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Posts posted by Andy223

  1. I think you'll find that there are a lot of people like you out there who have the desire to explore life and grab it by the horns. Some people experience this in different ways by either creating success by giving up everything, living each day like it might be the last or doing what it takes to achieve a goal .

    These people who have achieved success would say that you have to fail in order to achieve success. The more you try and fail, the wiser you become. These people like you "Santa" are self confident and do not hold back their emotions. They do not let the world restrict them, they create their own life becuase they know that anything is possible.

    You are not weird, the people who consider you to be a bit odd probablly still like you, but dislike this extra "spark" you possess. It makes them feel bad becuase you can live your life to the fullest, but they find it hard to do that.

    You need to also realise that the people who want to lead a normal life, are entitled to and most likley find it difficult to live life the way you do. The difference here, is that you will experience more joy and pleasure out of life where as these "boring" people will live life in a different way. How we all live our own life is just a point of view and this is what makes us unique.

    Dont think that you are odd, you will meet people who share the same desire for life as you do. Because you have this desire to live life to the fullest, you will find it much easier to achieve "your" goals compared to people who see life in black and white.

    You also have to respect the people who do not care about life in the way you do too. This is their point of view and they are entitled to it as much as you are. There is no reason why you cant mix with these people and keep some of your spark to yourself, but dont let it hold you back in achieving your goals.

    Try to assert youself with these people but still keep that unique personality you have. People will find it odd at first. After time people will begin to like you.

    I have a mate who was very different to all of my friends when he first came to my area. He was very full of himself and had an "odd" personality.

    2 years later, after he's blended in with everyone at school, he has become the most popular person i know.

  2. Sometimes apologising for something, even though you are 100% positive that it was not ur fault can help. I mean its easier being friends than it is being enemies.

    Leave it for a bit, for the pressure to blow off and try talking again. If you were good mates before then u will be good mates again, it will just take a bit of time.

    The best way to go about it, is try to talk to ur mate and not bring up anything about how you two fell out with each other. If he does bring it up, then just reply with something quick and move on.

    Just wait and it will work itself out.

  3. Don't try to let her know how you feel, until uve actually got to know her for a bit. If you do then she'll think "this guy doesnt even know me, so how come hes being so *forward* with me!?" MetallicAguy is correct, you need to know her for about a monthish, then ask her out. Spend some "social time" with her before you try and ask her out. Your odds of succeeding will be much greater!

    You have to remember that a lot of girls like to be friends just as much as going out with some1. Try not to get too close as a friend before you ask her out because of this reason.

    Try to make an "impression" on her rather than become a true friend.

    Gud luck dude

  4. What you said linzay is true... When a girl who "isnt" interested in a guy and purposefully looks away from a guy, may do it to draw attention to herself. There are a number of reasons. Understanding a girls body language is best done by trying to visualise yourself in her position, and try to feel how you might react if you were in her position.

    There is this girl at school i am friends with and like. Im not sure whether she likes me in the same way... I have caught her looking in my direction, sometimes we both smile at eachother... other times she looks away. This confuses me more than anything and suggests that she doesnt want to get into a relationship. I could be wrong.. I'd quite like it if i was wrong

    Girls who seem to look at you in an interesting way one day, then the next day dont acknowledge you... then the day after, start to look at you interestingly again, could mean either: She is trying to draw attention to herself... She is trying to get you to initiate the first move... or she is not "entirely" sure whether she likes you.

    If a girl is trying to tell you that she is interested in you, she will make sure that you catch her smiling at you. If you hesitate or look away, then she will move on... Its a confidence test.

    Moving from a friendship position into a relationship position is a trickey and risky step. It is a good idea to learn about girls act around guys... if they are interested.

  5. You're right day-walker, but you have to realise that people do behave differently when they want people to notice them. They also behave differently when they do not want people to notice them.


    When you are not looking for a relationship at a particular time, you dont tend to think before you say or do things. This makes you appear more confident. Your "true" personality thereforeeee shines through. This true personality is going to attract some people and is not going to attract others (thats life). Hence you are broadening your horizons.


    When you want to be in an intimate relationship, you look for "one" person who you would like to share your feelings with. You will adjust your behavour accordingly, to suit the preferences of that person you like. By doing this, you are behaving in a way that you are not confident with. thereforeeee you will undoutedly make mistakes, say wrong things and "do" odd things... just becuase you are not experienced in the change of "your" personality.


