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Posts posted by yogacat

  1. 17 minutes ago, kim42 said:

    We're not allowed to bring anyone with us this time, it's an employee only party.

    This guy that I'm interested in from my other thread is coming to see me next month so I'm excited about that!

    Cool...I just don't want to see you stuck on 1 guy that isn't showing sure signs of interest. I'm glad you have an option next month.

    • Like 1
  2. 45 minutes ago, kim42 said:

    So yeah, I'm not expecting much to happen now, or at the party next week - not that I had crazy expectations before. I don't think I'll suggest anything to catch up or so either.

    How do you feel about bringing a date with you? Is there anyone else you're interested in atm?

  3. He sounds like a 47-year-old immature man who has not been successful with women so he chooses women 20 years younger than him.

    Are you sure that this is someone you would want to be with in the long-term? Do not fret about his actions and what he is doing, he is running away from being alone and is thinking like a 16 year old, not a 47 year old. Be grateful that you dodged this bullet.

    • Like 2
  4. 4 hours ago, kim42 said:
    All good points, thank you! 
    So he invited me to join his team for drinks several times, last week he told me they would go out this Thursday but he didn't confirm the details this week, it only happened when I saw him Thursday morning at the office. That's why I posted here, because I was starting to overthink it.
    I agree it may be too soon to label him as a 'player'. Just based on my previous experiences, when a guy would show some signs of interest and flirt with me but would be inconsistent and/or flaky, it usually turned out that he was only interested in something casual.

    Kim, please keep in mind, that this is a work setting.

    Him not sending you a message that they were leaving at the planned time, is a little bit rude. He could have sent that message.

    Work and personal life should not be mixed the way you are thinking. And, for him, not sending you that message about leaving the job site to get a drink- not sending you that message -- could be his way of not wanting to mix work with a personal relationship.

    I think if this had been a different setting, a date for example, than yes, he would have done the polite thing and let you know what was happening. So my opinion? I think it was not well handled by him in that he could have let you know what was happening.

    He showed that he was interested in having you around--- but is not yet ready to let any know at work that he 'might' be currently interested in someone. In reality, if you're going to date someone from work, you need to keep work and personal interaction separated. He could be concerned about "the rumor mill."

    The fact of the matter is that he is not inviting you one-on-one to go out and he is including you in a group setting. Maybe this is to keep things on the cooler or safer side as far as work goes-- to let others know that he is NOT looking to date.

    But, hey, nothing wrong with going out with a group of work friends any way. If anything, he's mmmmm maybe interested but he's also exposing you to others without the danger of being seen in public by himself.  

    Also, the touchy-feely stuff really needs to be looked at in two different ways. Some people are more kinesthetic (touch-feel) in nature than others. This could be him or it could also be the beginning of a luring tactic. It could be hurdle for you. It's really a moot point at this time. One thing for sure, he does like your company.

    I get that you felt left out at the drinks with his coworkers, but it's important to remember that he may have invited you as a courtesy or to make small talk at work. His actions don't necessarily mean he's interested in you in a romantic way. He may just see you as a friendly colleague.

    Again, I would think if he were more romantically interested he'd initiate more one-on-one interactions with you, especially outside of work. And his flakiness  - not messaging you when he said he would -  is definitely annoying. Totally get that but it also shows that he might not be as interested as you hope.

    You seem like a very self aware, level headed person and you know what you want for yourself. If his flakiness and lukewarm interest isn't aligned with what you want, then just enjoy the banter at work and keep it strictly professional.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 14 hours ago, kim42 said:

    Thank you, yes, it seems he likes the flirting and that's it. To be clear, I didn't expect him to be overly flirty with me yesterday because there were other people but I was just annoyed about him forgetting.

    At least I know now and I can move my attention somewhere else.


    Yes, flirting sometimes, and playful, because he is welcoming you into a new environment. You are new there. 

    Flirting sometimes can be friendliness, nothing more.

    He said he invited you for drinks because he saw you that morning. He didn't see you and he forgot about it. He went to the bar to have his own drink, he was chatting up his colleagues, he invited you because he saw you passing by.

    While I understand where you're coming from and your concern, I don't think you have enough information to label him as a player just yet. 

    Players are smooth talkers, they'll try to make a move and see how far they can get and use mind games and manipulation tactics. This guy is moving at snail's pace and he hasn't made any move at all except for inviting you to go out with his coworkers and a couple light arm touches.  

    Do you find him charming, confident, and charismatic? Does he compliment you a lot? Do you think he knows how to make you feel special and wanted? Those are the traits of a player.

    You know your interactions with him best -- and if those are the vibes that you're getting, then take heed.

    • Thanks 1
  6. What does that even mean, that it would be cool to hang out with an "older woman?" What are you some kind of zoo animal? And he's touching you after you told him you don't like strangers touching you, gahh.

