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Everything posted by SayX

  1. well dude ,think about being on work where you cant run away coz if boss finds out there is no good teacher or parent to forgive ya then anyways i think the main thing that attracts younge'r immature girls ,none of you dont take this as offence when i say immature,its just age,is confidence and rebel spirit in guys so by telling her to run away from school and smoking cig you showed all that in some way ,that you don't care bout your health means you are your own boss ,not mammas boy away from school shows that you rebel spirit ,what else can young girl that is so sick and tired of authoritative parents wish? i believe this is where comes age periods rule. in those age its normal and thats how life goes we change. but why the hell i am writting all this? do i want to hummiliate both of you ?no way... do i want to look smart?mabe alittle HAha but the bottom line is what fits in your age man in your school wont fit on other place in other time... anyways i suggest you telling folks how you knew she likes you ,that can help also... in my opinion i think you didnt push much on her was smart patient and observed situation in psychological manners....
  2. what i mean is privacy isn't just something others dont have to know. I reallized it's something that helps for ego very much . It is something yours and none's else thats the beauty of it its who you are freedom to be and feel and think in your own world. Mabe it helps us to see our purpose and who we are in life. big things come from small ones like your own secret . without secret of your own self a person isn't person then person becomes a book everyone can read. not to mention that if you can get hurt in life especially social life it is by revealing everything to everyone. Trust me on this.
  3. Girl of your dreams enters the room ,you start feeling nervous thinking of ways how you could get her attention ,your eyes cant move away from her even when you have to do something you are stone statue. why? if you ever experienced this then you probablly know i know how you feel right?why this guy thinks that means he knows how i feel?COZ how else could i describe that situation if i didnt experience it my self makes you prlly think if i menaged to find a solution can also tell you how to find it right? and my god is that all for free?LOL no sorry 5 bucks send to this adres... LOLOL Ok i am just kiding no worryz From now on no more joking ,from now on here comes the real thing and it is what to do to make girls do what you want them to do . DO DO DO DO DO ALL THIS DO DO 'S WILL LEADE TO ONE SINGLE ANSWER and it is "BY DOING NOTHING AT ALL" NO i am not kiding i am very serious IT IS ALL YOU NEED (ok almost,other things you do ,you will reallize is something like really puting a small cherry on a big cake you made after (THAT WILL COME LATER IN THIS POST)and now i am gonna explain why. biggest and trust me on this "THE MOST FATAL THING" in date or being with girl you like and want to be more then just nice person to talk with you can make is ===NOT OBSERVING!=== OBSERVING where and to what? 1.HER!!! let me explain what i really mean here . It doesnt mean all you need for succes is staring in her pretty eyes ... I believe your girl has prolly very sweet and pretty eyes but wait a second ,whle you stare at her pretty eyes thinking how something that beautifull can never look at loser like you...by that time she is probablly showing some things that can reveal you "ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT "IS THERE CHANCE" "IS THERE NOT A CHANCE" YOU NEED TO LEARN OBSERVING it is almost all you need i will explain later what i meant with cherry on big cake(what you do besides just looking) example of a beginnger in this -ok there is a bunch of folks talking in 1 room making jokes up having fun listening music etc...,there is a girl you like and you do what?observe her and you notice she looks back and gives you a smile.you do what? smile back but not with wide open crazy happy mouth(newbie looks) example of master in this -imagine same situation and here is what guy does..in situation while he talked with girl he reallized as he observed that girl is into smart and mystical things like lord of the rings ,books ,astrology and now what does this mean?of course that means she is prolly likes smart guys.and now in the middle of conversation if something smart is topic you get inside and tell your opinion but only if you confident about your skills in this type of conv(dont embarrass yourself saying something without sense hehe and now comes very important thing ,after guy said what he thinks he looks at the girl to see her reaction mabe yes mabe not but eventually she may then get sparkle in eye and set her eyes on him thinking about what he said or how you he is smart. BINGO and best of all you notice she is doing that LOL I showed you how beautifull colors are in the world of observing just few of colors here(2 examples)and how many colors are there ,???orangem,red,blue,green,yellow damn and when u start mixing them???NO LIMIT IS THE ANSWER ,GOT MY MEANING?