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Posts posted by hardcore

  1. i really like . you are a good wrigther maybe you should wrigth a book 8) you could be really good at it but if this is a cry for help well sorry to her that life sucks and then you die what more can i say . it sucks for ever one of us but it is no reson to give up hope . your pertty good i could almost feel you but i feel nothing at all i am perfictly empty lol 8)

  2. sounds like to me she just wants to be liked but not in a sexul way . im a guy i have more ;gurl: friends then guys . weird huh. i have delt with something like what you are talking about . but to me friends are just that and we are really close friends it would be like sleeping with a sister yuck.

    lets face it us guys can only think of one thing at time is she really close with the new pepol she call's her friends . or did she just meet them half of my gurl friends i have know for a really long time yhea there has been a couple of times things happened but aging but thats another store . a close friend would not . but some times it is hard not to fall for someone that you have known for a long times and she sounds like the perfict women . or she could be just hanging around the wrong bunch now adays most men are just out to have a good time . well i don't know if this will bring you any help but i do hope it dose help a littel 8)

  3. i find that the number one driveing force in this world is hatred

    anyways just a poem i wrote for a friend of mine . yhea its its a littel differnt . but life is differnt for each one of us . e all can't have the best of times sometimes there is no choice 8)

  4. whow is me for i have seen .

    hey its just me

    whow is you for not being there.

    as i sit here i think .

    why was it me .

    to make you upset .

    as i sit here i ponder.

    why did i lose my father .

    but on the couch he sits .

    sitting there with a evil smile.

    as he looks at me .

    he says son. get on your knee's plz.

    why dady i say with a smile.

    so he said son i have a suprize.

    so i do his biding as he wished.

    but never aging that son of a b___h.

    as he moved apone me i was in fear .

    why dady no don't go there.

    in one moement every thing was lost.

    figth how i am but a child.

    o moma dear why don't you hear .

    my crys so loud as all hope is lost.

    along with my tears.

    as he sits there drinking one last beer.

    beging plz father dear don't go there.

    but to no advail for 13 long years.

    o o father no.

    may you burn in hell [-X



    the end hardcore


    this is just a poem plz tell me what you think

  5. but i think that is a great poem were we leave thing's is the point i believe just like life it is not finished thats what i think but what do i know im just joe blow just a face in the crowed bottem line it was great 8)

  6. the more you act like you don't want her the more she act like she want you yhea i know what you have been throw just stay away from her act like you don't want her if you want her to come back but then aging wemen a weird so don't do anything i say i know this is no help to you .

    but for some reson when a guy dosen't want a women she winds up wanting him more could be the case if you wish to try. good luck 8)

  7. hello friends i have a problem but i really don't know my self anymore . yhea i took med's like zolof and stuff like that and yes i know it stops working after 9 mnt's to a year i know this i have been up and down this road befor, just don't know were i stand on things am i a lost soul i wander about that or did my soul die and i didn't know . i wants said that me and death are the same we are empty . just a void . idon't worry about were i end up. did i lose my soul when i lost my faith? but i don't know what it is going to take to make it here. do i still believe in him yes i know some that don't just can't find my place in this world . everyone is good at something so whats my excuse. just drag my feet throw life . i so want to change don't know maybe i stopped careing or maybe what im good at is getting my self in a bigger mess the anyone els can. lol

    i may not be a smart man or the best looking defantly am not the luckiest. but some time's i feel like i am there are a few that i call friend .

    and there is one that i call my love .

    i just wish that someone can help befor i lose my mind but aging thats nothing new this may seem like the diary of a mad man .

    but trust me im seeing clearly maybe you just don't see that.


    so i await your jugdement your friend hardcore :scramble:

  8. you know me i have been in the dark for to long .

    sometimes it just become's a way of living . i know that dosen't make since but ever time i try a peace of me dies.

    soon theres nothing left .

    do you remember that song i said lison to it help explane the way i feel.

    about it . for those of you that don't know the one im talking about its called nothing left by ICP . lison to it closely and this is how i feel about it.