    Avoid, avoid, avoid. 

    • Like 1
  7. 4 hours ago, kim42 said:

    Thank you, yes, it seems he likes the flirting and that's it. To be clear, I didn't expect him to be overly flirty with me yesterday because there were other people but I was just annoyed about him forgetting.

    At least I know now and I can move my attention somewhere else.


    Light flirting. That's what it felt like to you so that's what it was. Not knowing his character, I think either you were reading him right or upset.

    The fact that he didn't message you before you left is not a big deal. What if he did get held up and you did not get the message. 

    It doesn't have to lead anywhere at all. I guess it would be different when someone is persisting and asking more personal questions etc.

    But in this situation, it just seems like he was being friendly and flirty in a harmless way. Maybe he's interested in you, maybe not. But from what you described, I don't think it's anything serious or worth pursuing.  

    Given you like him and are a bit unsure I would also say not to put yourself in the position where you are waiting for him to make plans or reach out to you. In fact, I might start limiting my contact with him because if you keep it going, then I just think you might keep getting your hopes up or keep being confused as to the situation.

    I would just go to the party and have a good time, but don't put too much emphasis on him being there or trying to spend time with him. You're going to have to be proactive about doing your own thing.

    • Thanks 1
  8. Kim, I know you really like this guy, but honestly, it sounds like he is enjoying flirting with you. 

    If he had more romantic inclination towards you I would expect to see him pair off with you or ask to go somewhere to talk which to me would indicate a bit more. Even going together to chat would have non-verbally confirmed to you that he was interested in more than an 'on again off again' ping pong game.

    But I know it's easier said than done, so just do what feels right for you. I think most have us have suggested to keep open to meeting new people and don't put too much focus on this one guy.  

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  9. 3 hours ago, Batya33 said:

    How hard is to get into the radiology program if you reapply?

    It would be merit based, so because I have straight As and when you apply you get points, you take x amount of points and once you hit a certain amount, they take the applicants with the highest points. The thing is, people mostly coasted on Cs and barely made it in with Bs and sometimes barely Cs.

    I can also take steps to improve my application since the last time I applied (such as gaining relevant experience or taking additional courses), it may also improve my chances. 

    2 hours ago, mylolita said:

    Yes, important note there! 

    My husband has ran his own business for over 26 years now and employed a few people in his time, but he started when he was still employed and then gradually as it picked up, he dropped to part time hours and then quit altogether. It didn’t take long but he had some kind of back up.


    This line of work sounds very flexible Yoga so I am thinking you will be able to bend your hours to suit other things, even when studying? Like accommodating your Dad still and also your job at the moment? 

    All the best! This is very exciting stuff! 


    That's true, I do have some contacts in the healthcare industry and I could potentially look into shadowing or volunteering opportunities to gain more relevant experience. And as for courses, I could take additional prerequisite courses or even try to get certified in certain areas to make my application more competitive.

    As for a backup plan, I have income from part-time work and an investment property that I could rely on if needed. Plus, I could always continue working in my current job while building up my own business on the side, if I do decide to take that route.

    And yes, the flexibility of this field is definitely a bonus. I could potentially work part-time or on a freelance basis to accommodate other commitments and obligations. Overall, I'm really excited about the potential opportunities and challenges this path could bring.

    If I enter into the radiology program, they advise you NOT to work, given the intensity and demands, and while I am bringing in income, that might be difficult for me. 

    I also have a family member that built a multi-million dollar business on Amazon from scratch that is willing to mentor me, while not in the healthcare field, I believe the entrepreneurial skills could still be useful.

    @Wiseman2 -- yes, the field of diagnostic imaging is very physically and mentally demanding and something I have seriously considered before making the decision to pursue it. I am confident that I have the dedication, motivation, and physical stamina to handle the demands of the job.

    But, I do have to take that into consideration as well and make sure I am taking care of my health and well-being in order to be successful in the field. Thank you for bringing that up.

    • Like 1
  10. Personally, I don't think you're overthinking it. It's natural to feel a bit confused and unsure about the dynamics of this situation and whether or not he genuinely wants you to come for drinks with his team.

    However, at the end of the day, it sounds like he does genuinely want you to come and he took the time to invite you again in person, so I don't think it's a case of him only inviting you because he saw you this morning.

    He is moving at a snails pace and while I don't think you should close yourself off to the possibility of something happening with this guy, I would also advise you to keep your options open and not wait around for him. If he wants to take things further, he will make it clear and take the initiative.

    In the meantime, go for drinks with his team and enjoy yourself, but don't put all your focus and energy on this one coworker. You never know, you might end up making some new friends and connections within the company.

    • Like 2
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  11. Thanks for your contributions, everyone!

