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Posts posted by hardcore

  1. yes this is a poem and yes i know that its in the wrong spot but i just felt that it best fit this spot more.



    sometimes i sit here all alone thinking of the past love's

    sometime's i just feel so alone then i talk to you.

    one day i will not be so afraid to say what i truly feel.

    someday maybe i'll tell you.

    just don't feel like the man i was.

    just couldn't have done it with out you.

    sometime's how i wish i could hold you close.

    but i fear that someone is allready there.

    in your arm's holding you tigth.

    just like a thef in the nigth.

    steeling my greatist prize.

    sometime's i look in the mirower and see a man looking back at me.

    not real shore if that is really me.

    as i look deep into my heart.

    i feel i must be a mistake.

    somewhere out ther you to maybe lieing in bed awake.

    dreaming of me as i dream of this endless night.

    some how i must say this to you but i feel my time has long since been throw.

    so here i sit talking to you.

    just to watch you making it throw.

    o how i wish but like i said we where not ment to be .

    we where only one man's wish.




  2. well there are wemen out there that i feel are way to hot for me. see i have a low selfasteam. i would feel like im keeping them back from finding someone more good looking then i witch i'm not good looking but who cares lol. just nice but it sound's like in this case that he was only wanting to get in your underwear if it were. just a thougth hope this save's you some pain in the fuhter .



  3. really don't know what to say never happed to me befor. there's more to life then just haveing a biggen thow. go out and get one of those rambone's you know toy. but i really think you should feel happy with your self and if she don't like it well to bad to sad. believe me i don't have a clue what i am saying eather lol.


    hardcore wacked out

  4. i could feel you on this one have you ever heard a song bye the rolling stone's paint it black i love that song . and i love your poem it was great.



  5. i liked it keep it up and as far as getting laid well wait all theings come when we lest supect them. truse be bro i have been in your shose's but now i just feel i could deal with out it . love hurt's and sometime's sucks.

    don't ever let your heart get invoild when your just looking to get a pieace of pie lol. can i tell you some thing unrealated i don't even go out that much anymore. but they still find me i ant saying i'm some super mac dady or anything just most wemen are drawn to me becuse i am broken deep with in and they don't unstand why i won't let them in . so keep up the good work and never give up hope in time all thing's fall in place good like.

  6. just the way i see thing's is that he migth just tring to make you jelose i thinh it is . well you know . or maybe that was his way of saying things are over. mabye i can't really say. other then maybe you should start looking for a new man one that will love you. and care for you as a man should. i have talked to you you are very beutifull and you have a amzing personailty. he is a fool to give you up. just for a good time.




  7. i have read many of there work's i'm not totaly dumb but if it dosen't come from my heart then it meens nothing . there are many who would agree with me one his. who need's the master's of the old. they know not the day's of tommrow. lol


    hardcore that is my pin name

  8. wow you really hit a cord with me on this one it make's me think of the one's i have lost never to come home to see there smiling face . truly great i know you wrote it from your heart . never befor has anyone ever been able to preice my cold heart with word's till now . thank you



  9. don't let fear stop you . once in a life time we have one chance to do what we can don't miss out and be one of the one's wish thing's could have when differnty . live for the moment or it may be lost forever. take it from me.



  10. so what if she say's no it's high shcool. there are more fish in the sea then just one. and if she say's no just o well you migth have missed out on the best thing that could have ever happened to you. then find some one else. it's not that hard. once you get rejected don't think everone will do the same. just let it make you instead of bring you down. you really want to know a good pick up line to get some one i'll quote it at the end for you hope this will bring you some luck .


    i can't help but wander if you and me where ment to be.



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