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Posts posted by peanut15

  1. There may be a possiblity you are part asian but usually you can see it with the eyes (but not in all cases). Like a previous poster said, Keanu Reeves is part asian and Rob Schneider is also part filipino. For them it is apparent in their eyes and some other features as well. But it is possible to be part asian and not hold those features or it may not seem obvious. It also depends how your father looked and it is possible he carried recessive genes as well resulting in your looks.


    I'd suggest getting as much information as possible from your mother and finding a private investigator that specializes in finding lost parents. There's no guarantee that you will find him or that he will even want to be found.

  2. Don't call her! Yes he cheated but its all going to end up coming back to you and you will end up being hurt moreso than when you found out he was married. He and his wife will come back at you and make you feel sorry that you got in the middle of the relationship. Yes he cheated on his wife but if you tell her, he's going to give you up like yesterday's trash and she'll come after you and blame you. A prepaid calling card, an unlisted number...nothing is going to protect you from the pain she is going to experience and the rage she will have.

  3. You do stop feeling lonely even after a break up. I've had my heart broken many times and believe me, it really doesn't stop even when you get married...I wouldn't be posting here if that were the case. But I used to date this guy for almost 2 years and he talked about marriage but ended up breaking it off with me. It was extremely hard to get over and it took about 6 months or so but it can also take longer than that to recover if that was your first love. It all depends. But after that break up, it did take me a while to recover but I moved on and I had a lot of fun. I went on many dates, decided to go to grad school, meet new people, make new friends, etc and I didnt feel the need for a new man in my life until I was ready. It was when I didn't feel lonely that I felt it was time to move on.

  4. My coworker had it done but she still has to wear glasses. She had the top doctor (and paid big bucks for it too) perform the surgery out here in California. From what she told me it only corrects a certain type of sight (near or far..not sure) so be sure to check out which one you have. I think it only corrects nearsightedness as she still had to continue wearing glasses when reading, working on the computer, etc. You also want to check the reputation of the doctor you think you want to perform the procedure. I know a lot of dr's are able to do it but remember this..you pay what you get.

  5. If you want to tell her then just send an anonymous letter without telling her who you are or offering any information but this one simple sentence..."your husband is having an affair"...don't sign it, nothing just put it in an envelope and mail it.


    If you offer her anything that you are the other woman, it will just completely destroy her and it will have an affect on their son. The other woman in my case, left too much trails and I found her. Yes, it was my husband's fault and his doing but it was also hers. She posted false comments about my husband and myself, made terrible references about my kids and posted personal information on the internet so that my family would be harassed, spammed, junk mail. She was also trying to get my husband fired from his job. SHE is a total nut and needs professional help....I feel sorry for her son and her husband.

  6. I think you should stay out of her business and end all communication with him. My husband cheated on me and the other woman posed as someone else to tell me and she ended up blaming me for their affair and that it ended. But as the betrayed spouse, I can tell you that you'll be attacked, called every name in the book and even have other names created for you..etc. What good is going to come out of this? NOTHING. I can tell you that she probably knows as did I but maybe think that the husband is not possible of doing something like that as we usually give our spouse the benefit of the doubt. You are just going to get yourself dragged into this rather than being a savior or angel or anything good.

  7. I agree with one poster...your grades are better for a UC than a CSU. As far as not liking UCLA, I agree as well, it was too big for my taste and I didn't like UC Berkely as well. That's why I went to UC Irvine (do you watch the OC? its next to Newport Beach..if that even matters )


    Anyway, each campus is different and I do suggest you take tours of each school you are considering and possibly the ones that are nearby as well. I wanted to stay in California so I only looked at California schools. I got into all of them except one but that was way back in 1990 so things have changed a bit since then. My two choices were Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and UCI..I got into both. Anyway, you may want to contact each school you are interested in and see what they rank with their program. I majored in Political Science and it was ranked 3rd in the nation for public universities when I graduated and UCI is better known for Biology (Pre-Med) and Engineering and Computer Science. Anyway, call or email the school/dept which your intended major is under. Also each campus conducts tours of the campus whenever anyone calls. I used to hosts possible incoming freshman when I was a freshman and sophomore. In addition, my college offered a summer orientation where you could stay over for the weekend and meet other incoming students.


    The UCs are extremely competitive in nature with admissions and your GPA is about average for all students (sorry to say that expecially being from out of state). Anyway, I suggest you do extremely well with your SAT and start trying to contact ALL the schools necessary as each of them are different when it comes to acceptance. For example, my high school boyfriend applied to Ivy League schools and it was more personable and he wasn't a number. He had interviews, meetings, lunches, etc. As for me, the UCs treated me as a number where they primarily looked at my grades and SAT scores and based my acceptance on that.


