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Everything posted by glen

  1. Sometimes wonder if they do cheat on their BF's? I would like to hear from ladies, if you love your bf, will you cheat on them?
  2. I am also a liitle bit confuse with this regards, we had wonderful sex for fist 2 months, she was extremly wet at that time, now almost about 6 months, she say it hurts and I notice some minor bleeding also, she seems to afraid of sex now, not sure it that after sometime,it starts to hurt?
  3. Hi Sam , I am here, what do conclude from those in bold lines? I was hoping some reply on those lines.
  4. I want to move on, but she is stuck in between us..........this what she msg me last nt. From her- I took him as soulmate ,until he doesnt want to marry me , I was convinced that he was wasting my life that when I met you. I want someone who wants me, and and focus on what what i want, I dare not think of him that time.But getting hint he dont want me and seeing in front me are totally different. Never in my life I except to that ( he in bed with prostitute), my eyes are wet whenever I think of that. I wana move on with him but frankly dont know how anymore, I cant turn my back at what I feel, there are so many hints that I am not the one who he wants initially, I dont know why he want me now. I am stupid to drag I know, but i do know I will never love him again once I let go, I dont want that day to come, but it will come I know, cos I cant move on with him. I cant forgive him for what happen. I am sorry to drag you in.I am not sure how long I am gonna be like this, maybe one day I will just wake up, its meaningless to see you and him now, I want time alone. These were the sms's I got from her last night, I know she is stuck, no matter what I do maynot effect her at this moment. I am stuck ..want her ..but really dont know how, I know she likes me, but ...I cant understand her.
  5. No Sam, you are not blunt. Sometimes right things are difficult to swallow. She has already decided to leave him but just wanted this last V'day dinner with him, when you love someone his/her happiness does matters. I can see the pain in her eyes when I had lunch with her, she called me in the evening before she went for dinner, we talk for a while and then I just wish her best of luck, got a sms within 2 hrs that she back home. I was really missing her all this while, but she needed this dinner more than I do.
  6. Told her whatever she do, I would be happy for her, just let me know if she wanna go with him.
  7. We saw each other over the weekend, she seems happy with me. Met for lunch on V'day.....gave her flowers, later she told me ,ex wanna have dinner with me on V'day, at that spur of moment told her not to see me again if she wanna go dinner with him, she say she hasnt decided yet, told me its her last dinner with him so she might wanna go. I do not want to push her, but tell her its hurting me and she got decide what she wants. Maybe its the time I should let her go and decide what she wants.
  8. I know , I am much much better then that guy. All this has really helped me and I would push her to make some decision. One thing I am still puzzled when I ask her to make decision 2 months into my relationship, told her to leave me if she wanna be with him, she choose me....but later after this incident she should know the reality of that guy, rather she is behaving to opposite to what I thought. maybe some women can put some light on this??
  9. Before I do anything, I just wanna share few more things. Initially she wanted to be alone by getting own place for herself, and then to evaluate who to be with. She mention she is living in guilt everyday as I have been very nice to her and she has not let him out of her mind yet. Her ex promised that he would let her stay there alone and move out from that place, but at the end after few days he was back there. When she was with me, she say feel guilty so want to be alone for sometime. Her ex knows that she is seeing me and even come to my house also, she has told him that I her bf at this moment, I have spoken to him after that prostitute incident, I told him how can he love her and sleep with another woman, the reason I called him as I saw her terribly shocked and in pain, I couldnt take it and I just call him. After that incident they had long talk few times and he also blame her that she is also not right by seeing me, since she was seeing me , so he can do anything he want. He knows she is with me , but he is trying to get her back, she told me she would not go back to him, as she cant take it her bf with another woman and she has broken before her relationships due to this reason.Her 70 % of stuff is still at my place.
  10. Dear Sam, I want advice thats why I am here, but you must understand love is blind. I truly regard each advice given, I am truly making my mind to do something, it really need a lot of courage to do. She did quarrel with him few times to let her stay alone in that house as she has some share in that, but he do not want to move out. She move out of my place, cos she didnt let him out of her mind before she move in with me, she say she feel guilty and need some time alone, I trust her. But now I am stuck , I love her alot. I spoke to her to rationalise things, but women always go for guys who are difficult types. I am just waiting for her to realize things using her brain.
  11. She did mention though, she know she cant be with him as she saw him with another women, with me or without me she cant be with him, these were her words she send me few days ago.
