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Posts posted by Jonboy582

  1. Yer my sister was going on about that acid stuff. And theproduct sheuses and says its the best she ever had for her spots I copied and got the same. so I gues it has it in. As for moisturising apprently it has to be non oil based otherwise it clogs the pores. I havnt got any thats not oil based so I dont moisturise my face. But if you think that helps I will.


    finally for shaving I use "Wilkinsons Sword Quatro, the worlds first four blade razor" with Gillette for men shaving foam (forsensitive skin).

  2. Hello people me again with ANOUTHER problem. Wel this time its more physical. Basicaly, I suffer from achne, I keep it under control as best I can with antibiotics, strickt facial hygine and erm face masks and stuff lol. But they just wont go, and recently they have been extra bad. And everytime I shave they go VERY VERY bad. And I need to shave daily but I leave it to like once every 4 days to reduce irritation and I end up looking like a tramp. Anyway I was wondering is there anythingI could do short of that electic therapy stuff thatkills the rootso the hair doesnt grow? cos shaving then flaring up with spots both damages my self confidence, is anoying and erm justnot nice for other people to look at.

  3. This thing doesnt work too well. I said I was over 84, only 2 ft tall weighed 900lbs, and had all of the ailments and it only said there was a 64% chance I would die. Personaly if you were over 84 ridled with disease and ahd all the others there is a strong chance you would die the next day.


    EDIT : oops I see someone else has pointed this out, and it doesnt change or go above 64%

  4. I know its very hard position, as I want to look out for what she wants and she has been wanting a bf for ages and this other bloke likes her kind of to and was thinking bout leaving his presat gf for her. And she never finds a bloke thats right for her as she is soo fussy. Now she found someone she likes and he likes her. But he is in a couple. So on one hand you have to balance how it will all end up happiest and on the other consider the other girls feelings (im personaly not too keen on her as she was very heartless when I broke up with my ex), but I wont let that bias my decision.


    So basicaly finding a bloke will be VERY hard as well she is soo fussy, they cant just be the perfect personality they have to be attractive aswell, and preferably have alot of money. She can be kind of shallow like that.

  5. Hey I know there has been many of these threads in the past but please can I have help. My friend has started really fancying this bloke from school, who unfortunately has a gf. Well he startedflirting back with her and she knows its wrong and adament she will never let anything happen between them. Also what makes it worse is this girl is sooo madly inlove with the boy and her and the mum think there going to get married. And well I given her all the usual advice of never cheat, try and stop txting him as much and that. But its not a huge help, anyone got any advice? Funny thing is this is the girl I once fancied and had to get rid of unwanted feelings for her lol.

  6. Well those who want to get big or muscular, "pay the price" from what I have seen. People who are bodybuilders have to take it to the point of barfing or they just won't grow.


    But anyway, back to the point, females who are built vs. males with muscles aren't even close. Built meaning muscles. Just the way it is and I stand by the fact that males have to do double the work to fit the mold of what is seen as "hot".


    Anonymous, he isn't overtraining though. He was doing the 3 days a week workout before and it did nothing. He goes 5 days a week but only does one body part so he is in and out quick which is actualy very optimal. He doesn't spend an hour + at the gym which so many do. Doing that will almost guarantee minimal gains.


    My appologies I was not awear of the whole situation. And I think im almost as bad as your friend. (just realised I work out 5 times a week). Mainly upper body work and alternate between muscle groups. But I see very little gains and it gets anoying as im built like anouther one of my friends and he does F all exercise. probably anouther reaosn why im uncomfortable about my body.


    That site was kind of usefull thanks for it. Unfortunately not changed my view.

  7. Besides where did your mum get the idea being a biologist was easy. I mean it has been statistical proven in England that Biology is the hardest of all subjects to pass.


    I’m sorry but does your mum think that a biologist looks at plants and basic evolution stuff?.


