 series as theres usualy like 10 DVD or something.

  2. I agree with ravens_folly and monettlisa, something small, practical, and shows that you paid attention to something about her and what she might like. Best gifts aren't about what you actually get, its about thinking about the person and showing you care.


    hahaha thats what I said, why do they get all the credit lol (only kidding im not really bothered).


    But as I said (and raven), get something to do with her interests.

  3. Is there such a gift??. Well I would say boring old chocolates. Its a classic and can be taken on both levels. But that alone seems too cheap and unoriginal. This really is a hard one. BTW thanks for reminding me I need to do my christmass shopping


    Erm show alot of thought in the gift you choose BUT don't highlight the fact how you put soo much thought into it, and she should pick up on the fact(giving you more of a chance with her). What are her interests??? That could help us choose a more suitable gift.

  4. Erm not 100% sure what your wanting an answer too here. But I believe he was very unthoughtfull and tactless with what he said due to certain occurrences that have sadle happened lately (sorry to hear about them).


    Also saying he wants to have sex with you is not the way to attract a decent woman. I mean what planet is he from (there may be more to it than I know, which makes that point less stupid) But to say it after you were a victim of attempeted rape is just disgusting.


    And I don't believe in such things as "pingpongs" I believe it is just a person who can't let go of the past and move on.


    The question you need to ask, is do you wan't to go back down the path of a relationship with him? And if you do, will it lead to happyness or be the best thing?.


    By all means meet up with him again, if he does treat you with respect. But dont string him along if you never want a "relationship" with him. Tell him strait you don't want to go down that path. And if he is a decent bloke he will understand and stay friends.

  5. Well personaly my advice would be DON'T DO IT. What will you achieve by getting her in trouble?. You may get a moments pleasure out of knowing you could have ruined this girls life.


    But what if she wants to be a chemist for the rest of her life, she may not be able to and you will always know you have messed up someones life to no repair.


    Also you will be stooping to her level. Do you really want to be as immature as her? Or will you take the high road and be the bigger man?


    There are stories you can tell I wont say them (but if you really feel you have to say one and stoop to her level of immaturity) be carefull what you say as somethings may end in legal cases, and huge fines upon her and the company she works for. So dont go down that road or you may find yourself infront of a jury giving evidence, are the truth is nearly always foud my friend.


    What I would say is this girl is NOT worth the hastle.


    I hope you makethe right decision.

  6. First of all, assertain if she has a boyfriend. If she does, leave her alone. It i not faire to put that strain on her relationship with someone whom she may love. And also you may look a complete idiot lol.


    Second if she doesn't ask around if you have that girls (who I think likes you) number then get the other girls number off her. But be descrete and try not to hurt her feelings.


    Also dont leed this other girl on, its not fair or nice.


    If you get her number call her if you don't your going to have to deal with it. Try and forget her, I am in the same situation right now. And I have been told to forget these things, just highlight the bad points about her in your head. Think of her in worste possible way to try and stop your crush. BTW how old are you?

  7. *BIG HUG*


    Hey girl, break ups hurt but things get better. But the thing I would like to address is the drinking. I at my young old age have already fallen down that path. DON'T GO THERE. Drinking never helps ;-


    - Makes you more depressed

    - Can become addicted

    - Costs lots of money

    - Is a sign of weakness, face the problems donnt hide behind a bottle.

    - Ruins your complexion lol (aswell as the crying) not good for the skin.


    I know drinking helps numb the pain but it is NOT the right answer. How much ahve you been drinking and how much is this costing you?


    Ask yourself on a "shallow" level. is a bloke who you can dedicate yourself two and love really worth spending all this money destroying yourself over. Because really I think he is a pile of "bleep" to do things like this to any woman.


    You are better off without him.


    Good luck




    P.S. Sorry if some of these points have been addressed I dont have time to read every single reply in full.

  8. OMG 100% true, this is 4th time it happened now. But the thing is you wake up witht hat feeling of purpose, and feel your loved, and just want to embrase your (ex) partner. Then you realise, I not with them anymore, there enjoying life with someone else. And just feel like a pile of poo and worthless. Then isntead of happy thoughts making you want to live the day you think, ohh here we go. Anouther boring day for boring old me,life is such a chore.

  9. Same problem man, past 3 of 4 nights, personally it's making me feel like contacting too, because I know my whole situation was never truly put to rest...and keep thinking that maybe contact would help...but I'm doing my best to fight it.


    Hey ours wasnt properly put to rest, but right now she got a new boyfriend, who she is experiencing "enfatuation" for at the moment, so I got no chance, and neither do I want one really lol. I just miss the good times we had I gues. And these are bought up by tales of her doing things with him that she did with me.

  10. Ya thats what I should do. but well I got demoted at the bleep whole where I work. So now am on the tills, which is most boring thing ever. And well she comes rushing to my head (or her and new bf). I was sitting then and got a reciept role, and started rippingit apart and folding the broken bits of reciept into triangles of differant sizes lol. Came home with like 50 in my pockets lol. I mean making triangles can only satisfy a man for soo long.

  11. Is it normal to dream about your ex girlfriend even if you know there is no chance of getting abck with her. And you have got over her. But then I had a dream two nights in a row where I was kissing her and iother such things. And during the dream I was really happy. Whats going on I dont want these feelings. HELP, is it normal and will these dreams stop or am I getting feelings for her again?.

  12. Hehe just thought I would say im not gay and were talking about me liking a female here hehe. But I get what u mean and blimey that bloke souds just like me lol. Im all of what he was and basicalytoo lazy to do anything, I am too lazy to even go to university, although everyone says its wasited potential. I dont feel you have to go to university to achieve maximum potential.




