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__ Is this normal? =S

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I was the one that broke up with my ex (forced to

I really loved him so much, and he really did a brilliant job of ripping out my heart because the pain nearly killed me.


Just wondering... It's been 5 weeks.

My mood fluctuates so much.

Is it normal to be crying everyday even after this period of time?

Yesterday I burst into tears 3 times.



I feel so lost. I'm trying so hard to let go.

But easier said than done.


Haven't talked to him in 26 days. Which is amazing bc we used to talk daily or at least once every 2 or so days.

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15 months.

I broke up with him because I saw he wasn't going to change. I found out he cheated on me several times and gave him chances (bc I'm stupid. It's easy to say, yeah I would dump his a$$ if he cheats, but if you love them so much... sigh)

He kept on letting me down and it was the combination of my heart not being able to take this kinda traumatic pain anymore, my complete lack of trust in him (I trusted him with my life so it was really... quite a shock to find out (myself) that he was actually cheating and lying) and also my realisation that he was really taking me for granted and didn't respect me at all.

So I had to get out of the relationship.

It wasn't just the cheating or the lies. It was an accumulation of SO much through the whole relationship.

But =/ we really had a strong bond, that's why it's so hard to just walk away.

We talked about marriage and stuff like that. Hell he proposed to me after I ended it with him... But too late right?

I can't be with somebody who lets me down so much, lies and doesn't take me seriously.

The first two weeks were... hell.


I'm getting alot better... Just have the tendency to cry when I think about things.

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It's hard to let a long relationship go, no matter how much they hurt you during the relationship. He's not the one for you, honey, and the sooner you see this, the better off you'll be in the long run. The right guy would NEVER cheat or lie to your face.


You'll feel better soon. Keep up with the NC and heal peacefully.

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I know this lol. I'm not the type of girl that puts up with crap, but this time around... With this particular guy, it seems he has some kind of mysterious power over me. First guy I ever fell deeply in love with.


My head tells me one thing, my heart tells me another.

I've accepted everything, I just want to let go.

It's just so hard to let go of all those stupid dreams urgh lol.

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  • 1 month later...

Saw some of your posts on the contacting your ex here thing- and it's so not easy getting over an ex- I'm still crying over mine and we've been n/c for about 3 months apart from something that happened the other week. I guess the heart just takes as long as it needs to to heal. All I can say is that you're obviously better off without him if he cheated on you- as hard as that is to accept. But yeah it doesn't matter how long it takes to heal after a break up- all that matters is that you will get over him at some point- a light at the end of the tunnel I guess =1

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  • 3 months later...


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