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My Toddler out of contol already??? HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!

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I have two problems. One is that my daughter seems like she hates me. She refuses to give me hugs and kisses and then turns to her father and give him hugs and kisses. It used to not bother me but now it does a little. Im not jelous im just hurt. Is it something I am doing wrong?


My second problem is my daughter constantly hits and bites and kicks me when she doesnt get her way sometimes for no reason.


DO timeouts work at the age? Will she understand? I know not to hit her because it will only teach her that hitting is ok.


I already put her on timeouts, but then she crys and i leave her in there until she stops. I go in the room and tell to say sorry and that its not ok to hit. Then she gives me a hug. But not long after i get her out. shes back to the same old routine agian.


What do I do???

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I have used time outs with my children, and I think it works. The key to time outs is to "stick" to the reprimand. If your child is 2, then usually a 2 minute t/o is suffient time to cool off. If needed add a minute at a time.


Show her you mean business by sticking to the t/o. You aren't being mean by doing this. You are merely setting boundaries.


Good Luck

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How old is your daughter? She sounds about 2 from your description. Its very common for children to have a "favorite" parent from time to time. But they are fickle and it goes back and forth between mom and dad. I know its a little hurtful but it will pass. Rest assured she still loves you.


The other behavior is definitely her way of testing her boundaries. All kids go through this period. They want to see what is ok, and not ok. And whether you'll stick to your guns or whether you can be manipulated. Other posters have suggested time outs and I support that. 2-5 minutes is plenty. And yes you may have to do it several times if she repeats the behavior.


The 2-3 age is probably the most trying for a parent. Kids really push the limits during this time and it can really drive you insane. But it will pass. Just stick to your limits of what you will allow and not allow. Kicking and biting is not ok so a time out to let her cool down is totally appropriate.


Hang in there. Being a mom is a tough job!

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Thanks Alot everyone!!!!!!!


Yeah I forgot to mention that she is 21 months...



I also forgot to mention that she sits with my purse or something else shes not suppose to have a takes everything out... when i say Brie what are you doing in a firm voice she jumps.


Honestly I know this is normal but I thought I would share this one with you guys well... because its funny and you shoudl see the look on her face when she get caught its hilarious.

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I've noticed lots of stuff about todlers. I went from having no baby counsins, to 4 years later having 9, haha. If she won't give you hugs, and she can run to daddy for comfort, that's really bad. She could end up using him as a safty net her entire childhood. You need to be on the same side as dad. If she is rude to you, dad can't be right behind her to give her a hug. He needs to say "no" and tell her to be nice to mommy. If she still won't listen, she doesn't get hugs/kisses from daddy. That's the best advise I can give.


PS. Here's a tip. You can't sit down, and reason with a 3 year old. Sometimes tough love is the only way. They arn't old enough to do things like sit down and tell you the way they feel. Time-out/A swift smack on the bottom is a great disipline. Taking away things hurts too!



Hope I was a help. Good luck, happy newyear.

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