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Posts posted by hardcore

  1. i just lost so many friends the last week or so just don't know how many more i will lose . pepol say that i have changed i'm not the guy they use to know. i geuss they never really knew me at all. or maybe they just like seeing me the way i was. true i don't feel like the same man i was. i just look at things with a new set of eye's if it were. maybe this new me will bring me to the end of to many road's that i'm not ready to cross. i think to my self maybe it is better to be driven mad. By the beat of my own longing heart. Then to keep taking the pill's that make me better. just don't know. can you help any help will do and i will be greatfull for.




  2. just something they told me if you feel that you migth have a break then step away from what you are doing and find a plase where you can clear your head. hey it helps me i have to step away every five minit's thow lol .

    becuse i just get the urge to hurt anyone or anything in my path. hope this brings you a littel help



  3. yhea i know i maybe a fool. but i do know what love is or at lest i like to think so i have been with many differnt kinds of wemen i don't judge. a book bye it's cover never really could never really wanted to. i make mistakes . im only fleash and blood just like every one else on this world.

    just never really felt love in it's pureist form. geuss i never really gave my self the chance. could you tell me what love is about so i have something to look forward to feeling . can anyone i believe in that one person that make's every thing come togethere a soul mate. i bging to wonder why is something so rigth so hard to find. time is no friend of mine i find my self just wanting the simple thing's now not just a good time but the bad time's as well. it's just so much easyer to share those time's when you are with the one. you know . well its just me i geuss maybe there's something wrong with me . i seam to get to close only to be turned away. faith i geuss maybe don't really know any more.




    hardcore is but a man as well with a new heart

  4. anger boiling hate steaming.

    Why god why me.

    As I pond apon my chess in some form of agony.

    Where was thow I scream in to the night?

    Where was he when I had the gun to my head?

    On my knee's begging please.

    Give me this o father tout in heaven.

    Give me this and set me free.

    Break the chain's apone thy heart and set me free.

    who are you to judge me.

    Did you not put me here on the floor on my knee's.

    Did you not create this dismal destiny.

    Where were you when I need a friend just someone nay kind of a friend?

    Where was i.

    I was here face down in agony.

    With tears in my eyes I say to I am.

    But one simple man.

    Never though this is the plan that thy has set forth.

    A victim of destiny.

    Feel my anger as it swell's.

    Anger for not just thy but to face an endless time.

    Forever lost do to things behold my reach.

    o Father o father cover my sin.

    And grant me scanty.

    I'm on my way to see you face to face.

    Never knew that I would have to look into you eye's.

    And say I just couldn't do it just couldn't make it through the nights.

    Why could you not speek?

    To all those you have lost.

    Over the time is but one minute there.

    One minute in eternity.

    Of father of mine I need not your city's of gold only a place to call home.

  5. well for one STALKER maybe it was a one nigth thing . wemen do it to big man. dosen't feel good to be used but it happen's. some time's it's best that we let go. i can understand that you feel strong about here but what can you do if she don't feel the same nothing. who know maybe the more you stay away from her the more she'll think about you . take it from a pro. wemen can't stand not knowing lol. so hope this helps .

  6. ok this is from a long time pro. just do what you feel is rigth and you shouldn't be so hard on your self you are not a loser. i was your age once but then aging i lost my virginty at 12 lol yes you are talking to the big mac dady of the soulth lol . just do what make.s you feel good can't go wrong with that. 8)

  7. would you notice if i wasn't around.

    would you even notice if i just faded to black never to come back .

    were do i go you will never know.

    would you care to hear my voice.

    would you nothice if i was some where.

    other then here.

    what would you do if you saw me some where.

    other then with you.

    given time i allways say.

    but only time tell's the tale of men.

    i like to say.

    what would become of the one that has brougth us so .

    so far just to turn and look away.

    something forgoten.

    but i'm still here.

    do you see me sitting here all alone.

    do you know where and what i have done.


    you shale never know fear not the dawn of this nigth.

    fear only the rise of the new ligth.

    this is who i am.

    no drugs shale ever take me away from this forsaken land.

    there is no heaven that i can see.

    only a empty shell of what could be.

    will you watch as i take my last breath.

    just to see the ligth leave my face .

    maybe maybe not .

    given time we shale all see.

    forgoten i am forgoten i shale be.

    as i slip away into distany.


    just one of those last min' deal's i woke up and had to rigth it down hope you like .


    hardcore to fix something sorry

  8. sorry sdear hope your not mad at me i just thougth that you where tring to conform to what other pepole wanted you to be i was just tring to say . keep it real lol hope this sheads some ligth on the subject im not that smart as you migth know lol. so i hope that you may for give me angel.

