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Posts posted by Taomagicdragon

  1. I, for one, don't know hoe to flirt, so that won't work well for me. As for being approached, it may go over my head. Blushing ,though, is more universal and soemthing I do very well. You can approach him in a couple ways. One way is to hang out with him more, become more of a regular in his daily life. You could also tell him point-blank, but becareful not to come on too strong or you'll scare him into retreating into his emotional shell. Talk to his twin, maybe he can help you.

  2. I look like a horse kicked me in the face


    However, different girls are attracted to different guys, shy, proud, ugly, handsome. What matters most is if you are true to yourself or not. If you are okay with who you are, then you'll meet a girl that feels the same.

  3. What is obvious to me is that he is unfaithful and seems to be unable, or unwilling, to change. Once that trust is broken once, it takes time to rebuild. However, he keeps breaking it every time he spends a night in that girl's bed. If he was a man of any fidelity or honour, he would ahve never left you in the first place. He has walked out on you and your children, that's a fact. You must look after you and your children and prepare the divorce. Then, move on with your life and find a man worthy of you and your kids, for you all deserve the best. Remember, this was the decision he made when he threw all that he had away.

  4. They are right, I have had two friends commit suicide and I will forever feel responsilbe in part. Not becuase of what I did, but because of what I feel I was unable to do. Many people i know have thoguht aobut killing themselve,sand I make it my charge to save them, but when I fail (asI believe I have) it feels like such a weigt forever on my heart. Don't give that burden to those that love you. Do you have a significant other? imaigne how they would feel with you gone? Always wondering if they did or didn't do something. Stand up and take control of your life, you claim to have no motivation yet you seem motivated to take something you can never give back: your life. Keep you life and live for someone you love, give your life away, don't throw it away, allow yourself to live for that person, to be a better person, and ti live a better life

  5. I've never "made a move" and my shyness comes from many different layers of thought.


    One being that I am afraid of it. Afraid of lbearing out my well guarded heart and have it torn a part.


    Another tihng is I am battling a thought that I am not worthy of love (long story short - abused and made to feel worthless for 10 years, takes time to fight that back)


    I don't want to start a relationship that may end, want to save the girl from pain of a break-up as well as dealing with the pains I carry.


    Finally, I feel that I can't in my position in life. I am looked up to by so many people, I am their hope, I give them strength, and am seen kinda as a hero to them. ANd it;s hard for those of morality to let themsleves have love for the simple reason, that after a while, anytihng that makes you feel good gives you guilt that you may be using whatever, or whomever, is giving you the pleasure.


    There are likely more layers than these, but these are a great start to my own reasons.

  6. I have helped many in my life from killing themselves, however, I've failed twice. The first time, the peron hung himself, this time (happened on Sunday), the girl, with her best friend went into the path of an oncoming train after hugging eachother. I feel as though I've failed them. I know there was nothing I oculd have done to save them, didn't even know there was a problem of that nature. Sadly, I know there was nothing I could have done and that thought just makes me feel worse. I feel depressed and nothign is helping, it's becoming a problem with my friendships too... Thank you in advance.

  7. It takes time, that's all anyone can say. I went through a situation similar in that I became very mad at myself (the sitation was me being abused) and a inferiority complex. I learned, though, that what would my friends do to someone saying to me what I was saying to myself? They would massacre that person and tell them off. So I learned to do the same to that voice in my head.


    In short: do what your friends would do, care about you.

  8. Well, starting a diet to lose bulk (not that i'm obese or anything like that) I tend to eat around 2500-3000 calories daily. THis was excellent when I was able to fence 6 times a week, i can't do that for now (at least not until winter when I have a better sense of balance) So, I'm going down to 1,500 calories a day. I still need to weight myself btu my last weigh in, I was 220, for the more astute of you, the ideal wieght for my age (keep in mind muscle mass or body fat% is not applied here) is 190. FOllowing my diet, I should lose 2-3 lbs a week. So, for the more astue of you, that woill take 10 - 15 weeks or 2-3 months. I really hope I can do this, it' help with self esteem most defiantely.


    So, I am playing the counting calories game. Wish me luck.


    EDIT: kk, used that site thing, and decided 1900 for calories intake, thank you

  9. Okay, here's the thing. When I like a girl, which isn't often, I often have a fantasy of everything going well, i play out scenarios in my head, and work out how things would do wel land would do badly in a relationship with my interest. However, I never do anything, I just waste my while thinking until the possibility is gone. Now, there is a girl I think I may like, however, how does one go about taking the leap and risk losing the fantasy.


    Background: I tend to only like girls that I am good friends with. Also, my childhood was roughi nwhich my family treated me as a slave and as less than human, full of abuse of all kind in which my father got off sexually with the things he did to me. And my first realtionship was one I was being used in from the start. That should be enough for one to go on.

  10. talk with him, friendship is a two-way street and you should do anything you can if you want to save the friendship. Also, talking with him to find out how he feels and basically settign everything straight. Then you both will have to work hard to make sure distance, time, social circles, etc doesn't affect the friendship.


    In short: A friendship requires two to start and two to fall apart.

  11. *claps* That Jesse Kameron does to poetry what Einstein did to Japan, knocked it out of the water *bad joke*


    I like the poem however, reminds me of late nights reflecting.

  12. You see, moderation is the key to any romance. Think of a fire, appropriate with the passion of love. If you feed it too much fuel, you smother it and the flame dies out. The same with love, do too much too fast, you smother the relationship.


    Another thing, many times people get together just for the physical activities. In that case, after they have had it, they no longer feel the need to maintain the relationship.


    In short:


    A relationship built on physical attraction alone is never enough.


    As for you, I recommend, at such a young age, to not deal woth relationships and get back to your studies and improve your life and yourself. Get to know yourself better, find some real friends you can get with on a mental and emotional level that will get you through tough times ahead. After you have worked on yourself, your own value, and have strong, solid friendships with both genders, you can move on into the realm of relationships.


    In short:


    Take care of yourself first.

  13. That cretin who dares to call himself a man is nothing and is lower than the dirt beneath my boots. He is trying to make you lose all faith and confidance in yourself until you are dependant upon him. Do not fall for this. Do not answer his calls do not open his messages. I am close to your age and have an idea about what knaves would do to get any girl they deem as weak. I say, let him call you what he wishes, he is a low life and is not worth his weight in dirt.

  14. Yes, my computer is now suitable after a long, long time of haywiring.


    Anyway, I have a friend, her name, we shall say, is x. x and I have known eachother for nigh two years now. We are great friends and love eachother's company and are always friends first. Lately, we have been more comfortable with eachother (ie cuddling, holding hands, snuggling, etc) and I would like to know where I should go from here. I do have a feeling she may have some feelings for me and I am beginning to have some for her as well. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  15. True true, funny thing, to elaborate on the entire situation, her family knows I like her, while her past relationship is holding her back, I've other thigns holding me back. You see, I was physically abused for 11 years by my father, and it was all allowed/encouraged by my mother, who neglected me. She'd run in screaming if my siblings were in any trouble, but only once did she stop him from hitting me, then she found out I wasn't cleanign fast enough, and walked out of the room, with my father free to do as he wished. So, it can be surmised that I've never had love of any sort, and didn't have any real friend until just recently, now that the abuse has ended and my father walked out. In comparison to her family, who loves her, cares about her, and even seem to care about me, I'm astounded and suddenly feel less than worthy to be anything to her, much less her friend.

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