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Honeycomb8 last won the day on December 12 2019

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  1. ...Just being a simp? Lol OP she clearly in every way possible is screaming that she doesn't give a sht about you and never have. Don't know why you're still staying. That unfortunately says way too much about who you are yourself. Guess what they say about men loving crazy women that treat them like crap is really true in this instance lol.
  2. If she's unemployed she really shouldn't be demanding anything. Most people wouldn't want to date someone jobless, esp someone that only has cashier experience. She should def focus on building herself up. Everyone needs SOME source of income. The rich guys that don't care are looking for someone to fully control and there is no respect.
  3. She needs to find her own way and depend on herself. Relying on someone to save her financially isn't the way to go. Unless she's stunning, then she can maybe hope for someone who will be reeled in by her looks.
  4. Not true. A lot of successful and accomplished men want someone they can respect; an equal in many ways. A pretty vase can only distract you for so long. I've dated some very well rounded men (accomplished, very attractive with lots of charisma and talent). They have pretty much all said intelligence is what gets them. They need they can admire, not just a sexual object to keep them entertained.
  5. A lot of people that buy a property would make sure they have only their names on the title and also have a relationship agreement/prenup in place so really...She won't be gaining anything.
  6. Money is important but isn't everything. You should just focus on your own career and finances. My salary is quite above the national average and on the side, I own 3 businesses. I also have my own property, a really decent stock portfolio and hold bitcurrency. I'm a 90's baby. I've pretty much always dated good quality professional men but I started to realise career ambition and intelligence isn't the only thing that's important- someone that has a kind heart is just as crucial. It's really hard to find that. If you're just focused on money, don't bother meeting.
  7. He is basically emotionally cheating on you with her. Why do you put up with it? He's not a victim, he chooses to put her first and disrespect you!! I would have been gone yesterday. I know it's hard because you love him, but you need to love yourself. Do it for your future and for your mental health. He is not it. This situation makes me mad and very sad for you.
  8. What are you doing? You're giving your bf way too much leeway. He is clearly emotionally attached to her, that's why he keeps in touch. Also, he knows what he's doing and keeping you as a secret suggests a lot. Break up with him -_-.
  9. My bf has ADHD and he doesn't say mean things like that. He's just being an arse.
  10. He's either not interested or not ready, either way it's a no go.
  11. He cheated on someone for twenty years. What makes you think someone like that will do any better. That's his character and he will always be like this. I don't know what you were hoping for, but you have to work on your self esteem if this is something you actually feel attracted towards. He's literally bottom of the barrel scum. Also, it never ever pays to date someone who is recently out of a long term relationship. Even 4 months out of a 2 year relationship is risky.
  12. What he's doing is wrong and clearly you know that too. He's gaslighting you and disrespecting both you and your daughter. It's time to divorce him.
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