  9. hello it's me steve but you may know of me as hardcore or many other names from many other place's . yhea i get around lol . maybe i spend to much time on this thing how much time do you spend on it i spend about 9-10 hour's nigth wow you migth say but i do have to keep up with the time's lol . some pepole hate me this i know why you migth say but i'll just tell you with good reson lol. i hold back alot of stuff i really want to say. just don't know how to bring it out for judgement . or your apion .

    i tiled this one smiple wish we all have a wish what is your's . i'll leave my one wish in the quote box at the end of this just some stuff you should know about me . i am not a child i am a man fat and ugly yes this i know .lol i'm a nice guy and we all know where i finish lol. door mate to some drit ball to a few lol. yes i do have problems but how do you mesure a man by his deads or by his heart . the true test of one is to come back . my ex just befor she wacked her self . said to me if you love something you must set it free. then if it come's back to you then it was ment to be . well i loved her and she is set free . i hope maybe in heaven we will see if it was ment to be. every one after her will only be a shadow apon the wall . i tried to give it up but just don't want to just can't forgive my self for being greedy like most of everyone else . time heals all wonds .

    but this one i will keep open. don't say to me let got it's not that i can't just don't want to ok.

    well its about throw so here's my wish if you want tell me your's i would like to see don't be ashamed to share i am not afraid look and you see what i meen lol



    just one wish is to hold you in my arms aging . to wisper in your ear to kiss your sweet lips. this is but my one simple wish .


    todays the day that we parted ways today i sit alone and i think of you .

    in time i fear my memoreys will be lost .

    so i keep this place in my heart.

    to my love . maybe soon we shale be no so far apart in time sweet unforgiveing time maybe soon my love .





    your allways steven

  10. i think you should take what every one tells you about it and throw it away yes it was great but did it come from inside is this the true way you feel i am but a blade of grass i will bend in the wind but i will not breck .

    meening that you should never take what pepole tell you to heart . wrigth about how you feel who care's if they like it it's not ment for them to understand anyways . case you haven't noticed i was rejected . kick out of the contest lol said i was to raw so i told them to go ***** off lol.

    but yes i did love this one as well you are really good but never lose your center thats where it comes from . 8)


    your buddy hardcore lol

  11. i really could feel where you were comeing from on this one it was great.

    meagen you know that i to will aways be here foryou . i can stress this fact enogth . i love your work but you allready know that .


    your friend aways hardcore but if you like you can call me steve. 8)

  12. you got to lick it befor you can stick it

    you have to beat it befor she can meet's it

    just some quotes to live bye hope this bring's you some help .

    anyways you are way to young to be worrid about stuff like this wait until you are ready what if is a big Qustion . what if you get her pregent you are way to young to be tied down rigth now you want to know the number one thing that helps you get your mind off this is vidio games .

    i was a master in the arcade unthouch able if you will i even won a few well know tortuments. like mortal kombat world tour . lol bet you didn't know.



  13. not real shore how to start if off anymore .

    so just lrt me say this short word .

    it's me aging and i'm back in a familer mood .(lol)

    o long have i waited for this time to come this is the time for just a littel fun(lol)

    here i sit behind my desk .

    wrigth the wrongs that i have done .

    back to normale it would seem for no drug can take hold of me (muhahaha)

    sitting here rigthing this riddel .

    just when out to get some (lol)

    hot darn i say to them as they walk up to me (lol)

    so i simle with a grin .

    hey baby where you been.

    here nore there i say still with my grin.

    we have missed you so .

    as she bites her lip.

    o honey i say to them .

