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Andrina last won the day on May 17

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  1. Don't get anxiety over not thinking of her daily. On average, it took me a minimum of 4 months to do this, even if the guy was wrong for me and I wouldn't consider getting back together. As for your above comment I highlighted, how about writing something on your calendar every day that you will do, even if you feel no motivation to do so. Doesn't matter that it's a simple thing. Simple things can boost you from blah to feeling even a little better. You might've liked a certain dish at a restaurant that you might try cooking yourself. Find the recipe online and go shop for the ingredients and prepare the dish. Search for any good hiking trails in your area and take a walk there. If you stream on TV, find an exercise program there or on your computer and exercise in your living room. Kickboxing aerobics, to me, is a fun exercise. Don't give in to searching for her online. That will set your closure back. As said, if you're lonely you will have to take steps to change that. You can join book discussion groups, do volunteer work like environmental cleanups, Habitat for Humanity, being a museum or zoo docent, etc. Good luck in the next chapter of your life.
  2. Even though you had a past relationship, this time around you've only been dating 2 months. Ethically, I don't believe that requires an in person break up. If it were me, I'd probably just do it on the phone. You two trigger the worst in each other. It didn't work then and it's not working now. This time, don't even leave him access to you, even if you ended up not replying like in the past. Just block and be done. The quicker you do that, the quicker you'll have closure.
  3. I don't even know if I'd believe anything she's saying is true unless I heard it from the horse's mouth about paying the parents rent, having to pay back the car, etc. You say she isn't a leach, yet she's just fine that you've paid the majority of her rent for 2 years, whereas she'd rather be having fun on weekends instead of pulling those extra shifts that you mentioned. You don't think that's an uncaring act? There is a thing whereas childish people are extremely attracted to people who have their crap together because that makes life oh so easy for them. If you believe once she got her degree that she'd all of a sudden pull her weight equally, you obviously haven't had the life experience to know better yet. What you see is what you get. My parents never saved for college for me. I did live at home the first 2 years, but went to community college first because that's what I could afford instead of starting at uni. I worked from 0630-1430 and then drove directly to college and stayed there until about 1930. Exhausting yet being young with energy, I made it happen. And when I moved out, I moved to uni, paid half rent with my bf, and lived on a lot of cheap food like butter smothered noodles because I couldn't even afford pasta sauce. I definitely did not take any vacations. In your shoes, I'd explain how you picking up her expenses is causing you to feel bitterness. There are always options to consider in solving problems. Why don't you live at home? Give up your room sharing with her and do that or move into a one person abode. If your relationship falls apart because of that, oh well. It's bound to anyway when your bitterness continues to grow and her arguing with her vague reasoning gets you nowhere.
  4. If that alone doesn't make you break up, your self-worth is in the gutter. My opinion is to break up and then read books at minimum to gain self-love. Therapy would be even better. When you don't love yourself, you accept and attract low-lifes like this.
  5. Continue with your boundaries. Don't engage in long conversations about your reasons. You two already explained yourselves. They've made their decisions, and you and your husband made yours. End of story. I'm glad your husband is supportive and hasn't coerced you into attending things you're not comfortable with. In your shoes, for the parents' upcoming anniversary, I'd suggest to my husband that we take them out for a special dinner on a different day to celebrate the occasion since you won't be attending the bigger party.
  6. Well, you're behaving as though FWBs should contain similar expectations that are really reserved for a couple in a growing or serious relationship. IMO, there should be zero expectations in a FWB for how often a person should text, or how often a sexual encounter should take place. I thought that was the point. That rules don't exist unless the two agree to a certain rule. That the other person is there for whenever it's convenient for the two to get together, and that the FWB situation can end at the drop of a hat, because it's expected to be short term. And yes, things do tend to end very quickly and often badly, because with the willynillyness of no rules, it's like monkeys running rampant which the more invested person is trying to corral. Not going to happen. As the saying goes, look at who you're with and that's what you think of yourself. Perhaps your self-love needs work, and maybe if you achieve that you'll begin cutting off men a lot quicker when you're mistreated. Start utilizing some maturity for your own good versus reverting to a childish need of overindulging in something you know isn't good for you. As kids, we needed our parents to limit how much candy we ate. We are no longer kids and have to create our own limits. That sometimes means practicing delayed gratification. You might consider delaying sex with anyone until you're actually ready to date again.
  7. You'll never know anything if you don't speak to her. How about: How do you like this class? What other classes are you taking? Then tell her stuff about you, like what you're majoring in. Ask if she's doing anything fun on summer break. If you discuss things with the online lady, why can't you discuss things with a lady in person? Even if she's not romantically interested in you, what if she became a new friend or at minimum, someone interesting to talk to for a few minutes before or after class?
  8. If it's an expensive trip, or even if not too expensive but you'll be using all your travel budget for a while, why go if you already have a bad taste in your mouth about it? Instead go on a different trip with another buddy.
