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  1. I too am 24 and in college not so near the end about 2 more semesters left but in november my dad passed away at 74. Definetly one of the most difficult things I have ever gone through. to tell you the truth I told all my teachers what was going on and did as much or little as possible I mean hell this is a major life changing event. School just had to go on the back burner. I realized that I had to take care of myself first. School will be there but it is important to take care of you first. that was my attitude and it took a lot of pressure off. I even considered taking incompletes but my teachers were most understanding and gave me better grades than I deserved for the work I did. you are going through a vey difficlut thing. Give yourself credit love and space and don't worry about school so much. hope this was helpful YOU are not Alone.
  2. Is it possible since you haven't always been a "depressed" person that you need to a change something new to light the fire of life for you? What is your relationship like? Maybe you need out of that? what do you like to do? DAnce Sing?
  3. Ok been with b/f for 4 years Ups and downs Definetly a great deal of love and caring for eachother as people. We don't talk about our future together maybe we don't know how and i know that i am young 24 and am still fiquring out what I want out of life and who I am Could there be a different person out there for me? my father recently passed and this has made me realize that i have lot of work to do I want to be a conscious peaceful person but it seems so far away now. sometimes i want to just end the relationship so i can stop the madness inside of me and then sometimes i feel guily about it and also want to make it work. We have talked about this numerous times and b/f knows where i am at but he keeps on loving me and acting like we will just be toghether forever. I am not good at this. I have tried to break up before but it doesn't work. is it because I don't have enough self-confidence to just pull the plug? I am wondering what my problem is? anyone ever been through this any insight? would be much appreciated Thanks
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