    Im exactely that I can't just suddenly change who I have feelings for, if I could I would not be posting here. I think best thing to do, is think about her bad points, and avoid her slightly for abit.

  13. hat "what" is what you have to define. Make the most of it. There is much to be had from all sorts of people and more to be learned from those people who are different from us. Superficiality can be fun. Materialism can be fun. Hanging out with people like that can be fun as well. It doesn't mean you have to become that way yourself. If often actually helps to confirm what you are about. Be different

    Lost you abit there lol, and kinda off point haha, but under stood in the end. And as you said why should I let it come in the way of the friendship.


    Actually, you sound like you are already something of a free spirit, which is great

    Indeed I am, and teachers at school picking up on it. Was in geography today and teacher said she hated my laid back attitude to life, and my spaced out look all the time (whatever that means).


    Imagine her in some pretty unattractive poses or situations. It works if you really try it.

    There isnt any shees HOT lol. Only things I can think of are utterly sick and bizarre, and as these make me sick I don't want to think about them lol


    "Becky, you are so wonderful and I want you to be my girlfriend! You deserve someone who knows just how great you are and I will treat you better than anyone!"

    I wouldnt do that lol. Sorry but would just make me look a looser so to say. Seen it done soo many times before and it failed horribly lol. And yer I read your post, and im fortunatley one of the lucky ones who know when someone has said no.


    Same applies for girls, this girl asked my friend to the cinema and he text her saying

    "NO, I am busy all week ! ! ! ! ! ! !"

    And she took the explanation marks as he was interested lol, but really hhe dont like her as a person let alone a girlfriend material.


    But yes although your advice Diggity Dog is actualy "AMAZING" I wont take it this time and will follow cruisin. But will certainly be following your plan if I meet someone else. BTW I am almost at the gentleman stage already, so I not got much work to do thankfully, except I get treated like a doormat hahaha.

  14. Haha that post made me laugh lol, loved it. But yer at the moment I dont even want a girlfriend. Broke up with my ex bout 2 months aggo and am not ready. And yer alot of people think im Bi or gay lol. I just find it funny, cos I dress nicely, enjoy shopping and using alot of facial products lol. And have afew girls that like me in that way but unfortunately I dont like them. Such a big circle of failed fancies

  15. Ok you probably heard this many many times. But what is the best way to stop thinking about someone you fancy (bar going out with them lol). As I have this prediciment im stuck in you see.


    I fancy this girl, you may all say whats so hard in that?, well I will say what. She is one of my close friends and I dont want to do anything that will endager our friendship. Will these feelings for her naturaly subside, or will they only go if I do something about them.


    In conjunction with the fact I dont want to spoil the friendship, we wouldnt get together anyway as she does not feel for me in that way. And even if she did we wouldnt go well as boyfriend and girlfriend, for the following reasons;-


    1. She likes someone else and think they will always be there in her heart.

    2. My idea of a good relationsip is love and companionship above everything, hers is a b/f who can buy her things. I mean her dream in life is to be a rich mans wife she dont care about love and that. (also wasn't implying that I want to marry her and stuff lol just using it as an example).

    3. We live bout 35miles to 40 miles apart so seeing eachother would be hard and only on a daily basis at school (and the odd weekend).


    So as you can see I always fall for the wrong girls. What do I do? How do I forget her? And please dont suggest telling her because that would only makethinks awkward.

  16. Hi all,

    Here is my problem, i bloody analyze everythings, especially other peoples relationship!! i cant stop.. it is irritating, it is distroying myrelationsihip. I want to stop but i am having problems where to start... it is like filling too much head space... !!!

    ADVICE PLS!!!!!!


    exactely the same problem as me and I really want to be a psycologist but really cant be arsed to do 7 years of university lol.

  17. I understand whrn you break up with someone, for whatever reason...it's natural to feel disappointed , hurt etc. ..but when you have concrete solid reasons for a relationship ending it's easier to accept.


    Personally my hardest breakups have been when there is no REAL closure...or you feel like the relationship never really got a fair shot. It leaves me feeling "incomplete". Any of you guys feel that way too? In MY mind..because things never got to that point..I always think "what if"....I realize this is a destructive way of thinking....but I guess being able to fantasize about the way things could have been..is in a way, something that keeps me sane..and able to deal with it.


    Some of us have stories of the one who "got away" etc....


    I'm interested in hearing some of those stories...


    I must say I agree 100% with this. Especialy as when me and my ex broke up she flirted with me alot then 3 days later we had sex then she went after some other boy (best mate) and it all builds up and crushes you. She didnt give relationhip a fair run she jumped at second hurdle, but ohh well even though I loved her I have come to accept there is plenty more fish in the sea.

  18. wow thats a long post and I only read half of it lol. But thanks cleard things up,my girlfriend was abusive so why should I love her more than anyone else who may treat me amazing.


    Im having feelings for anouther of my best mates just hope I dont get a repeat of last time. Besides we wont get together. Sorry that was off the point.

  19. Best thing to do is tell the truth. If you can go for a reduced sentence. And remember you are being taken to court for a reason, and the law is supposed to be un bias to anyone. So wasting police time is a serious offence and people could have been killed for you trying to get your car back. I hope it all plans out well for you though, and hope u get off the drugs and hope you get marriend.


    But also to be honest I dont have much sympathy for you, if you loan/give your truck to somebody so you can take drugs. Then after that betray these other people who are supposedly your friends and go to the poilce, file a false report and expect them to sort out an illeagle activity you have performed.


    Kind of reminds me of this bloke who sold his microwave for cocaine. Then later found out it was mixed with flower and went to the police saying he got a bad deal. Well as you can imagine he got arrested, and for good reason.

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