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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    Signs You're More Mature Than You Think

    Every once in a while, it’s important to take stock of who we are and how far we have come. Most people assume that getting older naturally equates with developing better emotional and practical skills, but this isn’t always true. It’s possible to be an adult in years but still lacking in maturity, and the opposite is also true. Here are some signs that you’re actually more mature than you think.

    You View Challenges as Opportunities

    The most mature among us don’t simply ruminate on problems, they view them as opportunities for learning and growth. When confronted with a set of circumstances they don’t fully understand, they dig deep, ask questions, and look for solutions. They never shy away from difficult tasks. Rather, they take them as a chance to exercise their wisdom and creativity.

    You Use Self-Reflection to Make Decisions

    The mature among us don’t take the easy way out. They take time to assess their strengths and weaknesses and use their insights to make decisions. For example, they know when to accept responsibility for a mistake and when to delegate a task to someone else. They recognize the value in investing in their own growth but also don’t become overly reliant on others for knowledge or guidance.

    You Care about Others

    Mature people understand the importance of meaningful relationships. While of course this includes relationships with family and friends, it also includes respect for strangers. Those with a heightened sense of maturity are generally more compassionate and less judgmental of others. Additionally, they’re often the first to offer help without any expectation of return.

    You Have an Acceptance of Life’s Struggles

    We all must wrestle with our personal struggles in order to grow. The key difference between immaturity and maturity is expressed in how we approach life’s difficulties. Growingly mature people don’t expect everything to go perfectly. Instead, they accept that life requires effort and hard work — something that brings fulfillment

    Regardless of the outcome.

    You Don’t Rely on Conventional Wisdom

    The mature amongst us don’t conform to existing rules and definitions of success just because the majority do. Instead, they look elsewhere for inspiration, redefining success and happiness in a manner that works for them. Subjective needs and feelings can become stronger creative and lifestyle drivers compared to external validation.

    You Practice Healthy Self-Care

    Part of being an emotionally mature individual is understanding the need for balance between work and pleasure. Mature people enjoy setting healthy boundaries in order to avoid taking on too much and succumbing to burnout. They prioritize their well-being over society’s idea of busyness and strive to dedicate enough time for rest and play.

    You Find Meaning in Your Mistakes

    Growingly mature people learn and grow from mistakes, rather than taking them (or themselves) too seriously. They’re aware that mistakes only become failures if you fail to learn from them. They don’t allow their occasional missteps to sidetrack them, instead they take them as signposts pointing to what they should avoid in the future.

    You Put Intention Behind Your Work

    Those with a greater sense of maturity put intention behind their work in order to create quality results. Success isn’t just about getting to the finish line; it’s about walking the journey with intention and commitment. People at this stage in life understand that things don’t happen by accident, and that a high degree of effort is necessary in order to create lasting change.

    You Guard Against Anticipatory Anxiety

    As one becomes increasingly mature, they typically recognize the importance of alleviating anticipatory anxiety. This means not worrying about problems that haven’t materialized yet, and instead focusing on tasks that must be completed for the day, or for the week. By doing so, one can significantly reduce emotional stress.

    The Bottom Line

    Life is full of transition and growing pains, but with a heightened level of maturity comes an enhanced ability to cope and handle life’s challenges. If you’ve recognized these qualities in yourself, you can take comfort in the fact that you’re likely more mature than you think.

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