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Practicing "Ditch Support"


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When i was in the military we practiced something called "ditch medicine." Bascially it was improvising medical treatment in less than ideal conditions using whatever resources are on hand.


Since then i practice alot of "ditch" stuff.


Ditch poetry. Ditch work-outs. Ditch re-orienting.


Ditch support.


When your friends/family aren't around, are MIA, or maybe are non-existant.


Sometimes connecting with someone else can relieve whatever you got going on. Even if you aren't talking about what is bothering you. I don't advocate self-disclosure to strangers.


Enotalone is a form of ditch support for me.


I go to the bar...sometimes i only talk sports. In NYC, native males communicate thru sports talk. Many times the exassperation they are expressing about the Mets is a metaphor for their own lives.


Talking the weather with a neighbor.


Many trivival, seemingly unimportant casual conversations can offer some relief from alienation.


Whenever you communicate with someone, a relationship is formed, even if it si mundane.


Just listening to someone else and letting that person know you understand can bring relief.


In the book Bowling Alone the author cites studies that claim the best thing you can do for your health is be part of a group or a relationship.


Start small...tread carefully ( you don't want to put your business out there with someone you don't trust yet) but as you go thru your week see how many times there is an opportunity for ditch support.

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