    I've been struggling with the decision of whether or not to pursue an incredible opportunity in radiology. The deadline to make a decision is 5pm today and I'm feeling the pressure 😬

    One of the positives is that if I choose not to accept the opportunity, I can always reapply next year. This might be a good option since my current family situation with my father is a bit unsettled. While I am drawn to the idea of starting my own consulting business, focusing on healthcare administration and assisting those in need, I might also consider doing contract work until I am able to attend the radiology program.

    I believe that AI is going to have a huge impact in the field of radiology, and I could have the opportunity to be at the forefront of developing AI algorithms to aid in image readings. However, I am hesitant about the potential of AI replacing humans in this field. I believe that technologists are still crucial in positioning patients and ensuring the accuracy of imaging scans, a task AI may not be able to do just yet 🤔

    It's a tough decision, but as of now, I am leaning towards pursuing my consulting business. This will give me the flexibility to take care of my father while also having a fulfilling career. I am passionate about making a difference in healthcare and I believe this is the best way for me to do so.

    I would love to hear your thoughts on this matter.

    • Like 2
  12. Five months?  That's a pretty significant amount of time. If you've been hanging out with this person for five whole months and nothing has been said about your relationship, then it's definitely time to address it. You're not wrong to want clarity in your relationship with him. I mean, what is the alterative? You continue going on dates and spending time together without knowing where he sees this going?

    FTR, none of my LTRS, did we have that kind of ambiguity.

    Now, I know it can be scary to initiate this type of conversation. Trust me, I've been there. But the longer you wait, the more invested you become, which can make it harder to have this talk. So, it's best to address it sooner rather than later.

    Otherwise, you start to feel like you're in a complicated situationship, which sucks. It might feel a little awkward to ask him flat out about where he sees your relationship going because it's always tough to put yourself out there, and you put yourself in a position to get rejected.

    • Like 1
  13. I'm sure you feel like you're the cool guy because she's in a relationship and you're the one she's cheating with. And only if you can get her to leave her boyfriend you'll feel like you've accomplished something.

    Problem is behind the scenes, she might not leave her boyfriend. 

    Oh, and on the Aries thing, silly astrology. You know when all the astrologers say, "It's time to be prepared for a change in your life", that happens every day, to everyone...and it always has. 

    BTW, I'm cancer, and it's so fitting.😆

    • Like 1
  14. 14 hours ago, mylolita said:

    @yogacat Mothers Day 🤣

    “I can’t heeeear you! I’m trying to enjoy myself!” 😆

    The spraying hairspray as she's heading out the door....I can't....LOL


    • Haha 1
  15. 28 minutes ago, Wiseman2 said:

    A degree in social work is appropriate for that but you may need a master's degree in social work to do what you are talking about. 

    That's true, a master's degree may be needed for more advanced roles in social work. But the Healthcare Administration program also allows for specialization in areas such as social work, so I could potentially combine my passion for social work with my degree in Healthcare Administration.

    Like (and not to poo poo dump) but with my father, he has limited income, some assets, but not enough to where we could hire a full time caregiver for him.

    This is a very real and common concern for many families, especially those with aging parents or loved ones who require assistance and care. Healthcare Administration skills and knowledge can be applied to addressing this issue and finding solutions that are both affordable and meet the needs of individuals with limited income. Like, Medicare and Medicaid for example, it's a minefield for anyone trying to navigate the system for their loved ones let alone someone that is recovering from or struggling with health issues to navigate on their own.

    Just thinking out loud, and I know there are advocates and resources out there who can help educate and guide individuals and families through the Medicare and Medicaid processes, but I hate seeing the elderly especially being taken advantage of or not getting the help they need because of complex systems and lack of resources. 

    This has given me a lot to think about and explore in terms of career options. 

  16. 7 hours ago, DarkCh0c0 said:

    Hey @yogacat,

    Congrats on the acceptance!! 🌟

    Is this immediate? Can you postpone the start date one term later? What flexibility would the program offer if you choose to proceed with it?

    Thanks so much!

    Both programs I would start in the Fall 2024. If I don't accept the offer of acceptance for the Radiology Technology program, I will have to forfeit my spot and reapply for the program another time. In terms of flexibility, Healthcare Administration offers part-time classes but Radiology Technology is a full-time commitment. I started out wanting to do Radiology Technology, and I've teetered between eventually pursuing Nuclear Medicine or Mammography within Diagnostic Imaging.

    7 hours ago, Kwothe28 said:

    What happens after 6 months? Meaning can he function on his own after that time or somebody else will take care of him? Because Fall is in a few months anyway so maybe you can do radiology without that much obligations toward your dad.

    The goal is to get my father back to the state that he loves (Arizona) after 6 months. I know that's where his heart is and where he ultimately wants to be.


    If I go with Radiology Technology, once I graduate (2 years), I am limited to working in that field ONLY - cannot cross or correlate. If I start with Healthcare Admin, I am able to progress to more advanced roles. 

