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Everything posted by frankie2k

  1. Cheers for your advice guys, but maybe I'm making her sound like a witch. She's the best person I've ever met. I respect her more than anything in the world. There's a part of me that always clings onto hope - all through the break-up she was worried about me and kept checking to see if I was alright. Maybe I was trying too hard and just getting on her nerves. It just...shocked me to get a response like that. We never had conversations like that in the "old days"! I know it's slightly different but when we were going out she sent loads of drunken SMS's to me - long distance relationship and all...Maybe because I would react in a different way if the tables were turned. Surely there's a second chance for anything? Or am I just needlessly clinging to hope? Bottom line is, we were great friends before all this happened. I don't want to ruin it. If I keep texting her then that'll jeopardise it. If I stop I know she'll start thinking more about me, but it runs the risk of the friendship fizzling and dying. I thought time had healed me, but for some reason the wounds have just opened again and all the emotions are flooding back. I...I just don't know what to think.
  2. I've screwed up in a big way. I was with my ex for two years, and then three months ago out of the blue she told me she thought she didn't love me anymore. She thought about it for a couple of weeks then told me, yes, she'd fallen out of love with me. I was gutted, understandably - and went through the usual emotions - questioning, suspicious, etc. Now time has past I still love her more than ever but really respect her for having had the guts to tell me. I still haven't got over it, but for her sake I pretended I had, we have a great friendship which comes under strain whenever I mention how we were, etc. Earleir this week we were getting to the chatting stage again, just talking about nothing in particular and I liked it. We were chatting like old friends, as we are. She talked about not having a current boyfriend or anything and it was nice. It was good to (kind of) reconnect and we were working on the friendship. Hopefully I could see it maybe blossoming again...who knows? But then last night I screwed up. I went out in a nearby city and got very drunk. I sent her some SMS's saying I was drunk and coming out with all the feelings I was experiencing. Understandably she freaked out. She told me to "f*ck off" (several times) and told me I'm risking the friendship. I love her so much, I thought (in my drunken state) that it was only fair to tell her how I was feeling. Obviously that was the wrong move. Now I think I've pushed her away for good. Does anyone have any advice on how I can patch things up? In an ideal world, no matter how long it takes I would do anything to get back with her. She's my everything. Please help!
  3. Well...didn't work. She wanted some time to evaluate things, and we went for a meal tonight. She turned up looking gorgeous, as per usual - but after a while we got talking and I realised the only future she sees for us is as friends. So tonight after nigh on two years I think it's officially over. I love her so much, it's unbelievable. I've never felt as strong for someone as I have her. I know it'll pass, but I don't want it to. I know the usual advice - I've given it out loads of times, but...I don't know what to do. know she's made up her own mind, and I dont want to be with her just because she feels sorry for me, and I KNOW it's being selfish, but I just want to be with her. Doubt anyone's got any tips on what I can do?
  4. I've got a problem and don't know what to do. My girlfriend and I have been together for two years now. She spends a lot of time away, a long way away, however we meet up as much as possible - every other weekend, so she can concentrate on her studies and I can concentrate on my career. I love her so much - she is the main thing in my life and until recently I thought I was the main thing in hers. However recently she started questioning about whether we were a long-term couple; I always thought we were. She has now said when she is away she doesn't miss me as she used to do. Nothing has happened in the relationship itself - we're both the same people we started off as. She's merely taking a step back and analysing our relationship in a long-term sense, which I respect her for. But I hate this. I can't bear to think of us apart. She means so much to me. I don't think it's the long-distance thing that's getting to her, as it's never been mentioned before. Does anyone else have experience with this? I know this could be the start of a break-up, which I so dearly don't want to happen. So much has gone on in the short space of time we've been together - it's a cliché, I know - but I can't imagine life without her. She's being so kind and feeling really guilty, which is the last thing I want. I'm feeling guilty of her feeling guilty. What could have made her stop missing me? What can I do?!
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