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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    What Should I Do About My Recent Love Rekindling?

    I feel like I'm going in circles, unable to make up my mind about what I should do next. It's like I'm standing between two paths and don't know which way to turn. Every time I think I've chosen the right direction I take a couple of steps before changing my mind and heading back to the start. No matter how hard I try, I just can't get off the spot where I'm standing. I need an answer, but I'm afraid to move forward alone.

    The question hinging on my indecisiveness is about love. A few weeks ago I rekindled an old flame and now I'm not sure if I'm happy that I stepped back into the same emotional rollercoaster or if I should just accept the fact that it wasn't meant to be. We're both head over heels in love with one another but anxiety keeps creeping up and stopping us from taking the final leap. Do I go for it and hope everything will work out alright or should I end it before things get too serious?

    The fear has reached a point where I'm nervous to take any big steps by myself, so I'm hoping someone can give me advice objecting my situation. Should I take a risk and continue our relationship or is it time to end this and move on?


    It can be extremely frightening to have your heart invested in someone and not be certain of their feelings for you. When deciding whether to give a relationship a chance, it's important to step back for a moment and look at the situation impartially. The truth is that when we become overly anxious, our judgment can be clouded and we may not be able to make rational decisions.

    The most important thing you need to remember is that, it is your life and your choice. You have the responsibility to prioritize your happiness, as it will be the foundation upon which every other aspect of your life is built. This isn't to say that making the wrong decision will guarantee a life of unhappiness —we all make mistakes, and sometimes it's those mistakes that can lead us on the most beautiful journeys of self-discovery.

    The key here is to allow yourself to consider all possibilities, including the ones you are too scared to face. Take some time for self-reflection, then ask yourself the following questions:

    1. What are the emotions that have been triggering my anxiety?

    2. Do I feel secure in the relationship, or do I harbor doubts that the relationship might not be stable?

    3. Do I genuinely believe our relationship can stand the test of time, despite any hardships?

    4. Is my partner fully committed to this relationship, or do I see signs that they might be losing interest?

    The answers to these questions will provide some valuable insight into your situation. They should also help you come to an understanding on whether the relationship is worth continuing or if it's time to take a step back.

    Ultimately though, only you can decide what is best for you. So take the time to reflect, and make the decision that gives you more peace and serenity. After all, life is too short to waste our energy on something that fails to bring fulfillment.

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