    Specifically, I would love to pursue a degree in Healthcare Admin where I eventually start my own consulting firm, so the degree seems to be more solvent and applicable in the long run. I have always been passionate about healthcare and have always wanted to be in a position where I can make a positive impact on the industry. 

    Which brings me to my other question (and maybe some other members can chime in and let me know what their thoughts are?......) but if I choose the Healthcare Admin route, I would love to consult in a niche that is very important to the community (like elder care or advocating for the disenfranchised). I know that is going to require extra coursework on industry topics.

    In terms of flexibility in the program, the Healthcare Administration program offers a variety of elective courses that I can choose from to tailor my degree towards my interests and career goals.

    Additionally, there may be opportunities for internships or special projects in specific areas of healthcare that align with my passion for helping marginalized communities.

    I came across Somatic experiencing, which is an innovative approach to treating trauma. It's a new area that is gaining more recognition in healthcare, and I would love to explore it further. Being part of the Healthcare Administration program would allow me to take elective courses in this field and possibly even do a project or internship centered around it. This level of flexibility and personalization in the program would allow me to pursue my interests and make a meaningful impact in the healthcare industry.

    Whereas, if I do Radiology Technology I am limited to solely working in that field and cannot explore other areas of healthcare that I am passionate about. However, I do understand the value and job security that comes with having a specialized technical skill in the field of Radiology Technology.

    Can anyone think of niches within Healthcare Admin that are most in need in the community? I would love to explore all options before making a final decision. Thank you for your advice and guidance, it's greatly appreciated!

    • Like 1
  17. 2 hours ago, Sindy_0311 said:

    I don’t think women are as strong as men. If a man and a woman workout exactly the same, the man will develop more muscles and strength, its just biology. 

    About that man, I have to say that until he did it I was in an observation mode. He would say stuff like “I hope we will make it work between us” or “next time I will take you there, we will do this together etc…” I somehow sensed that he was just looking for a girlfriend, no matter whom he has in front of him. He also confessed that he doesn’t like to be single in general… He was already calling me cute name after our first date which I found a bit weird. After we kissed on the second meet I thought to myself, so now what? …The kiss came to soon and somehow, I already felt bored. Maybe the reason why I jumped on the occasion to end the date. Idk. But you are all right, we didn’t click. He was very good looking, somehow interesting but we were not in a/our bubble. When he left, I felt relieved, that I could continue spending the night interreacting with other people. 

    One thing I thought about today: When we got divorced, me and my ex-husband, we were very close and telling each other about our dating life. At some point he confessed that he does checks other girls, and was doing it when we were married, but I never saw it. He also told me that the first time we met, he wasn’t really attracted to me. He found I was too skinny, he didn’t like my hair, etc… But he “saw” something in me. He never made me jealous or second guess his attraction towards me for 10 years. He was just so sure about me that it was enough. After our divorce, I saw him interact and talk to girls he wasn’t attracted to and his tone was very disrespectful sometimes. Same man, other women… So I do think that somehow a man CAN behave when he has real genuine interest for a woman… (which means that the other dude just wasn’t into me enough to behave for one entire date IMO) No big deal, just another great experience... 

    I would just look at it as 2 incompatible people. It doesn't mean anything is wrong with you and I wouldn't let it affect my future dating. Some people just don't connect or click and that's okay. It's better to realize it early on rather than waste each other's time. Don't let this one experience make you question your worth or ability to attract someone. Just keep dating and you'll find someone who is compatible with you and treats you with respect.

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  18. Hey all.

    So, I need a bit of career and life advice.

    I just received an email that said I have been accepted into the Radiology Program (which will be for two years) and I will start in the fall if I accept it. For the next two years, I will be training extensively 70-80 hours a week including clinical 20-30 hours a week on top of lecture and studying. But at the end of the day, I will have a better job awareness and I’ll be making much better money in the long run. I've worked two years for this and was accepted based on hundreds of applications. 

    I have to decide by this Thursday...

    Some of you already know, that my father recently suffered a stroke. He is living with me for the next six months and I am his primary caregiver. That means that I’ll have to put my studies first. My life will be hellish, but the trade-off for a comfortable and rewarding career would be worth it.

    The other option is to start in the Fall pursuing a Bachelors degree in healthcare administration. The school and work load will be less intense and it will give me more flexibility. The skills I learn and the less hands-on experience that I'll get in healthcare administration, might not be relevant or satisfying in the long run — the risk is for an unstable career but more opportunity for remote work.

    Dad is thrilled about the Radiology Program, but doesn’t know anything about the Admin option.

    At the end of the day, neither of these two career paths are a guaranteed job.

    I am just so lost you guys. I can not even explain. Has anyone any advice or thinks some options about choices would be greatly appreciated.

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