    That is why, by not looking for a relationship, you are being yourself and this makes you more attractive than trying to be "someone else".

  6. 127, are you male or female?

    128, Hows the diet going?

    129, who was the last person you had sex with?

    130, can i let you finish off that dream you were having about me last night?

    131, how many women have you been out with?

    132, Would you mind lifting up your skirt for my mates?

    133, Would you be offended, if i slept around while we are dating?


    Keep em coming

  7. You are putting yourself in a position, where you are trying to get friendly with some1 who still has feelings for someone else. This is very dodgy ground, and is only worth going into if you are willing to except that you may get hurt

    He is displaying eratic behaviour, and it is better not to get too worried about it. He may see this as being a big game, and is just playing you around. You said that he asked about the person you were standing with. Thats human nature.... he will leave you alone when you are not with someone, but as soon as you start getting interested in someone else, he will move in on you again. Its like having a football by a group of people. As soon as you start playing with it, every1 else wants a go.

    In my opinion, you should get to know the guy who is interested in you... as he likes you for the person you are. Not the other guy whos main intension could be to play around with your feelings.

  8. Just like to say something here.


    Tiger wrote:



    1) I am not free to fly. So obviously I'm not COMPLETELY FREE.

    2) If free will is completely determined by the past--you chose to believe in a certain conception of God because of things you were exposed to--how could it be that you could have ever had made the same choice had the circumstances been different. Can you honestly tell me that some buddist monk atop a mountain in Tibet will believe in your conception of God simply because he "chose to" (lets assume that he has all the necessary information at hand). If so, why doesn't he? I mean, he came to vastly different conclusions than you. And if your answer is the correct one, then it doesn't make much sense that he wouldn't obviously pick the correct answer: yours.


    This is just an extreme example of a deeper problem. Like I said, you could have been a Saint or a gas chamber attendant, depending on your background. There's a reason most killers come from the Ghetto, there's a reason why Pakistan is 99% Muslim, and there is a reason why you believe the way you do, and it's entirely possible that it has nothing to do with free will (although I'm not sure myself). But in the very least it is entirely consistant that everything is COMPLETELY determined, and the world would look exactly the same.



    If you are trying to back these statements then:


    It would be a completely ridiculous to go with these quotes. If you do, then you are assuming that there is no such thing as free will or choice. If the whole world was determined and planned out from the start, what would be the point of living it. If some entity, knew exactly how everything was going to plan out in time, what would be the point of it ever happening. There would be no point. You would begin to question existence and there being no meaning to life, becuase it is all planned out. There are simply too many paths to take, that any 1 of these paths can be predicted. This is why i think time travel into the future is impossible. This is why I believe in choice and free will. + Tiger you are trying to fool yourself, by arguing a statement that you do not fully understand yourself. You simply dont know and no one does.

    The future is unpredictable, due to so many variables and unknowns. We are "self - aware". This gives us the ability of choice and free - will.

  9. I found that girls who smile at you consistantly, tend to have good intensions. If it is a one off smile, then you could miss interpret it. If a girl consistantly smiles at you a lot in the same way from a distance, its her way of saying "please come over, i may like to get to know you" The risk is going up to a girl who has not given you any signals, this is where you are more likley to get rejected. Its funny though, cos im more confident with approaching a girl who hasnt givin me any signals. This may be because I feel that I have nothing to loose. Where as i feel fear in approaching a girl who has an interest in me, because i may feel that i will loose her interest in me.

    Girls are very natural at smiling. It makes them look very attractive and approachable. As soon as you start to talk to the girl... you will realise whether she is right for you. You will automatically speak and make yourself look and sound desirable, thats human nature. The only way, you will put off a women, is by not approaching her. 9 times out of 10, if you approach a women who has given you good signals... you will be able to have a decent conversation with her. Its just getting to that stage, which is the problem. You need to go with the flow, as they say....

  10. I would like to point out to some of these girls who replied earlier in this thread and seem to "think" that they can sit back and relax and wait for guys to just come over and do all the flirting. Oh! and aparrantly we become "boring" and "annoying" when we stop flirting with you, cos you lot have rejected us for other men. That hurts our feelings..... oh wait but its ok isnt it, cos you dont have to worry, you hvnt just been rejected.

