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Too much masturbation: physical effects?

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Alright! Now that I've got everyone's attention, I've got a potentially embarrasing question to ask. Thank God for the anonymity of the internet.


I was wondering if masturbating excessively can potentially effect your health or moods. Now, I know that a guy can't "run out", I know that if you don't expel it through sex or masturbation you'll just wet dream it out anyways. I know the blindness, lower-back pain, and all that other garbage is just that.


You see, I will have periods where I will masturbate about three or four times a day, for weeks on end. Boredom, frustration, lonliness ...a lot of reasons why. I've read in some places that doing it so much can cause difficulty in things like concentrating, or other effects because of the processes the body has to undergo to replace all the semen that's getting lost.



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I am not coming out with some concrete scientific statistic but everyone's need and stamina is different. Some people can do it many times and go on with no or less effect on their normal life. Everyone's different. Too much masturbation indeed would take away your ability to concentrate because let's be honest, when you are thinking about doing it, the whole preperation or anticipation can take away your capability to focus on other tasks.


Anyway, the point I would like to make is, try finding something else to do instead of constantly pondering about masturbation. Try to occupy yourself with other stuff as much as possible so you can take your mind off it. Masturbation is pleasant, just too much of can have negative consequences, just like everything else in life, not necessarily physical but mentally.

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Oh, don't get me wrong. I don't think about it all the time. I don't obsess or spend all my time wishing I was alone so I could get a little "personal time" in. It's not like that at all.


It's on days when I get bored, which are too many lately, in my apartment alone and I just do it over and over because I've really got nothing else interesting to do.

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Nothing wrong with it, no problems that I'm aware of that it could cause. If you feel like doing it that much, that is your business.


But why are you bored so often? While I'm sure you enjoy the experience, wouldn't you be better off finding another hobby to pass the time with? There are many other more productive ways to pass the time. You say you do it out of boredom, frustration, and loneliness. Maybe that energy would be better spent channeled into something else? Is there anything specific causing this frustration?

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I agree with everybody here - physical effects are not a concern. Perhaps you should try dealing with the boredom. I get stuck in my apartment between school and work just like you. Even taking a walk around to get some fresh air can be pleasant.


(And besides, who wants to get sick of masturbation?)

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sure there are physical effects, your energy level will go down. try no masterbation for a few days, you should feel the difference. also, sex with a partner is totally different and much more healthy for you. another thing, decreasing masturbation will increase your sex drive and you attraction to the opposite sex and likely they will notice a difference, maybe a glow, and the opposite sex will likely be more attracted to you.

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