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Posts posted by WishMistress

  1. So what you are saying is that you are not responsible for what comes out of your mouth? You have to have accountability. You have heard of for every reaction there is an equal and opposite reaction?? You put the accountability onto another person. There is truth that people do need to own their own emotions, but there is responsibilty that is held by the person that utters the words to trigger the emotions. The reason for this board to support people not to tear down other people as you support someone else. If you have issues with the gender you belong to that is all that you had to say...the descriptive narative was not nesscessay and the person asking for assisstance felt so as well.

  2. Wow......I feel special........LOL....... ....sorry we are an annoyance........LOL I am glad we are classified as prissy, catty, fussy and stupid. It is ok to make someone feel better about what is natural, and for some women it is natural not to want to hang out with other women. Maybe the insults can be left out next time huh?

  3. Actually over cleaining is part of the trouble... the more that you douch and add chemcals to the inside of the vagina the more you kill the good bacteria that exists there. This bacteria is necessary to keep the vagina healthy and it is actually cleaner than your mouth. If you add chemicals then you kill this cleaning bacteria and change the PH balance inside the vagina and bad bacteria move in and cause an infecton. So it could be sex related and it could not be. Even girls that have never any kind of sex ever could have this condition, so it is not fair to assume a girl is NOT clean. It is better to get your facts straight first.

  4. What you are describing is a bacterial infection called bacterial vaginosis and it can be cured with a trip to the doctor for some anitibiotics. While most women do have a slight scent it should not be unpleasant. And that " fishy" smell is very typical of bacterial vaginosis.

  5. It sounds like to me that you have pretty much made up your mind. You can not deal with his children and you don't want your child to see him as a dad. In the experience of being a step -child I knew who my biological father was and I still called my step dad....dad. It is only right to have respect for someone that raises you. I think that his commitmets are overwhelming for you and perhaps there is too much difference in age and experience in this relationship for both of you to handle. You can not ask him to give up his children cause that is dispicable. Maybe both of you should move on, because they will always be in his life. It sounds to me like you are only ready to make a commitment if he ditches involvement with his kids. Would you be happy if your ex remarried and did that to your daughter cause his new wife expected it? And if you want to have other children which you expressed that you do, he is not the man for you.

  6. Hm I am sure that I would be suspicious about the key issue. Now, the previous poster might be right, but I find it a typical male response. Enjoy the now and who cares about future troubles that lay ahead. I find that sooooooooooooo typical of men. Hm sorry venting a bit. But I would be concerned about the not initiating sex and the key thing. It could be too that he is getting comfy with the relationship and feels that he has you bagged and he doesn't have to work at it anymore. But keep the lines of communication open.

  7. Wow, that is a difficult one. It is always difficult when children are involved. Does she have your son? It is disturbing that she said that she did not want him. I know that you love her and think that it is the end of the world right now. You need someone that will love you and your son. She may have more issues than just postpartum. Think of your son, he needs to feel love between the people that raise him and not find out that he was not wanted anyway. I hope that you find peace and love.

  8. I think that what she means is she wants to you to be physically more forceful. Not as in hurt her or anything. She wants to feel your desire. Kissing her more forcefully, touching her with a purpose, like you know what you want and you are going for it, while pleasing her at the same time.

  9. Do you have custody of your son? And he wants to see the woman he believes is his mother? I am sorry for your perdicament. It might be easier if you tell your son that she is not his mother. It was not fair to let him believe that she is. Step mothers are wonderful too. I know you can't fix the past. But don't fill his future with lies. I wish you the best of luck, and I know it hurts right now, but one day you will be able to think of it without pain.

  10. What do women look for in a man??? Well first intially it is probably looks. I look at eyes. I love beautiful eyes. Then I look at hands. I love big strong hands. Then quickly after looks, it is personality. I like a man that is caring and sweet, generous, and wants to please me.

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