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Posts posted by dannyz4

  1. It's a natural reaction for him to say he's leaving. He is really hurt and he wants to hurt you back.


    These are difficult situations... he may forgive you sometime in the future, but then he holds a "get out of jail free" card he can use if he ever had the opportunity to cheat.


    I think you need to give him the time and space he needs to deal with what has happened. It will be devastating for him to think you sought sex with another man. He will be dealing with his own feelings of self-doubt and questions as to why you felt the need to find it elsewhere.


    Ultimately the decision is his. All you can do is make sure he knows how sorry you are, how much you regret it, and how much you love him and want to make things right.


    Given time and space to deal with it he will make his decision on your future.

  2. You're coming off a little desperate there... why do you *need* to be with someone? Is there something missing in your life you think a relationship will fill in? That's usually the start of being needy which drives people away.


    Sorry to sound harsh.


    This girl obviously likes you. She gave you her phone number. The question is, can you make it work since she lives in another town. On the other hand there is someone else closer to you who likes you and who you seem to now like.


    All I can really suggest is just relax a little. Why not have both of them on the go at the same time and see what develops with each of them. You may find one works out and the other doesn't. No need to kill your options so soon!

  3. Yeah you've gotten yourself in a messy situation. Though I'm sure not intentionally she has sub-consciously used you to make her feel better about her failed marriage... you are the fantasy she needs to help her deal with it... and to reassure her that someone else in the world "needs" her and wants to be with her.


    I think she is stringing you along by keeping it on her terms... if she keeps saying it's getting too serious then I think you have the answer. She doesn't intend for it to turn into a serious relationship. You're an affair to help her cope, and when she finally has to start picking up the pieces of her life you'll probably be the last thing on her mind.


    Sorry bud.. life sucks sometimes don't it!

  4. Why the attraction to married men? Is it more of a challenge? Do you consider the person he's married to?


    This guy is obviously in major denial and by saying he won't have intercourse seems to somehow justify his behaviour so far. I think you are setting yourself up to be really hurt.


    Sorry but I think you should stay away from married men. Us males think with our dicks, not our heads, and who's going to clean up the mess once things come to a head?

  5. Yep, I would have to agree that men are slime. A lot of guys are giving the rest of us a bad name. But that's life... god gave us two heads, and only enough blood to run one at a time.


    Re teasing, it sucks, but you are just at the age where your friends can be complete bastards. Just try not to take it too seriously, because they are most likely dealing with their own insecurities by giving you a hard time. Unless they are being nasty or cruel to you I would just let it bounce off your back and give them a hard time back.


    Dont forget, you make for an easy target if you make it easy for them to give you a hard time, so just make sure you have as much fun with them. Otherwise, if they are really your friends I think you need to tell them, best one-on-one how it's making you feel. When people stop to think about how they are making others feel it can be quite sobering, whether you're 17 or any age.

  6. All you can be right now is a friend... she is pregnant... I'm sure a relationship with you is the last thing she's thinking about.


    She is gonna go through hell with this baby, so I'm just saying, be careful, because I think you're setting yourself up to get hurt badly.

  7. I think you did the right thing by telling her it was over... you are beating yourself up because you wish you hadn't said it, but the reality is that that is exactly what she wants. If she wanted to be with you she would have accepted your apology and things would have gotten back on track... but things were already messed up.


    It's an awful tragedy that her friend died, but that doesn't give her the right to ignore you and string you along not knowing where you stand. I know you are annoyed at her, but remember, when people are confused about their feelings it can be a real tug-of-war between wanting to be with someone and letting them go.


    You need to accept that the relationship is not going to happen the way you would've liked. Don't blame yourself or think you're no good inrelationships, because it's her that wasn't communicating. You did a great job, and one day you'll find someone who appreciates that effort rather than takes it for granted.

  8. Woah hold on there... all that stuff is in the past... she went for another guy because you didn't ask her out. You can't change that.


    What matters is what's happening now. She is pregnant with another guy's kid. The first thing is, she needs to tell him she is pregnant with his child. He has a 100% right to know, and you should encourage her to tell him.