  9. That was my theory, that that was bound to happen. His old became new and when it became old again, he ditched her, which she will never admit because her version puts her in a better light. But you are so smitten you still can't see through the blur, so there will be no deterring you into just having this play out as it will. I hope you are blessed with a miracle.
  10. The world might seem like a small place with modern technology, but the fact is there are too many cons to long distance relationships, one being that the failure risk is extremely high when a romance starts as long distance. I once did online dating for several years. We liked each other's photos, e-mails, and phone calls and had high expectations of meeting. 9 out of 10 times on the first meet, one or both of us didn't share chemistry or the connection needed to move on to a 2nd date. There is absolutely no reason you should get more and more emotionally invested in this stranger while you ignore more realistic prospects who are local. If you haven't spoken to the girl in your class you like, why not do so? Get to know her better? Are you shy, lack confidence, etc. to try to socialize with people in person? If so, practice makes perfect.
  11. Strange that you found out she has more money than you when you've only been on a few dates. Is this something she broadcasted or is that divulged in the matchmaking business's rules? If she's such a successful entrepreneur, isn't that a stupid move to invite a new dating prospect to join a group she's a part of, knowing that more new relationships tank versus working out? And then you two would have the awkwardness of seeing each other at the group meetings. Or, is the awkwardness something she's counting on? That she gets the money first and then counts on the guy not showing up to the meetings he already paid for? Her joining the matchmaking site could be working out well for her for an ulterior motive. You never know, since she's a stranger and that's a possibility. As said, you can always reject the business side of this to see if she still accepts another date. Although after a third date of you paying, I think it's her turn to start asking you for a date and start paying and also to go dutch sometimes. If she doesn't, her good looks and youth won't make up for what she's lacking as a human being and dating prospect.
  12. Well, it's no wonder you're finding this time in your lives to be tough. It doesn't sound like a good plan to me to only be able to see your spouse once in an entire year, and then go again another whole year before being able to see each other. Who would not have issues under these circumstances? I used to be a Navy wife and we never went more than 4 months apart, but there was a lot of emotional ups and downs during that time. With my present job, now in my 2nd marriage, I had to leave for training for 4 weeks and of course my husband and I were lonely for one another, and he got quite grumpy after a few weeks, getting tired of eating dinner alone and he remarked, "By God, what if one of us dies?" (in respect to how miserable life would be without one another) So, anyway, you two made this life decision together. There are choices now to make if you feel like this is a watershed moment. You can realize this is a mistake to be apart for so long so you can change the plan whereas one of you moves to be together. Or you can take on work or more work to be able to visit each other more often. If you feel he is lovely in person but lacks the "I miss you" words while apart, then accept this is how he is and look forward to being together again where you will receive the romance in person. You're mature enough in your educational life, so decide you'll also show maturity in your marriage. It's easy to fall into an emotional affair when you're feeling an emotional disconnection in your marriage. Men at your university whom you would date if you were single are now the very people you need to keep a distance from. Veer toward establishing friendships with females and men you'd never date even if you were single. (If you and your husband are on the same page about having opposite sex friends.) Or, if you feel like you've outgrown your relationship, are too immature to be faithful when you two are temporarily leading separate lives, or if you feel like a ton of bricks will be lifted off your chest if you two break up, and you're not feeling a happy about the thought of growing old together, then do yourselves both favors and break up. That doesn't mean you'll emotionally be ready to date for a good year, anyway, so you'll still be alone with your studies and whatever else you're doing to lead a fulfilling life. Being mature means delayed gratification. That's how you arranged things, isn't it? That you're putting in the work now which will pay off later for the both of you? Think about if that's all still worth it, or if changes need to be made. It's okay to go to plan B if plan A is no longer working.
  13. Aren't there around 20 or more females in each of your classes in university? Do you attend parties fellow students have, or are you in any university clubs or do you play sports? I'm asking again why you're seeking love long distance when you're surrounded by numerous single women your age locally. Have you any dating experience? Are you hiding behind a computer screen because you feel a measure of safety, such as not feeling as emotionally vulnerable when there is the barrier of the screen and it will take forever to actually meet this person? In answer to your question, everything is fantasy until you meet, so being in daily contact with a stranger is not a good idea. Golden opportunities of dating a local woman will pass you right by while you're holed up in your room in front of a computer.
  14. How often can you afford to visit her if she wants to meet? What's the reason you aren't dating locally? If she's so beautiful and wonderful and has a lot going for her, why is she investing her time in someone far away which is the most difficult way to begin a romance? Does that make sense to you, or can you not see the forest for the trees?
  15. Even people who have been together 20 or more years end relationships for their own good to be able to live happier lives. Get some supportive friends and relatives to help you escape this mental and physical abuse. This is a sickening situation. Get a restraining order if he stalks you at your new location.
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