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Posts posted by melancholy123

  1. 3 hours ago, melchevelle said:

    all these years later I wonder if her intentions were genuine, but I'll never know. I ran into her the other day and it brought out some old feelings. especially since she told me in a random text 4 months ago how much hate she has for me. I deserve some of it, but I did try to do right by her earlier this year and attempt to apologize and make amends.


    She knows what she's doing and I think she also has a few screws loose.

  2. I do wonder why you are thinking about this 3 yrs later.  What happened in the end with her and how long did it take?

    Some people are just over the top intense, like she is, and I believe they scare potential mates away when they cant simmer down.  She'd drive me nuts in a hurry.  I hope her actions aren't still keeping you awake at night.

  3. I would hate this as much as you do as I came from a not close at all family and my husband's family was far too close, IMO.  I could imagine his mother doing the same as your bf's mother is doing and I would have hated it.  But this is how he was raised, it's normal to him, but not normal to you.  It's the differences in families. 

    I dont doubt his mother will call him while at the relatives' home wanting to get together with him and you.  I say good luck to you as you will need it.  He may mature in time and learn to break free of the, or he may not.  My husband did, or we would not still be together.

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  4. First off he is not a kid at 22. He is a full grown man so he may well be a lot bigger and stronger than you are so do you think you could handle him?

    I think you need some kind of training, especially first aid, before you take on a situation like this.  What do you do in an emergency?  It's not as simple as you could use the money.

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  5. You are telling me this lunatic drove over your legs with a car and later you got up and walked?  How is that even possible?  I find that hard to believe.

    Why are you with this guy?  He's an abusive bully.  You need to get out, with your child, and go to shelter if you cant afford a hotel.    Talk to a lawyer asap.

    • Like 1
  6. I can see him wanting $20 for his time and lifting but $40 on a $100 item seems steep when he said you could have all of the money.  Having said that, I'd let it go.

    If it's his junk in the driveway he should clean it up so the next potential customer could come to your place and then bf wouldn't have to help.

  7. 9 hours ago, MissCanuck said:

    Hon, you need to wake the hell up. 

    He's not going to confront her. Why not? Because she didn't add herself. He added her, and then fed you some absurd excuse when you saw she was following him and got upset.

    You keep tolerating his crappy behaviour and badly wanting to believe his lies. We can't help you when you refuse to help yourself. 

    This ^^^. totally.

  8. 18 hours ago, Wiseman2 said:

    Don't exchange gifts at all. Keep or return whatever you got her. Tell her you want to give her the gift of freedom from obligatory nonsense of running out last minute to buy unwanted gifts just for the sake of it.

    The best gift is freedom from nonsense and pointless thoughtless last minute gifts.

    I totally agree with this.  I dont buy gifts for friends, just for my kids and 2 grandkids and my husband.  We keep it small and to a small price limit.  The whole obligation thing is way out of hand.

    • Like 3
  9. On 12/6/2021 at 11:27 PM, Bluemoon456 said:

    When I say without him, i mean when we "break up". The times that we have tried to break up or take a break, I feel awful... I don't eat or sleep. I have anxiety all the time. During these times, the thought of him with another woman keeps me up at night. Before I met him, I feel like my life was more peaceful. I wasn't as stressed or anxious.  

    I can do my own thing and focus on things that i like because i know we are together... but as soon as we fight, it feels like i can't even get out of bed 😞

    Do you really want to live your life like this?  No?  Then do something about it.

    • Like 1
  10. 3 hours ago, Batya33 said:

    I got my covid booster vaccine from a drug store chain pharmacist last Friday. 

    As I was waiting I mentioned to the pharmacist that I'd followed the instructions to drink 2 glasses of water within an hour before the vaccine.  An employee- not sure if she was a pharmacist -overheard and said to me "drink tons of Gatorade!!!"  I am really tired of hearing Gatorade thrown around for every random thing (other than when there is a pressing need for it -like true dehydration in a child with a stomach virus who needs electrolytes fast and refuses to drink plain water, etc).  Gatorade has sugar and/or artificial sugar.  I hate the idea of drinking it and I'm great at drinking tons of water.

    Should I email the store -how dare this person demand I down Gatorade when she is not my health provider and may have no appropriate medical or nursing license to give me health advice? What if I am allergic to Gatorade? No.  I let it blow over my head, off my radar and smiled and said thanks.  No, not as life altering as someone saying you don't have cancer- I mean, duh - but same idea - listen to where it's coming from, see the context, get a second opinion as needed if the person lacks the proper licensing etc.

    I have t2 diabetes and Gatorade is something I'd never drink as it's loaded with sugar.  Had some health person suggested that to me, I'd have been quick to point out the bad advice due to diabetes.  However, I see your point, you dont like it so why drink it?  Dangerous advice to give out for many reasons!

  11. 8 hours ago, TulipWriter said:


    I googled Social Work and it seems like they're supposed to do things the same as therapists. So what's the big difference?

    A therapist has a PhD  degree in psychology (like my brother) and that takes 7 years to obtain.  A psychiatrist is also a medical doctor then specializes in psychiatry.  Likely more than 7 yrs to get that PhD.  They both make a lot of money. Social works make bugger all as they can have a community college level degree.  Like my idiot SIL.  They are not therapists of any sort.

    You really need to let this go.  You got bad advice from her, and I think you can see this now.  Move on with your life, get a genuine, proper, licensed therapist who can actually help you.


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