    I would be very careful about getting involved with this girl. It could really mess you up. If she chooses an abortion she's gonna be pretty messed up, and she's not likely to fall in love with you, which is what you're wanting.


    And if she has the baby things are going to get mighty complicated in her life. She's going to be dealing with raising a child, plus the father, and her parents. It's really the last thing you need.


    She needs to sort her situation out right now and you need to back up a bit. Just be available to her as a friend and confidant but I wouldn't go expecting a full-on relationship with her.


    Sorry if I sound harsh, but I think you need a reality check on exactly what's going on here.

  9. Yeah I would recommend you just be the new person you say you are, and she will see that. Don't tell her you have changed, because that means nothing.


    Just be clear about why you want to see her. It sounds like she broke it off with you? You might sound a little bitter telling her how much of a better person you are since you've split with her.

  10. Hey, you're not stupid, or ugly!


    Do you have someone you can talk to? These boards are good for getting advice but I think you need to talk to a friend or family member... do you know anyone that has suffered depression before that you can talk to?


    I know exactly what you're going through as I have felt that way before but you can find your way out of the dark and have a healthy head again. Maybe the medication isn't what you need... like I was saying in an earlier post... are you looking after yourself physically too? Like with exercise, lots of sleep and the right food?


    Exercise is the best medicine for the brain as it gets your endorphines flowing, which make you feel good, and is essential on the road to recovery.


    I think you need to seek help from someone close who you can count on to always be there for you. It's an awful feeling you have, I know, but there are always people willing to help.

  11. I think both being adults the age gap is not a problem.


    If you are unsure just have a conversation with her and ask if she has a problem with you being 13 years older than her.


    The difficulty may be what stage you are both at in life. Are you wanting to settle down whereas she wants to party?


    If you both just want a casual relationship then that's ok but you should be clear about this before anyone gets hurt.

  12. I suffered severe depression a couple of years ago after I kicked a pack-a-day cigarette habit. My doc put me on anti-depressants, and it took about 6 months to come right.


    Medication can be a very good thing. Also make sure you are getting plenty of exercise, sleep, and the right food. Avoid any stress at work/school.


    And remember, if you are suffering depression, it doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you. 1 in 5 people have a mental illness at some point in their life. It just means your brain is under a bit of strain and its chemicals have gotten a bit out of whack. With the right treatment you can be back to normal in no time.

  13. Yes she is definitely wanting a relationship with you if she made that comment about the song.


    Here's my advice... don't worry about phone games, and calling too soon, too late etc. if this girl likes you then she will be waiting to hear from you, so just call her, tell her you had a great time together and then ask if she'd like to go out fri/sat etc.


    And don't worry about her Dad. All Dad's hate boys. They are horny little monstors that will suck the innocence from their daughters.... except it wasn't there in the first place

  14. Yeah I would suggest just asking her to hang out some time... not a date, if you're feeling a bit shy or you're unsure of hwo she feels about you.


    Just ask if she'd like to hang out some time.... it's not a date, so if she declines you avoid any awkwardness and it won't jeaopardise the friendship.


    And if she says yes, then ask her what she's doing on the weekend... and take it from there. You'll sense if she is keen to make a date or not. Just be yourself. Sounds like that is working for you.

  15. I think it should be a natural thing. If your personalities match and you click with someone then you should be able to talk about anything regardless of how your interests may differ. When you get involved with someone you should want to take an interest in their interests, and vice versa. That's what being in a relationship is all about. How much yu get involved in what they like depends on how much you like them!

  16. Sorry I didn't mean to come accross as rude. Yes, put the loop over the black head and push down to pop it out.


    Some places on your face it's hard if the area is fleshy like cheeks, but if you use it on your cheek bones, forehead and chin it should work quite well.


    On your cheeks you might just need to grab a big fleshy part to make your skin firmer and then try popping them out.


    So much fun!! I love when a girl likes to go to work on my back. eeeew!

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