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Everything posted by sexyblondie

  1. i went out with this guy and he wouldn't stop touching me, slapping my ..., stared me down, and tried kissing me by grabbing my face and forcing me to kiss him, and when i go to push him away to regain my space he gets pissed. i felt so suffocated! then he asks me if i dont like him or sumthing. ya i "liked him" but after him trying to maul me id like to keep away from this guy. anyone have any ideas of whats up with this guy? he desperate, horny, or whats wrong?
  2. I read "The Rules" and I think it is a great book, but I dont follow it exactly cuz there need to be exceptions sometimes. Cosmopolitan also has some good articles. Acting like u dont like a guy isnt exactly what its about, eventually if a guy really really likes u but u keep rejecting him or he knows u dont like him he will move on. But developing a good relationship based on love, and a deep connection is when you know it will last. Guys need space, and so do most girls. By constantly calling, being available, and predictible a guy will lose interest, so will girls. I once dated a guy that was soo into me he made me sick and theres no way i could feel attracted to him. He was constantly calling, wanted to see me everyday the whole day, and he even admitted he had not much of a life, thats not exactly a turn on LOL. A good relationship, is based on two people who love each other, but have there own life, and their own space.
  3. I love being looked at, who doesnt like being admired? but offcourse there is a difference between being looked at and being stared at. if a guy looks at me a little and if i like him i will look back at him and smile, and if im not feeling him i usually ignore him or give him a dirty look lol.
  4. i would think its low self-esteem cuz when i went out with him he kept saying he cant believe hes out with me, he cant believe i like him, he kept saying he hopes im not embarrassed being seen with him, etc. but if it is low self esteem i still dont understand why he wouldnt call at all
  5. the thing is the 2nd time we went out we kissed, touched, etc and he wanted to have sex with me, but i didnt let him. he tells me he feels very proud being around me because im so hot, but he even told me himself hes confused, and doesnt know what to do. hes really confusing me tho
  6. i met this guy i really like, and i know he really likes me, i only went out with him 2 times, but when i went out wit him he tells me im soo gorgeous, calls me a "pornstar", and was all over me. The thing is he never calls me, and when I called and talked with him he told me he thinks im way to hot for him and that im very sexy and nice, but he doesnt kno what to do. what does that mean?! im not used to a guy not calling me, and how am i too hot for him? any other guy would gladly want a hot girl! any advice?[/b]
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