    Also it depends on what areas of any subject and how well you do them as to there pay and difficulty. You could make ALOT of money working for a pharmacist doing microbiology and developing new drugs. Also don't go for a job based upon the salary go for a job that you like. Many people get high paid office jobs and within those people there is a HUGE suicide rate and rate of high blood pressure. Does that not show you something, they went for a job that had more money but in the end were less happy. Is it really worth it?.


    Ohh and as jobs go the hardest (mentally) would be a quantum physicist and erm least mentally demanding a working on an assembly line.


    Or you could judge hard as being someone who has to deal with rape victims or clean up human waste. And the easiest someone who owns a website and sits there claiming money and doing no work. It all depends on how you measure it.

  8. Haha na dont worry bout me im tough as old boots, and fortunately those symptoms are going now thank goodness. I wasn't taking any medication. And there is a HUGE bug going around at the moment and doctors are TOO busy. Literaly where i come from 1/4 of the whole of all the schools are off sick. And we been sent letters from the council saying you need not go to doctors. But instead take 48 hours off work lol.


    It also states the obviouse and tells you to


    "Don't leave soiled clothes and bedding lining lying around, put them in a bag then wash them".


    That pretty self explaitory wouldn't you say.

  9. So you are basically either an endomorph or ectomorph or somewhere in between.


    You forgot Mesomorph.


    I have a friend who goes to the gym 5 times a week, uses many supplements like creatine, eats A TON, and is thin.


    And I know you know allot about this stuff but when you said this I have to say one huge reason for this is because he is over training. Fair enough creatine helps reduce the time for muscle recovery. But and a huge but at that. He is still over training. Your muscles need at least 48 hours to recover from a good work out and he not allowing them that.


    Also after time he will not see any gains as about every month or so it is best to have like a 2 week gap to totally recover then start again.


    I know too agree some people put on muscle more than others I know this from experience as I’m one of "the others". But he is over training. Tell him to go to gym 3 times a week and I am pretty sure after like 4 months he will see more gains than he has done in 12 months training.


    I know all this as I have studied sports science at school and currently studying it at University. What I said is the bear bones of what happens and it summed up. But believe mean what I say.

  10. I would say it is easier for a female to be seen as the misconception of "hot" than a man.


    My reasoning for this is that a woman to look "hot" only has to loose weight. Becoming bulimic and anorexic and being very skinny is NOT HOT. Quite frankly it disgusts me I would prefer a 500lb woman than someone who looks like there a prisoner from Auschwitz.


    But a man he has to train VERY VERY hard. Lift weights which is strenuous, but you cant break for too long or your effects decrease quickly. We also have to diet at the same time. I work out on a semi hard basis and that's hard enough.


    I concur that it is VERY hard for both sexes but in my (maybe bias) view that men do have to work harder to achieve what they want as they have to do everything a female does and add heavy weights on top of that.

  11. I best give this a read. I am soo self consciouse of my appearance and am not satisfied with my body. I also know I have no reason to be as I have actualy been complimented on it. But I just can't expose myself, I mean I get embarased going swimming so I justdont go anymore.


    What I read so far I have tried but that was only 1 article.


    Thanks for the advice im sure itwill help many



  12. Hi sorry I wasnt sure if this should go in this forum but I goingto try anyway. Im coming down raly unwell (think its the flu) so you can imagine im feeling bad. Congestion, soar throat, aching joints and feel puffy.


    But what I wanted to ask is it normal to feel like numb. My fingers and face are loosing sensation abit like when your starting to get drunk, where you loose some sensation and you can sort of feel there presance where as before you could not.


    Any info on this would be appritiated.



  13. thats kind of hard to answer without knowing what sex you are


    haha yeah we have all asumed it was a bloke BUT the picture implies maybe "they" are of the other sex as it is of a woman. lol


    Sorry for any confusion and embarasement I may have caused.

  14. Erm yes and no.


    Hard to explain but it varies depending on many factors. I mean like I dunno its too hard to explain. But in short, the following change how sex and masterbation feel;

    - How comfortable you are with your partner

    - What positions you do

    - Many other things I cant be bothered to list and someone else can for me as im feeling lazy today (sorry)


    But masterbation you do have 100% control over so you can do what you want at the speed you want so could prove better.


