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Everything posted by Ic3D-FLuD

  1. I used to trust er but then little lies started which were meaningless and then they started to grow to bigger lies and at the moment i don't trust her at all. But i want to trust her and i have spoken about this with her but she turns the guilt back on me for not trusting her
  2. Yeh i got the album, its a top song and very appropriate in my current situation. Thanks
  3. Thanks SadHatter, I know i need to let her go and move on but i don't know how. I am friends with a lot of her friends and her cousins aswell. I was practically adopted by their family...as sad as it sounds, its true. Yeh i have the album, that song is very appropriate. Calvin, i know that is what i should do but it is difficult because i would prabably do something pathetic and break down in tears. Thanks for your advice so far!!
  4. i am a guy and i have known this girl for almost a year now. I met her when i was gettin over a previous girlfriend. She started to like me more than i liked her and thought we should see eachother but i wasn't convinced it would work because of the distance. But when she told me she loved me and all the feeligns she had for me i was drawn in and she took my heart. Well last week i found out she was going out with someone from her school. I confronted her and she lied, she lies all the time to me and i can tell she lies but i can never actually prove it because she will say something like "how can you believe what they say? im ur girlfriend, u should believe me" and then i feel guilty and say sorry. Well back to that boy, i asked her about it and she said that he had asked her out and she said no to him. I was really happy. But then when i found out who the boy wasi realisedi had spoken to him before, so i asked him about it. Unbeknown to my knowledge she had actually said yes. So, i decided to confront her again and she came up with some silly excuses like always. After i found out she kept telling me she loved me and that I mean the world to her. She said she didn't think her and this boy would work out and she will go out with me again. Stupidly I thought "Oh, Great!". After a couple of days she dumped him because she said she had made the wrong decision and she loved me to much and she would never leave me again. Well a week past and it was going really well.....but....it gets worse.... Yesterday (Tuesday) i bought her some credit fro her mobile phone so i could text her and she could text me back. Later on that day i found out she had been texting that boy she went out with saying she loves him. I confronted her and again she produces one of her lame excuses, this time it was "yeh, i love everyone, i say it to everyone, but your extra special to me". She thinks im stupid. Well, we finished last night. My heart sunk when i found out she had been telling this boy she loved him. She still tells me that she loves me and wants to be really good mates and that we could get together in the future. But i think she is just putting these hopes into my mind so i don't go. She always wants a back up boyfriend just incase the other one dumps her. I know i should move on and forget her but i can't. She is too special to me, my mind says go but my heart says stay. I don't know what to do......
  5. I know exactly how you feel. But i am a guy and i have known this girl for almost a year now. I met her when i was gettin over a previous girlfriend. She started to like me more than i liked her and thought we should see eachother but i wasn't convinced it would work because of the distance. But when she told me she loved me and all the feeligns she had for me i was drawn in and she took my heart. Well last week i found out she was going out with someone from her school. I confronted her and she lied, she lies all the time to me and i can tell she lies but i can never actually prove it because she will say something like "how can you believe what they say? im ur girlfriend, u should believe me" and then i feel guilty and say sorry. Well back to that boy, i asked her about it and she said that he had asked her out and she said no to him. I was really happy. But then when i found out who the boy wasi realisedi had spoken to him before, so i asked him about it. Unbeknown to my knowledge she had actually said yes. So, i decided to confront her again and she came up with some silly excuses like always. After i found out she kept telling me she loved me and that I mean the world to her. She said she didn't think her and this boy would work out and she will go out with me again. Stupidly I thought "Oh, Great!". After a couple of days she dumped him because she said she had made the wrong decision and she loved me to much and she would never leave me again. Well a week past and it was going really well.....but....it gets worse.... Yesterday (Tuesday) i bought her some credit fro her mobile phone so i could text her and she could text me back. Later on that day i found out she had been texting that boy she went out with saying she loves him. I confronted her and again she produces one of her lame excuses, this time it was "yeh, i love everyone, i say it to everyone, but your extra special to me". She thinks im stupid. Well, we finished last night. My heart sunk when i found out she had been telling this boy she loved him. She still tells me that she loves me and wants to be really good mates and that we could get together in the future. But i think she is just putting these hopes into my mind so i don't go. She always wants a back up boyfriend just incase the other one dumps her. I know i should move on and forget her but i can't. She is too special to me, my mind says go but my heart says stay. I don't know what to do......
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