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  1. Without love, life has no purpose. And without purpose, life has no meaning
  2. It depends why you broke up. If you broke up because you were too "clingy" i.e. not giving him enough space and he began to take you for granted, then you should just continue to be friends with him and keep doing what you were doing. Keep your interactions fun and light, and don't bring up the relationship. He needs to be the one doing the work to make this relationship work. Trust me you don't want to start it back up again, if he's not convinced that that is what he wants, because it'll just end up at the same place again. And if he knows what he wants and you are not pushing him to do it, but rather making yourself irresistible to him, then he'll find a way to get with you
  3. Here is a question for all of you out there: If a girl is stringing you along because she claims she loves you, but wants to have her cake and eat it too, i.e. she wants you as security to fall back to, but wants to go out with friends and do other stuff, what is worse for the girl in terms of making her want to be with you, and what is the best for a chance to get back together under the right conditions in the future? a) becoming completely cool, not return calls, barely have any time for her, and move on with your life without an actual break up (basically becoming pretty disinterested); or b) breaking up with her and telling her that it's over completely, unless maybe...in some remote future... she realizes who she is and what she's been doing and at that point I still care about her.
  4. Yea she is going through this I don't know what I want stage...how do you not know what you want? Please someone explain this concept for me, what does it take to throw you off knowing what you want, and what does it take to find what you want...this concept seems so foreign to me. Also is this a phase that people go through before they reset to their normal good selves again, or once they hit this "me" stage they are just changed for the worse for life? Anyone have any stories about getting back together after their loved one found themselves?
  5. Desperately seeking advice: Quick summary of situation: fell in love with a girl who I was with for a year and a half. We were insanely in love with each other. She turned 19 and went to college, I'm finishing up college. I started getting the feeling that she was lying to me about things, and she was telling me things like she needed to find herself, but she can't live without me. She became distant and instead of backing off I pursued even more. When I found out for sure that she was lying to me about things, I broke up with her. I live in LA and am starting a Food delivery company and she goes to school right nearby and we spoke about her helping me run the business later on...before we broke up Both of us were destroyed. After a month of not talking, I told her everything that I thought about our relationship and what had happened and she asked me to get back together...but she asked me to take things really slowly. It seemed to me that what she meant by that was as I later realized, either we were getting back together so it would be easier to break up later, or we were getting back together so that she could find someone else while we were "together" and move on easier that way. But for some reason (I loved her and missed her I guess) I decided to give it a chance and play it completely cool and let her get back into my life if she wanted. Well it's been about a month, and I've barelly seen her in that period, she acts like she's the center of the world and very self-righteous, and at this point I'm cool and it doesn't really matter to me. The relationship isn't back to where it was, in fact it's further of than anything we ever had, it doesn't even feel like we're together. Well, at this point I'm really tired of playing games or whatever it is, and I realize that we can't be together like this, but I am wondering what (if there is such a thing) a course of action would be to have a chance to get back together for real in the future if at some point she does find herself.[/b] P.S. pktmkm700 I read your post on "space" I think it's great how does it apply in this situation?
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