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Everything posted by Cookie24

  1. He's testing the waters to see if he can still shoot his shot with you, and you did the right thing especially that he caused you pain..
  2. It could mean anything, but my guess is that she lost interest. Don't take it personally.
  3. Being in a healthy committed relationship has nothing to do with your body count. Someone could be a virgin and still be the worst partner another person could have. Focus on much more important skills such as healthy communication, emotional availability, willingness to fight for your partner. These traits and many more is what makes you a good partner, and not your body count. I hope you find what you're looking for. Best luck.
  4. It seems to me that you're mad that it's over and all the time and energy spent on the relationship went to a waste, rather than losing the person himself. I'd say face the consequences of your actions, and take this as an opportunity to learn and become a better girlfriend in the future.
  5. You're not alone.. a lot of people who claim would never hurt you, eventually do. That's why it's best to lower your expectations, pay little attention to words. You did what you could, now you need to focus on yourself and heal so that you wouldn't sabotage your future relationships in anyway. Best of luck
  6. Sorry about that. My advice to you is to go deep and try to pinpoint the true cause of your anxiety. It may appear that you love her and hence you had that reaction, but it could by anything else. It could be your bruised ego, unmet expectations or anything else. This is how you become more mature, by understanding yourself better and deciphering all the reactions and emotions in you body. The idea of an ex moving on hurts no matter what the reason is, but for the sake of your mental health I advise to go NC with this ex and try to focus on forming other health romantic relationships with people who are compatible with you. Staying friends with an ex is never a good decision.
  7. I'm sorry you're going through this.. but, listen.. there's no point in trying to analyze what happened because you'll never get the closure you want. It could be anything and it's only her who could tell you what's REALLY going on inside her head..and I wouldn't count on that much either. You should just swallow your pride, pull yourself together, stop contacting her at all, and give yourself some time to heal. This "lovely" girl wasn't even down to some mature talk, everything was over in a matter of minutes for her..so why bother? Life is too short to analyze what people do to us.
  8. I'm sorry you feel this way. I know how it feels because I have those thoughts myself, but it's important to learn to open up your heart to loss and being abandoned. It's not a big deal, you'll get over it anyway. I have these thoughts only when I'm in romantic relationships, and even though when I had them the people I was with turned out to be the bad kind..I knew I had to quiten those thoughts, and observe. Why not try the same and see if it works for you? You can try the rubber band technique, I did and saw some improvement.
  9. The OP isn't getting any quality time with her, his needs aren't being met and he has every right to feel sad about it. How are they going to create a strong bond, if they don't have quality time together?
  10. She used it stay up late to talk to you because you both were in the honeymoon stage, now that the feelings are less intense and the pace of the relationship has become slower, she went back to do what was is important to her.. going to sleep early. Why don't you discuss this with her, and try to reach a middle ground? If you are not getting what you want, then leave. But don't let doubts and fears eat you up.
  11. Sorry this happened to you and I'm sorry it has affected you negatively. If this happened to me, I would run! This guy has very poor self control skills and he clearly stepped the line as it made you feel uncomfortable. This man and his alikes don't even deserve closure. You're fine, don't let these losers question your self worth.
  12. As a woman who's the same age as her, your response was just fine. However, I believe she has abandonment issues. You have actually hit the mark of 2-3 months during which people with abandonment issues start to pull away, question their feelings and sabotage the relationship. You might want to learn more about the fearful avoidant attachment style because she seems to fit the description. I had something similar happen to me just yesterday and decided to end things. Things were going great with this guy, and then he stated pulling away. I knew before hand he had abandonment issues, but didn't give it much attention and I wish I did. I ended things and he welcomed the decision saying that "he feels confused and it's not me.. it him." If you're willing to work things out, go ahead but are you alright with the idea of probably going through this over and over again in the future? Relationships require equal effort, and this lady isn't doing any at all. I'd say move on and grant her her wish. Maybe she would realize her mistake and come back to you, and only then you get to decide whether you want her back or not. Don't let anyone instill and kinds of negative feelings in you (in this case it's regret and doubt). You did fine. Take a step back and give it some time and see how things unfold. If things are meant to be, they will. Good luck.
  13. It's clear that this guy has serious self esteem issues and probably fear of abandonment issues as well. I'd say you dodged a bullet, because it never works out with such people. They need to work on themselves first because getting into a relationship. You're wasting your precious time and energy trying to analyze what happened and getting closure. It doesn't matter now, what matters is that this guy isn't interested in you and you shouldn't be too. People liking you means they like you, it doesn't mean they are going to like you all the time.. at some point people start losing interest. Mature people would stick around even if they do, immature people start pulling away and playing games like this guy. Be grateful that things ended soon, this could have gone for another few months and probably even years. Lack of experience is a major issue in the dating world, especially for men who find it difficult to express and regulate their emotions. I'd say forget about him, move on. You're beautiful and you deserve someone better. Life is too short, don't waste time analyzing and overthinking about "potentials". You'd never understand what was going on in his head, unless you ask.. and even then chances he would tell you the truth are very slim. Remember if a guy wants you, he would move mountains to be with you, and this idea itself should bring you relief.
  14. Hey! I created an account here just to reply to your post and share my somehow similar experience. I'm also 34, and I hadn't been in a relationship for two years. I spent that time to improve myself and it showed. 2 months ago, I met a guy online with whom I had a very strong connection. For the very first time in my life I felt like I genuinely liked the person and wanted it to work (despite all the challenge this relationship presented.. an age gap and distance). The guy resembles your e in a way as he was the one who insisted we make it official. I didn't want to because I had my fears. Everything seemed going well, until I told him that I needed some quality time. I'm not the needy or clingy type and because it's a LDR it was only fair to have one hour of quality time daily. This happened over the span of a fortnight. The first time, he said he wanted more space (even though he had plenty of alone time) and I did. He calld me and apologized. Just a couple days later of no quality time, he started pulling away. I communicated my needs very effectively only to get "idk what to say" text message. I felt frustrated. I put the same energy as he did, but then I realized that I should just move on. I ended it, and he welcomed the decision. It hurt because I felt ,even though I was the one to intiate the break up, I was in fact the dumpee. He said he felt confused and I think he might be dealing with some abandonment issues. I went no contact and I have no desire to get back together with him. I don't get what you would feel regretful over ending it? And even if you do, that wouldn't change a thing. You have to understand that it's normal to feel all sort of feelings, just don't dwell on it. I don't regret one bit ending things with this guy even though I was really emotionally invested in the relationship and could see us together.. despite all the challenges. Don't let negative feelings creep in, learn from the experience and move on. If wasn't meant to be. I don't know if you can text people here, because it's my first time here .. but text me if you want a new friend.
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