    Men have feelings too, and the world doesnt revolve around u women either. It doesnt revolve around for us men either. My point is simple, we both need to make the effort in finding some1. Aparrantly its also unrealistic for women to charge in for a guy, but when men do it, you say that we are acting desperate. What are you actually trying to say there 2bhappy0212 ?

    You have spoken on a very bias view, so i have replied on a very bias view of my own. It seems to me 2bhappy0212, that you like the idea of sitting with a large number of your friends in a club, waiting for guys to come over and if he doesnt come accross as your type, ull just sit there and laugh at him. It sickens me.

  11. If you want to find out exactly what hes doing, you need to understand exactly what hes already done. U can do this by analysing all of his steps and try to make a conclusion to what they all mean.

    If he is cheating on you... you will find out eventually because he will leave clues behind. No matter how hard he tries, he will eventually be found out.

    The fact that hes being really nice to you then withdrawing his plans does suggest that he is hiding something. You can be certain of that. Guys will make up excuses if they are trying to hide something.

    It could be a phase that he is going through. Guys do do random things at times, and its usually for no particular reason at all

    If he is cheating, then u will find out sooner or later.... until then keep cautious. Instead of saying to him... are you hiding something... instead try to put him on the spot.

  12. At the moment, im trying to give one of my mates some decent advice on a situation hes having. He is unaware of this site, and i think he could do with some useful advice right about now. A lot of my mates are unsure what he should do next...

    He is particularly attracted to this girl. He sees her every day at school and they do talk to each other. However there is not a lot of communication between them both to indicate that they really really like each other.

    He has managed to get himself into a position, where he is giving her lifts into college and back. He rekons that she is not using him + He tells me that they both speak to each other in the car just fine. He likes her, but he is not sure the feeling is mutual.

    His only downfall tbh, is lack of confidence in trying to take their relationship further. They have been friends for a very long time now and his main fear is the loss of this friendship, if he takes it to the next level.

    Recently, he tried to speed up their relationship, by inviting her to the cinema / bowling / something to eat. He asked her as a friend and said it would be a social event etc.

    2 days before they were gona meet up, she said that she had family coming round and has posponed it.

    Could she either lack the confidence, or does she generally not like him?

    What would be some useful advice to give him right now? Hes kind of a bit stuck!

    thanks for reading.. ta!

  13. What you have to ask yourself is, how long ago did you two break up? If it was a short time ago, then there are most likley feelings still there between you. But if u break up with some1 for a long time, those feelings fade away. Those feelings (even if you still have them) will be harder to bring back than when you two first asked eachother out.

    Recently, ive had a similar problem with a girl. I found that the longer we split up, the easier it became for me to get over her. If you still wish to get back together with him, act on it sooner rather than later... otherwise you two will forget about eachother.

    You said that you would like to give him another chance. If you feel for him that much, and would like another chance with him, then you should give it a go one last time. However, do not forget when he broke your heart the first time, the likleyhood is, he may do it again. The wise "forgive" but do not "forget", the naive forgive and forget.

    You should begin ingaging in conversation with him... dont start off big, just say hi and let him know you are there at first. This will play on his mind and he will be thinking about you, even when his mind is devoted to a different task. If he replys back... great. Start slow and small, do not rush, rushing can be off putting to some guys, especially in the fragile situation, which you have described.

    Cheaters only change, if they cheat once and then do not cheat again. If they do it more than once then it is in their nature to cheat. Cheaters may seem nice for 2 weeks, but will get complacent and start messing around again. I've seen it before. Cheating is basically, imature behavour that people do grow out of "eventually". By which time it is probablly too late.

    The safe way to go about this, is to take it slow... But if you 2 do get back together, be aware! dont think he will never cheat on you again even if you 2 are having the time of your life.

    U also have to realise that there are other guys out there who will make you feel great about yourself and will not cheat on you. You can give these guys a chance too, dont feel as if you have to be souly bounded to one person.

    I hope ive helped to clear some things up, but these are my opinions, they may or may not help. How you go about all this, is really up to you

  14. Basically, make sure that you are there when he needs someone for proper support. If this girl is particularly nasty to him at any point... Be there for him to offer advice. Guys really like advice, especially if its advice that he wants to hear.

