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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    Do People Treat Little Dogs Differently Than Big Dogs?

    The size of a dog can play a huge role in how people treat them. Although most people would consider big dogs more intimidating than small dogs, there are a variety of reasons why people may prefer to own and interact with a little dog as opposed to a big one. The idea that currently exists is that small dogs are treated differently than big dogs -- whether it be being given more attention, being handled with more care, or even getting preferential treatment when it comes to things like travelling.

    When considering whether people do, in fact, treat little dogs differently than big dogs, certain factors must be taken into account. These factors include the amount of attention and care given, the travel opportunities each type of dog may receive, and even the ability of different sized dogs to live in various locations. While it is true that overall people may have less fear of small dogs due to their size, it is also important to take into account the different personalities and needs of individual animals when considering whether they are subject to different treatment.

    When it comes to attention and care, many pet owners are more inclined to lavish more affection on their smaller canine companions than their larger ones. This could be because small dogs tend to be easier to handle and steer when taking them for a walk, for instance. They are often easier to pick up and carry, helping to make them less intimidating to some people. In addition, owning a small dog may create an “attention cascade” phenomenon, whereby owners will shower their pet with additional love and affection simply because they are tiny and considered to be cute and precious.

    Also, when it comes to travelling, people may be more likely to take a smaller dog with them than a bigger one. For example, if someone rents a car, they might be more likely to take their Chihuahua along for a ride than a Doberman Pinscher. Similarly, a person travelling on public transportation would be much more likely to take a small dog along since it would be easier to manage. The portability of a small dog can give them access to places and experiences that a big dog just cannot enjoy.

    Aside from the social aspect of how people interact with small dogs, there are also a variety of environmental factors which could affect how dogs are treated. For example, many areas have laws in place which restrict the size of animals that are allowed inside a home or apartment building – meaning that a large breed would not be able to live with someone in a certain type of housing. This means that people with certain living arrangements may find that they are limited to owning a small dog in order to comply with local regulations.

    While it may be true that people do treat little dogs differently than big dogs, it is also important to keep in mind all the factors that go into deciding how much attention or care an individual animal gets. Taking into account individual personalities, travel opportunities, and living arrangements is essential in determining whether or not people will favor one breed over another. Also, it’s worth noting that regardless of size, all dogs require the same amount of attention, consistency, and commitment from their owners if they are to grow into well-adjusted members of their family.

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