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Escort Service Sex.......HELP HELP

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I had sex with an escort service a week ago, ever since than I been feeling sick and had sore throat, plus had a burning pee, well I went to the doc and I got tested for STD and HIV they all came back negative, know HIV takes a while before it would show up..During sex I used a condom, but not on the ORAL part, I am scared....Am I at really high risk of geting HIV ??? Plz help



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this is probably false alarm,


still, always use a condom, oral sex can give you aids as well! Anything can these days, you can't be too precaucious, but I think you've learned your lesson by now ;-)


One more thing, did she insist using a condom? Whenever a girl doesn't (escort or not), you should see a red flag ;-)

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