  12. I met this gal 5 months ago, everything was going smooth until something bad happened, please read my earlier posting link removed We still see each other regularly, she says she is in very bad shape and stuck in between me and him, she always think of him in bed with another woman after this incident. She wanna let him go but she loves him alot so unable to do so. She has moved back with him but staying differently, I want her happy, but at the same time I wanna be with her. I love her alot and want to spend my rest of life with her. After moving back with him, she back to meet me within couple of days. I know she likes me , she say she like him alot but cant forget what happened. What shall I do? I like her very much, always think about her. She knows I want her desperatly , and her ex also want her too. He knows she is seeing me , and I am her bf, he still trying his best to get her back. Please tell me what to do.....
  13. Hi Everyone....... I would like to thank all of you for giving advice. We are seeing each other, but she wanna be alone for a while. I need some advice, close fren of mine told me women always go for men who do not care for them much and be present at times. I always msg her , tell her I love her alot and wanna be her, and her ex bf doesnt do that I guess and leave her alone, but at her back he sees other women. I feel she knows he may not be the right guy for her, but she still attacted towards him. I love her sincerly and do not want to loose her, need some advice, I normally SMS her few times a day, do go out with her few times a week. Will she feel more for me, if I dont SMS her often and dont call her ? What are things I need to do so she feel for me? I know she likes me but still do not want to let her ex go..............Basically what women wants?? Thanks for your advice.
  14. Atlast she has moved out day before. It was most emotional time for me when I send her down to carpark. She msg me and called me couple of times that nite. We went for dinner following day, I can see tears in her eyes, still trying to figure out what going in her mind. I woke up few times in night , difficult to get over her. We still sms and will see each other. She ever mention to me, she suspect other woman at her ex palce before her and she cannot trust him anymore , i know he maynot be the right guy for him, but I am helpless. I do not want to influence her with my opinion about her ex, as it may be taken negative against me also. But I do miss her alot and really do not know what to do next, as we do talk and sms each other, we cant go through NC, morever she still has alot of stuff at my place. Any advice?
  15. Thanks for your advice , its hard to let her go but I would do it. I was trying not to tell her to stay, but I did mention once and will not do it again. She seems happy with me ,but still wanna go, I wanna give her a ring and would let her go. If fated, she would come back. Recently she came to know her ex is dating other gals, do not know will this negative for me or not.
  16. Atlast the thing I feared most happened last night, she told me that she wanna give her ex another chance as their relationship lasted for 3 years. I do not know what to say to her, but what I want is to get her back. I showered all my love to her, give her full attention for last few weeks, I am lost and do not know where I went wrong. Pleas advice, if there is any way to get her back........
  17. Its difficult to let her go at this moment, I love her and I have to do it. She met her ex last night and I became paranoid. Its so difficult to accept the reality. She told me whatever has happened , end of the day love is blind, and she is right. I would try my best to let her do what she wants, if I am lucky ,she would come back to me.
  18. Hi Pals, Thanks for the advice , Just contacted her that I would help her finding her new place. And if fated we gonna be together. Couldn't understand 2nd point by Prosper: "And next i feel if she is guilty u got to double check, would it be thats the way she treated her ex, she slept with someone, and thats u, when she was abt to break off with that ex. "
  19. Hi, I got this new gf for about 3 months, I like her alot and start to love her too. One month into our relationship I came to know, she has bf. I ask her to make deicison and she choose me and we move on. She give her full attention to me , I have never been loved so much by anyone before. Everything was getting on track , but the ex bf keep sending her msg's and I ask her and she told me he needs time to forget her. Later one day she went to collect some stuff from his ex bf's place and find another women at home, he was not at home and he admit that the woman at his place is not his new gf but a prostitute. My gf was very upset with this , and she coludnt take this . She thinks she is guilty and her ex has done this cos of her. Now she is telling me ,she didnt realise that she loved him so much . I ask his ex bf to talk to her and explain , so she can feel better. But now , she want to break from me and want to be alone for a while. I really love her alot and commit my self fully to this relationship. I do not understand her reaction , I feel that after this break that she wants, I will loose her. I have never done anything wrong and want her to be happy. She has spend 3 years with her ex bf and 3 months with me. I cant possibly stand anywhere in terms of time for her previous relationship. Her ex bf tried some dirty tricks before to get her back from me, and she is aware of that. I do not want to loose her, she is trying get the new place for her in couple of weeks. Please advice me , I really want to be with her.
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