    Then again, college is what you make out of it and what you put into it. It truly doesn't matter where you go just as long as you get what you want and enjoy it.

  8. H and I had a fight.. a pretty bad one. Whenever we get into a bad fight, he tells me that he's leaving for a little bit and leaves me with the kids. You see, when I found out about his affair, I was stuck with the kids and had to deal with it. It was stressful. Then with our fights, he leaves and leaves me with the kids and I tell him that I need to leave and go out and cool off but he seems to give me a time to come back. But when he leaves, I never know when he is coming back. I can't take this. No wonder I can't get over my problems, he runs away to cool off but I am stuck at home with every single problem and to top it off, I am stuck at home with two screaming toddlers. I can't get a break and I'm afraid that I'm about to lose it completely.


    I'm sorry this is all over the place but I'm so distraught. I've tried to talk to him calmly but it ends up in a fight and he tells me that I need to take one of his two options and that none of mine is going to be considered. He says he does it for his sanity..well what about mine? He says he gives me days off but I dont' have any. He ran off with this horrible cheap woman on his days off and refused to look after our children even when they were sick. But on the days off that I get to do various things w/o the kids..he gives me a curfew!!!


    I don't know what to do anymore. I want marriage counseling but don't think he'll make it work. Then again, not sure. Anyone is marriage counseling could offer advice?

  9. I didn't go to CSU Fullerton but I know several people that have and I did go to the nearby UC school, UC Irvine. Traditionally, in my opinion the UC's are more competitive than the CSUs. It is true tht it is much harder to get accepted especially if you live out of state as those that live nearby have a priority. All the CSU's are traditionally commuter schools, meaning that students live nearby. If you think of a traditional college campus atmosphere where the community is shaped around the school, then this is not the case with Cal State Fullerton. There are a lot of students at this school so for a freshman, it is harder to get some of those classes at first but persistence and early planning pays off. For my graduate degree, I did attend Cal State Long Beach (for those of you that know, Olympian Misty May(beach volleyball) attended CSU Long Beach). But anyways,what I did observe from the undergraduates is that they worked hard and took their studies seriously. However the general mood is not as competitive as the tougher University of California campuses. CSU's are also traditionally practical while the UC's approach is more theoretical.


    Oh, and not that this matter but a handful of Fullerton students are also employed at Disneyland Resort, which is nearby. So it all depends what you are looking for. If you want more info, please feel free to send me a message and I'll give you more practical information about the school.

  10. I didn't know you had to be married for so long in order to get divorced. Is she legally separated? For some reason, it doesn't seem like it so maybe your relationship is considered cheating. I mean, if she really wants to leave her husband she'd do so without waiting. As for affecting her divorce settlement, do you mean monetarily? Is she seeking alimony just because he's an ahole? That doesn't warrant any alimony in my opinion but then again, I am not sure what she is after.


    In my opinion, she wouldn't go after anything unless they equally put into any of their assets.

  11. Thank you for your post. Its been a little over 6 months since I found out and I still hurt so much. #6 especially hurt me the most in the beginning because everything I saw on tv reminded me of my husband and the other woman. Although my husband didn't do the same thing your husband did, I am happy with the fact that there was a man in someone else's life that was sensitive to that fact.


    Good luck to you.

  12. I don't know about hearing voices or delusions but I know a family that has a history of it and basically it is an extreme high and an extreme low that can be unpredictable but if you observe the person intently, you can get an idea of when each episode occurs. Billy Joel the singer is a manic depressive.

  13. I've got to be frank with you, their friends may not really know whats going on. My friends thought I had the perfect marriage until I dropped the news to my best friend about my husband's affair. What is on the outside may not be what's actually going on in the home. So basically, go with your gut instinct and since you are on this board asking for advice, I assume that you feel that the relationship is not going where you wish it to go.

  14. Have you taken a look at "what" you eat when you get stomach pains? It may be IBS but it could also be something else or it just could be as simple as stress or a combination of stress and something physical. I asked you if you took a look at what you eat when you get these stomach pains because I had a friend from college when he was 12 years old he would get sick to his stomach after eating. His mother after a couple of years of battling with some doctors found an internal specialist and found out he had Celiac Disease. It is controllable but it is the intestines inability to break down wheat, barley, flour, etc (much more to this disease than what I wrote). When we were in college he had to look at every single label on foods to make sure he did not get a reaction. I am not saying that is what you have but you really need to talk to your parents and find a doctor to find out what it is. I suggest that if you dont' feel any better each time a doctor tells you something then you find another one that will listen to you. It took my college friend and his mom to find a doctor that would listen for TWO years but that was back in the 80s.


