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Everything posted by shellybeanb4

  1. Im "dying" because I really want to talk and see him so bad! I still have feelings for him. Looking back at all those moments and the things he said...I came to the conclusion that he is not worth it. It really hurts me deep inside. I mean I can forgive him of kissing another girl, but what I cannot forget him about is that he didnt tell me right on my face what was going on. I guess Im just going to let him go. The last thing I did was to leave him a message on his phone to call me back. (last time I tried to talk to him, which was a couple of days ago, I said I anted to know what was going on and how was the relatioship going to be like, meaning if we were going to be friends.....all he said was good night, got into his car and drove away) This really hurt me so bad. but hey, thanks to this Im getting stronger. I really learned a lot from him. Im letting him go. Thanks for your advice, this is really helping me to overcome this situation.
  2. I really appreciate your help. I was confused, because eventhough he suggested a threesome and has done all those things, I still have strong feelings for him. This site is helping me a lot to overcome this situation. Im getting over it! Thanks to you all!!!!
  3. this kind of situations make you a better person, and make you stronger. This also helps you to get the real value of a person. Within time you learn to read people's eyes. I mean whats inside of them. the truth. It takes a few rocks on the road to get to the OnE.
  4. We have been dating for about 4 months, we stopped calling ad stuff for about three weeks, after that we talked, we missed eachother so much. everything seemed to be so well, I could hardly believe it. We had some kind of intimate relationship. One day he was hanging out at his best friends place. He said he and him have had a long night drinking, it was late afternoon, so both of them were sober. My bf and I started to play and getting horny. then he asked me Do you know what a train is? (looking at his best friend who was watching tv) I said what? he said a threesome. I was like, you are crazy. I left the place a few minutes later. One night we were talking about cheating....he said he kissed another girl. I said I didnt cheat on him, eventhough we didnt get to see eachother that often. My feelings for him were getting stronger everytime I saw him. We didnt finish the cheating conversation, but in tht conversation we talked about friendship..... On the very next day I went to see him and gave him a christmas card, saying thanks for his friendship. He said are you breaking up with me? I said well, thats what I understood from the conversation we had the other night. He got all mad and drove away. I followed him for about an hour until he stopped and told me that he didnt feel like talking at the time, he went over to his best friends place. I called his best friend to let him know he was on his way, he said I know, you guys just broke up. he said he was gonna talk to him. I went to see him after work to talk to him and she how the relationship was going to be like, are we s going to be friends ,a second chance and why he got mad. He said it was too late and he said goodnight. He drove away once again. Is he worth it? My feelin for him a very strong, and I have cried so much for him. I miss him so much. Should I just let him go eventhough Im breaking down?
  5. I think that you should let her know loud and clear. Everyone is really scared to show their feelings, because we dont want to hurt or get hurt. First let her know that your relationship as friends is such a treasure that you value the most and that since you have been friends for a while, your feelings for her have been growing. Youll be more disappointed for the thigs you didnt do, than the ones you did.
  6. Thanks for the reply. I went to see him last night. I waited for him after he ot off of work. I tried to talk to him, telling him that I needed to know whats going on, how is the relationship going to be like. I told him I dont want him to be mad. He was like, theres nothing else, its too late. Good night. Then he got into his car and drove away. I called him and left hima voicemail. saying that I needed to talk to him, to call me back. Im thinking about going to see him once again tonight, but I dont know what should I tell him. I just whant him to be fine, not to be in that bad mood. Ive thinkin about talking to his best friend, to find out what he thinks about this relationship. If this time he wont listen, Im just gonna leave him a note or a voicemail to let him know wabout my feelings, and I will move on.
  7. This is my firsttime here. Ths is my story: My bf and I have been dating for about 4, 5 months. We work about five miles away from eachother, because I go to college and work, it is sometimes hard for me to get to see him. Both of us work evenings and night times. We used to see eachother every other day or every weekend late at night. (WHen we got off which was around midnight,) and we stayed talking and stuff until early morning! Everything was pretty well, until one day I wanted to give him a surprise by visiting him at work. I went to see him at night at his work and I found him in the parking lot talking to another girl, the two of them staring at the night sky. I decided to ignore this, he told me she was one of his friends. Later on I found out that that day it was his day off of work. Later on, it was halloween, I surprised him me wearing a costume! During this time I noticed him being distant... like he was loosing interest for me. I even bought a couple of tickets to go to his favorite concert, and he didnt want to go. He said last year wasnt fun.... Then after that halloween night, we stopped calling eachother. It was three weeks without him. I called him one day and we went out the very next day. Everything seemed to be just fine, but it wasnt the same. We had a conversation which involved cheatting, he asked me have you ever cheatted on me, i said no. I didt even had the time to cheat on him. all my free time was just for him! anyway, I asked him the same thing, and he said no at first, as the conversation went, he said that he kissed another girl. I was like, ok now...he kept pushing the conversation into the topic of friendship. he said his friends have been bothering him, and that when he looks at his friends he doesnt feel comfortable wen he looks at them being in a relationship....he said we could be friends for years and years..... we had to stop the conversation it was around 5 in the morning and we had to go back home. A couple of days after I got him a christmas card, saying that his friedship was the best present i have ever had. I waited for him at work and I told him he will always have a friend in me and that whatever he needs I will be there. he said why was I acting weird. I said Im not acting weird...he began to get mad. He said so u are breaking me up ? I said not bt because of the conversation we had, that leaves me understanding that we are friends now, and I dont want to hurt you or hurt myself. so he got into his car and drove away, I followed him for a while. I tried to call him on his cellphone, I wanted to finish the conversation so we knew we were going to be friends and that there was no misunderstanding. i followed him in my car, then he stopped and told me to stop follwing him, that we should havethis conversation later. He went over to his best friend's house. I called his best friend to let him know what was going on, he said he was going to talk to him. I dont know what to do, I might go ahead and talk to him tonight. I feel really bad by doing this suring this christams season....I just dont know what to do. Is he wort it? My heart is broken, and Im just in the blue. Im willing to start over again, if he is. Is it possible to get back together after this breaking up situation?
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