    where was that familer simle when i was down on my knee's .

    as you where beging plz(lol)

    so she smile's and says come over in a littel while .

    so i say stop wait .

    how could we forsake .

    your friend there she looks like she migth be i need (lol)

    so they beging to smile and wisper in each others ears.

    so it's a date . (lol)

    o baby yhea its on tonigth .

    see you at 8:00.

    well thats it for this one you migth have to use your own am imagination. (lol)




    hardcore 2.0(lol)

  14. i forgive you my dear friend yet you maynot know who i am but i know what it is like and yes you do have a choice chose to live and it will make you strong . yes i know that life may not be fare but is that a resin to quit .

    to let the world win . to just become another victom of life . instead i say to you choise to be the victor not the victom . i to have been down this road i know its hard but you are not alone even in your darkest hour . there will be some one to call on you can call him your friend if you so choice this .


    your friend hardcore2.0

  15. you never know how hard it is just to come clean ask and i will tell my trip to hell is over now just tring to set thing's rigth once aging so i wrote this poem to help.more like a short story



    here i am but a simple man wanting to be more than.

    failed at life . failed at trust. faild at love. failed at death.

    there's no rock to crawl under no river deep enogth to wash away the blood on my hands.

    like a soider on the battel fild i sit with my hands at my knee's .

    opened beging god please.

    looking but never no one there to ansewer my pley.

    how much can on take alot .

    alot more then the heart can bear alone.

    pepole look and smile and say once in a while .

    thigs get better so i say to them where was he when i needed him.

    whit fury in my eyes and in my heart .

    where was the promise of life .

    for along time i sat awake pondering such things.

    never befor in my life have i ever felt so ashamed .

    as i am broken in two .

    maybe you can say you know my pain but i say to you we are not the same.

    shure we feel the hurt of a knife tearing throw are flesh.

    as we all do are dance with death.

    can i tell you something from along time ago.

    there was but a littel boy .

    in a small town of needmore.

    lived in one of the oldest house to be found.

    no not a good thing it would seem.

    have you ever seen the other side . the side hidden from most pepoles eyes.

    there are thing's in the nigth.

    this boy once woke to see standing befor him and on one knee.

    maybe it will go away if only i pull the cover's over my head he said in fear .

    but it has never gone far from here.

    but this boy was not the only one to see such a sigth.

    for fear gripped this house tonigth.

    as a cold clamy hand set forth a boy screeming like a lame .

    out in to the forgoten land .

    into the nigth he found him self all alone .

    with no home to go to .

    shhh whats that he says to him self as something comes close.

    with a blad in his hand like a sith and fire in his eyes

    speeking a thousend toungs come come.

    so the boy clamed in fear legs they are frozen in fear.

    as the souls of the lost screem from hell.

    just beneath his breath

    i have come to take you to a place far far away from here.

    befor he could say where he was allready there .

    but a angel wisperd in the one who came ear.

    save this one for another day .





    hope you all like this short story or poem don't know what i was really tring to say most of it is about me but thats for you to judgenot me



    hardcore ligth 8)

  16. to the one's that make this all worth while i am back for the most part . i just need to clear my head . do i feel better no. wrigth now as i'm rigthing this . i have tear's in my eye's i find my self wondering why . why life had to make me this cruel littel man with out a heart in his chest. at times . i just got back from a place where things were differnt .help is hat i need and i have found some hope out there in this world to day yhea i'm back on my med's and i go to see the shrink tommrow . to tell me whats wrong with me . i sit here thinking of not death but of life and all the life i have missed . so here i sit here with my family but a part of me feels so far apart from them . i just want thing's to be back the to normal aging . yhea i have a problem and i'm tring to fix it the best way i can but i become lost very quick it would seem . how life could take ahold of me so quick. i was just to the point i couldn't look at myself in the mirrow. so saddly i have to say i don't know if the man you love to talk to will be the same man anymore maybe i'll be the same man maybe i really don't feel like the same man but i'm not a new man eather i still leave with the sin's of my past that can never be forgiven .but just maybe you can forgive me for not being there if you need to talk to me while i was away.


    8) your friend hardcore

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