    But in answer to your question no they dont feel the same but the same nerves are stimulated so they ARE similar.


    And also don't feel embarased your 19 and avnt had sex. So what it dont make you any different from someone who isn't a virgin. Some people are 25 and havn't driven a car. That doesn't make them any less of a man. Thesethings should only be embarasing ifyou make them so. Be proud you havn't had sex and do what you thinks right when you think it is right. And remember never get pushed into anything your not 100% comfortable.

  15. The most embarrasing thing that has happened to me during sex is what we Brits call 'Fanny farts'. When air gets trapped inside the vagina during intercourse and makes a fart noise.


    I could of died when it happened with me and my BF. "I swear that wasn't, what, err, you thought it was..."


    How embarrassing.


    Please tell me I'm not the only one that almost died from embarrassment from having this happen. How common is this...


    It's also known as a "queef" or a "vart". And well its kinda odd when it does happen though lol, makesme chuckle. And you think thats bad my ex has done something 10 times worse. In doggy but it was a "vart" it was from the other hole lol.

  16. I just had a very deep thought.. I wonder what all of the people in our lifetime that disapproves of homosexuality will think when they die, go to heaven & actually see gay people that made it there also? I'm very curious about the afterlife & I wonder how it's going to be like?? Everyone is at peace & everyone can be themselves..


    Or even worse the end up in hell because of descrimination and prejudice towards homosexuals. lol

  17. Ok I’m sorry if I offend anyone, but if you take offence to my opinion that’s your own fault.


    Basically, anyone who thinks gay people will go to hell or is different or wrong is extremely narrow minded. What basis is there for this?


    I mean I am an atheist as the bible is FULL of contradictions and things that are not withheld while others that are which I think is ridiculous why people can abide by one set of rules but discard the others as its convenient with them.


    It says you can’t wear clothes of two different materials at the same time but everyone does that, and in the same writing it says it’s evil to be homosexual. So why do these people decide to think its evil to be gay but ok to wear cloths of different material.


    The only reason many of these things were originally written is because they were not understood. It is now known that you are in most cases homosexual from birth and it is in fact genetic. They did not know this in the days the bible was written so they could not understand it.


    I mean the leader of the protestant church is a supporter of homosexual priests and other clergy.


    Also anyone who treats you different for being homosexual well is not worth your consideration or bother. (I don’t know how much of this has been said by other people as I could not be bothered to read all the replies lol).


    I hope no one got the wrong impression and thought by any means I was condoning or slating the Christian religion as I’m not and people should be left to worship/praise or believe what they want.


    EDIT : By the way im not sure if you actualy gay lol, could you clear that up for me please?

  18. Hi my friend she has a fear of going into assembly. Those of you who don't know what that is, its when in school the whole school get together go into one big hall and the headmaster talks about things basicaly.


    Well yes she has developed a fear of going into assembly. Or into an exam (is in same hall if thats of any relevance).


    Basicaly as far as I can gather she starts having a small panic attack.

    - Her vision blurs

    - Goes dizzy

    - Breaks out in a sweat.


    Could anyone help me and shed some light on this and what she can do. As she is missing school just so she doesn't have to go to assembly and also affecting her grades as she struggles in exams.

  19. Well I thinkits a great idea, not only do you enjoy yourself. You also satiating your sexual desires that may or may not be carried out where there notwanting (notsaying you would cheat or anything. But its just a healthy thing to do (don't tell her though, cos thats kind of weirdand something I would do (you don't want to be like me) ).

  20. Wow that is bad, you have had more than your fair share of grief for 10 life times. Makes me feel kind of bad and immature for getting worked up with things that happened to me when you had them soo much worse.


    Also I was wondering with your wealth of knowlage it would be great if you became a regular poster here as you have ALOT to offer this forum, and the readers/posters that come with it. Hope to see you around.

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