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Everything posted by Care_With_A_Pen

  1. AwWwWwWw...That was a very sweet and well wrote poem I really enjoyed reading it. I'm glad I came looking in here hehe.... have a good one! C_W_A_P
  2. Hello! I'm in a LDR myself right now. My bf and I met in a (MN) chat one night last month. We hit it off great. We have a bit of a problem though because he lives in a different city and so do I. We do however talk online durning the weeks when I'm here working with my parents and on weekends sum times we talk but not much because he is hanging out with friend's or doing other things. I just told him I want us together next yr and for the rest of our lives and he agrees I just hope we can make it that long cause I really love him and he loves me. So hold on sweetie u'll make it throug this of your strong (I'm pretty sure u are) don't give up on it if you love him and all that good stuff that comes with love. Bye, Care
  3. this is about an urge I had tonight... 5/13/2005, 8:46 PM I want to write what I feel, I can't seem to find the words that are real, Urged to open up my skin, Grab the glass sink it in, Afterwards feel the warmth of the cuts, What a beautiful sensational rush, When is it going to be enough? Shaken hands I can't write, Thoughts pour in my sight, Cuts ooze, Scars pink, Everything erased, No time to think, Will I make it through tonight? Will another day come my way? My tears slip down my face, Who will find me when I've lost my place? Sighs a minuet pass on by, Maybe tonight I will die, Slice to deep, Cut to long, Lay on the floor, I'll bleed to death, Find my peace in some paradise. Trying to close the picture's out, Should I stand up and shout? Does anyone care what this is all about? It's been a week I'm still afraid, I hope I can make it till 2 weeks, Recovering is all that I'm ready to seek.
  4. Hi! Ok so I'm 20 and I'm still cutting I have been since I believe 9th but, I think it was ealier than that. Anyway I'm resently trying to stop cutting its been a week so far almost 2 weeks coming up this sunday . Just wanted other's to know that if they ever need a friend or just someone to talk to you can reach me at my msng'ers Msn: email removed Yahoo: hiddenbehindscars I'm always here for any new or old cutter who just wants advice. It has not been easy for me to stop. I tried to stop on Easter I only lasted a week which sucked. So now I'm starting over (trying too) It's been a challenge keeping my scars hidding all these year's I can't believe my mom hasn't seen or asked anything. Than again I guess that is a good thing. I've even thought about asking for help but than the thought of being put in a mental house (if ppl ever found out) that I'd probably be called crazy for the rest of my life but, I'm not crazy I just have problems like everyone else. Ways I've found to take edge off of wanting to cut either reading a books or writing poetry (they both help me.) Well I'll go I don't want to make this any more boring than it probably is. Please ppl at least look at this if u want I'm no forcing u. Well have a good evening!
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