(IF YOU DONT DO TILL U REALLIZE!!!!),and now you prolly think damn this guy is right,its all there but i dont observe its all there all gold and jewerly to help me with that girl but i am just blind i dont think and i dont look where i should. where to observe 1.eyes(THIS IS APSOLUTLY THE MOST IMPORTANT THING OF A WOMEN THAT CAN REVEAL HER TOUGHTS TOWARDS YOU AND NO SINGLE MAN OR WOMAN WILL MAKE ME THINK OTHERWAYS EVER 2.DONT RUSH! MANY GUYS DO THIS MISTAKE-you get chance to talk with her and what you do?you rush trying to kiss her?trying to make a conversation?trying to get her ur attention?doesnt matter what you do DONT RUSH! Because girls dont like it why? first of all it will make you look like "HUNGRY WOMEN-CHASING NEWBIE" second thing is you dont leave her space to explore yourself ,you ARE NOT SOMETHING SHE CAN REVEAL EXPLORE RESEARCH .in otherwords you are boring as other 10000000 guys trying to do it how? IN SAME WAY AND THATS THE MAIN PROBLEM OF IT. most of guys almost start with indentical stupid lines and no matter you can be cute as hell smart blabla doesnt matter that first line or things you do remind her on other billion of HUNGRY WOMEN-CHASING NEWBIES IN THIS WORLD TRYING TO GET LAID OR DATE WITH HER. MUST READ EXAMPLE(TRUE STORY FROM MY OWN EXPERIENCE) =========================================== i was at a party this new year ,and there was one girl who also organized the party and then now listen carefully ,this is amazing example .... first thing i noticed when she came in was that she only said hi to me even 4 -5 of us entered the house almost the same time....... DONT THINK I AM EGO MANIAC NOW i can teach you and pass good thing it is somethin from my OWN EXPERIENCE. ......or that she isnt friend with other guys or that i am only one she knows no ,she knew most of 4-5 of us but if she said hi to me doesnt mean she doesnt like them,it prolly means as later i reallized is correct i was on her mind she wanted me to know it or mabe she didnt,anyways if she did this girl is great flirt but can i be enough good observer to reallize and understand her sign ?some guys would prolly think big deal she just said hi (but think about other things to help you solve is it just hi or more ) what happened later on the party? well i got few drinks ,she did ,most of us did ,it was great music ,friends all around joking laughing dancing whatever and suddenly from middle of nowhere she came to me and said "it is boring on party",since my confidence was ok at that party didnt think she meant that i am boring lol but rather something like she wanted to say "its boring come here and get me" ok now in my head happens something simmiliar but lot of more fun then on math..class..long time ago ...1+1+1+1 =and i got what from all that? I mean first thing important + other important thing i noticed then this wait a sec it means what? this girls want me bad lol and without any rushing and punching at her anything at all i did what? i just smiled gently at her and gave her long kiss .... what you think was her reply? she was very happy to reply same way. can you see and understand this?how sometimes easy it can be ,since i am good observer i reallized what she wants and that gave me confidence to move on with such easy way as just smiling at her and giving her long kiss without anything else ..... What is my goal here in this post? I HOPE YOU CAN LEARN FROM MY EXPERIENCE AND ERASE THAT UGLY INSECURITY I ALSO HAD WITH GIRLS BEFORE. Remember ... 1.EYES(you would be amazed how much they can tell ,dont think you know it ,you dont,neither do i,i just learn little more every day) 2.OBSERVE (in this example i show you how) 3.ACT -FINALLY YOU WONDER WHERE IS THAT CHERRY ON CAKE I CONTINUE MENTIONING Read my example and final task and lesson from this post for you is to find it yourself THATS IT BABY SWEEEEET CUTE CHERRY ON BIG DELICIOUS CAKE yummmmmmmmiiiiiii I really tried and did my best to help you all here and i hope you will email me and tell me did it help you and what u think about it on my email email removed GOOD LUCK ALL
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