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  • Paula Thompson
    Paula Thompson

    Oh, Dearest, Don’t Lose Hope: Rekindle the Fire of Love

    The twilight muffles the sky and shadows creep through the cracks of the doorframe, spilling into the room. As you sit in silence and gaze at the space vacated by someone who filled it with laughter and joy just days ago, and now their empty presence haunts your soul; oh love, can you ever feel that warmth again? The fear that you are losing your beloved is a heavy weight on your heart and yet; there is hope in the darkness and strength in trusting yourself and in the person who, once upon a long time ago, brightened your world.

    Perhaps you have felt a void that whispers of worry, a divide large enough to make vows seem futile. Or perhaps you’ve sensed a fractured rhythm between the two of you, as your conversations lack their spark. Though your love seems to be unraveling, it’s not always a permanent bind; loving without hesitation can be attained, with understanding, trust and tenderness.

    It’s easy to believe that the warmth and compassion that once knit you together undetected has vanished into thin air, never to be felt again. But if you take the resilient steps of marriage—communication, respect, honesty and forgiveness—you can mend what was broken. With these threads, a stronger bond can be forged, one that will withstand the many possible test of time, distance and stress; a steadfast one that unites your souls in love.

    The beauty about relationships is that it’s never too late to honor the spark that bonded your hearts in the first place. The approach might look different—dance rather than fight, be patient rather than grow in up frustration. An open dialogue requires tenderness and empathy, as it’s difficult to remain vulnerable in moments of discomfort. It’s human nature to want to protect ourselves from harm, and when we feel that pain, fear creeps in.

    It’s times like these that require a clear mind and an open heart; without overthinking our words and actions. And when we reach those unforgiving moments of realism, it can help to remember where the journey began; that firmer foundation of when you were children in the eyes of one another. Even if it feels like the love you thought you shared has dissipated, you can still bring back and reap the joy it once offered.

    Love is a precious gift that can only be reclaimed and rekindled when two people unite in self-awareness and acceptance. When we choose to honor the person we call partner it creates a beautiful foundation, one that allows the relationship to grow and develop over time. To honor the person we love means some times setting aside our own needs and listening sincerely to what the other needs and course correcting where needed.

    So don’t be afraid, dearest—there is no need to fear losing your beloved, for as long as you both choose kindness and remain beholden to the courage of your relationship, you can build a bridge that brings you together and release any apprehensions or anxieties that may grow within you. When you don’t feel like you are losing them, those lonely moments of disconnection will fade and the love that you thought had gone, will be recovered tenfold.

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