    your truest friend indeed hardcore

  9. just don't now what to do any more haven't been on my meds in a long time . im up then im down . took aload of pill last nigth to sleep but for some resone im still here.i us to hooked on pain pills do you think i build up some kind of tollerns to them . its nothing new to me thow it ant the frist time didn't even knock me out. but im over being hooked on pills . last nigth was just to try to end the pain . you know what i meen .

    still i think about things i geuss death is a friend of mine or im cursed i worked at the cematery for 6 years so death is nothing knew to me .

    lol yes i bet you didn't know that ha ha ha . i just build up a tollernes for it i geuss . meet alot of good pepole there but just so you know they are ripping you off. don't ask me just trust me i really can't say .

    they fired me becuse i didn't care anymore what the heck is that i worked my but off for them i even done some things for them im not proud of but aging thats to much info if they ever found out i said something i could go to jail lol but they would to so its a balnce of fear i geuss . lol so then i got a new job at one of the other cematerys and man let me tell you something that place i wouldn't barry a dog there . lol but enoth of that im working for a good job now . well just so messed up rigth now it isn't funny messed up in the head that is i geuss hope you don't read to much in to this if you know me .lol

  10. a hole is were my haret is what can i say other then you have brocken me

    i really don't know time will tell for me give this we will see but im afaid this is my last post . this is it. maybe if you read this you to could forgive me . it just ant worth it .

    to wake to a new dawn to bring so much pain this is why i must leave there's no more hope left for me .

    gone i will stay but never out of reach. so sorry my sweet. just need to time to think. befor i get ready to say good bye.


    for someone like you has brougth me such joy i could never have felt.

    with out . but now you see its just not the time for me to let go . befor my haret gets another scare . i can only say why me.


    so here i am alone now and cold.

    something i just can't help.

    in time you will forget .

    but it shale live on in my haret good bye my love .

    never more will i alow someone to get so close .

    no more will i speek so sweet.

    for you have brougth me to my knees.

    beging god plz.

    i don't know you but i had hoped to give you this one thing true .

    but you just luagh and walk out the door.

    death i beg come take me away.

    should i wait to see what has become left of me .

    the only words i hear is so sorry from your lips.

    you were rigth about one thing .

    i am lost forever more.



    good bye my love

    just don't think i could bear to hear your words anymore .

    no i don't hate you i don't even blam you.

    i blam this one who speeks this cursed words .

    o god it hurts but time will tell how long it will




    goodbye my love

    my haret ack

    do you remember my old screen name

    that is me true and throw .

    give me some time just to rewind the time we spent .

    maybe then i can feel once aging



    good bye for now but soon i still hope . that this love may pass the test .

    becuse you shale be on my mind all the time goodbye my love


    forever yours hardcore

  11. a hole is were my haret is what can i say other then you have brocken me

    i really don't know time will tell for me give this we will see but im afaid this is my last post . this is it. maybe if you read this you to could forgive me . it just ant worth it .

    to wake to a new dawn to bring so much pain this is why i must leave there's no more hope left for me .

    gone i will stay but never out of reach. so sorry my sweet. just need to time to think. befor i get ready to say good bye.


    for someone like you has brougth me such joy i could never have felt.

    with out . but now you see its just not the time for me to let go . befor my haret gets another scare . i can only say why me.

  12. just checking and how many guy are we talking about 8) i don't know if i should take a number or something, hum. you know how i feel im just wandering now 'hum i say as i scach my head. you seemed like you were busy to day . hum maybe. no i don't think that way but sometime i do this is just me checking up on you. 8)


    ps don't be mad



    yours truly



    harcore a.k.a steve

  13. frist of all get a pair !

    sec just ram your tongue down her throut.

    frist date go stagth to the bedroom thats what she wants anyways .

    i think

    why els would she be asking you out .

    hum let me see is it posable that she is a hoe.


    just kidding do what feels rigth you can't go wrong with that but dude plz get a pair i meen come on .

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