    She has no serious interest with him, and he obviously realises this. I am sure that he is looking for a girl who is caring and understanding. Someone who is completely the opposite to the girl he is currently dating. he will be very attracted to someone who starts offering him advice, and listens to him and occasionally giving him compliments. If he starts complimenting you back, then you know that there can be a potential connection between you 2. If you make him laugh, joke around with him or even talk to him on a challenging subject, you are offering him scope to be himself. Do all those things and u'll be supprised that happens

    You'll be amazed at how nice and friendly people will be, if you are nice to them in return.




    "looking for a quote here" 8)

  15. Very recently i have been getting together with this lovley girl, and i couldnt believe my luck when i found her. We had both know each other for a really long time and recently, started to have a serious relationship. We both really like eachother's company, and are very serious about us. This relationship lasted for only 1 week due to problems that could not have been avoided.

    Last year, we both started to have a crush on each other. We danced at a party and had a great time. The next day this girl was very serious about me and i could see this. I did not ask her out at the time due to the fact that i did not know her well enough and i may have been going into a relationship that i didnt want. This could have hurt her. Now i wish i had asked her out

    1 month later, she started to date 1 of my mates and it bothered me a bit. I could see that they were both happy together so i left it.

    Ever since then, they both had a long-term relationship where they have broken up and got back together on a number of occasions. My mate had treated this girl not particularly well from what ive heard and made her cry, but she did not want to break up with him.

    Here we are today and my mate broke up with her (again). I waited for some time before getting to know her and waited for her to try to get over him. last weekend we had great fun at her best friends party, without my mate being there. He told me face to face that i could get together with her and i assumed that he had no mixed feelings about her. Me and this girl had a great time at the party and were going out ever since that party. During this last week, my mate suddenly decided to ask her out again with the suspicion that i was going out with her. She said "no" to him, and told me that she was confused and didnt know what to do.

    1 day later, he reliased that we were going out and called her nasty names over text. I came round and supported her. After the fight they had, me and her were getting along so well, and i thought i found my perfect partner.

    2 days ago she gave back dvds and vids to him when he finished work. He was suddenly nice to her again, and has been texting her ever since. Now because she has been going out with him for so long, she still feels attached to him in some way. This is understandable.

    I gave myself emotionally to her, because i couldnt help it and followed my heart. She is so amazing.

    Yesterday came the bad news. She said that she is really confused and needs time to think. She said that we should no longer be together until she has sorted out everything in her head.

    I have an inkling that she wants to disscuss her long term relationship with this guy.

    at the moment im not sure what to do. Should i keep in contact with her still? Will she decide to get back together with me? I have been told that this guy is trying to compete with me over her, and doesnt actually want her at all. Could this be true? If any1 has experienced this before, please help me. This has happened before christmas and i dont want it to be the worst 1 ive had. thanks for reading.

  16. impressive, about 15% to 25% of women report that they actually have multi-orgasms, the record was 134 in one hour, whoo that had to have felt good. only 60% of women are actually capable of having orgasms, so u must have a very lucky find there The viganial fluid suggests that she might not be having an orgasm and has gone from the arousal stage into the excitement stage.

  17. Bizw u obviously had an attraction for her, and most likley felt love for her when you were both going out. Basically as soon as she said that she needs her own space, i think she wanted to split up with you. She should have said that it was over from the start, this would have stopped you from getting hurt mate. She was mabye looking for other guys, and thought if it didnt work then she could use u as a fall back. Im not trying to be horrible here at all in any way, but i think this is what she is doing.

    Its human nature to leave your options open, and i think you were one of those options. From the way i see it, i think that you should give her up, still be friends, but she obviously she cant be trusted. u will find many more fish, its a big ocean mate, move on as she said "as heartless as it may sound"

  18. Nice posts, couldnt be more to the truth. Your initial impression, thoughts and feelings are usually the correct ones. However in some cases people can prove you wrong! If you fell that you really like someone, the chances are that they may like you back.

    Ever since you have been a child, you have been around your family, you have been around people, friends and relatives. As you progress in and out of childhood, you begin to build up a picture in your mind of what the perfect person (For you) should look like. You may not be able to see it at the moment, but it is there. As soon as you see a girl / boy who fits this perfect picture in your head, u almost fall for that person immediately. This same thing applies to personalilties. Who ever you go for is purely based on your up-bringing, this is why people have different tastes. You may also realise that some girls and boys who date may look similar to eachother, this is backed up by the statement i made above. If someone is very different from you then they probablly have different tastes in girls/boys.

    Sorry didnt mean to talk waaay off the subject there, but i need to increase my post numbers...

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