    Good luck to you.

  15. I think you are getting in the way of everything. First of all, I think he's taking advantage of the fact that YOU went up to him and told him that you were interested. Of course he's going to go after you, you practically threw yourself at him. Another thing, I dont think it is right of you to make an assumption that she is cheating, on the verge of divorce or ANYTHING about her. You are just getting fed information about her from everyone else and NOT her. Of course everything about her is going to be negative...look who you are dealing with and what he's after.


    My husband fed the other woman lies about me just to get her in bed and sorry my dear but you've been duped just as all the "other women". Do yourself a favor and get out.

  16. I was in the exact position you were when I graduated college way back when. My fiance and I just graduated college and I announced our engagement to everyone including our parents that day. I lived with him temporarily before my own apartment was ready later that month. Well after a week with him and on my birthday (after coming back from work after a bad day) he started a fight with me and then yelled at me that he wants me out of his life and the engagement and relationship is off. I left that day and stayed with a friend of mine a couple of blocks away and then moved into my own apartment. We worked at the same place but not the same hours. One day, I ran into himand we talked and then next thing I knew, we got back together but then after a week he pulled the same thing all over again. This time, I demanded an explanation and he said that he didn't know what he wanted and needed to find himself. I thought that was the single most bogus excuse in the world. We were college sweethearts and nothing like this ever happened.


    I dealt with the pain and rejection from my ex-fiance and just concentrated on work. After that breakup, I didn't see him at work which was good but one day I ran into him. He ignored me and the guys (his coworkers) were wondering who I was. One came up to me wondered who I was because he saw me walking to my office each day. I told him that I was his coworkers girlfriend from college and ex-fiance and that the relationship ended a couple of weeks ago. He told me that I couldn't have been because he had been dating this other girl since the beginning of the summer. I was so upset! Actually more than that but I need to watch my language I confronted my ex and he denied it but his roommate that happened to be a good friend of mine just got back from his trip and filled me in all the gorey details. I was so hurt that it reflected everyday I went to work. What was worse was this girl that he dumped me for was in high school and she worked at the same place as a summer temp.


    Ok, now that you know my similar story. I just wanted to tell you that you just graduated from college and have the whole world ahead of you. You thought that life was fun in school, let me tell you that it gets better than that and there are tons and tons of men waiting to sweep you off your feet and treat you so much better than you ex. Have fun with it until you know you found the man you want to spend the rest of your life with. you don't need to waste your time on someone that doesn't know what he wants. To be honest, he'll probably never know and just keep using that excuse. You definitely need someone that wants you and knows it too and will have no problems showing you each and everyday.

  17. I'm not one to go for an arranged marriage however one of my interns at work (back then) did have one and they are hopelessly in love with each other and have been married now for over 2 years. They also just had their first child earlier this year and are doing great!!!! It was in his culture to have an arranged marriage and he told me that they take it seriously and really try to find the right person for him. Before he makes a decision, he met her first so its not like he was forced as well.

  18. First of all, you are getting yourself into an affair situation..its called an emotional affair. Second, who is SHE to tell you to pick her over your wife and kids and who are you to even think about it? You are not helping her at all and for you to come back and say you are..you are blind. She is doing nothing but trying to use you to make herself feel better and she's playing the sympathy card on you and you my friend are falling for it. You don't know much about women and the games they play and you are being played in her little game. Oh please...yeah she has led this tragic life where everyone has seemed to leave her or reject her but you know what, it is NOT your place to save her. You can help her get her back into the right direction but don't give her sympathy. There are organizations, help groups, etc SHE can get herself involved in that could led her in the right directions...getting a better job (a stripper...tells all), friends, self esteem...I could go on.


    A woman doesnt need a man to get her out of a rut..she needs herself. I am sorry to be harsh but it seems like you really need someone to get yourself and ego in check. You are telling us you are good looking, strong...etc...so what does that have to do with helping her get back on her feet? Just doesn't make sense.


    For your information before you possibly try to go off about my post...when I was in graduate school, I met and had to deal with a lot of non profit organizations. These organizations were there to help those like your female friend. Many of these places, helped with job training, housing, counseling and many other things. I suggest if you want to help her that you investigate these types of non profit organization so you could concentrate on your wife and kids.

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