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  • Olivia Sanders
    Olivia Sanders

    Achieving Balance on a Terrible Tightrope

    When life throws you curveballs, it can seem like you’re walking a tightrope with no net. It’s hard to know how to stay upright, especially when life’s challenges feel insurmountable. But there are some ways to help keep your balance and shoulder through the tough times.

    It can be difficult to move forward during a trying period, especially if you feel like giving up. The problem might be you’re trying to make too many decisions at once without taking the time to assess how you really feel. When you area bombarded by big choices – whether it's working towards a degree, what job offer to accept, competing for a spot in a sports team, or something entirely different – take a deep breath and purify your thoughts. Ask yourself what feels right and what will make you happiest in the long run.

    Sometimes there just isn’t enough clarity to go on, as is often the case when facing heartbreak. When emotions are high, it’s easy to make decisions that are driven by fear rather than smart reflections. Before jumping into anything rash, pause and think about the biggest picture issues at hand – the feelings that inspired the decision in the first place, and how they will play out in the long run should the decision eventually be made. You may find that it brings clarity to the situation, and helps illuminate the best possible outcome.

    When all else fails, seek out someone with a third person’s perspective: a friend, a family member, or even a counselor. Talking through the issue can bring a more tangible understanding of the events at hand and perhaps point you in the right direction. Don’t be afraid to ask for help; it could be that you need a sounding board more than anything else.

    And of course, it is important to remember to take a break from all of this thinking every now and then, to keep from becoming overwhelmed. Take a nature walk, go fishing, or simply put on some calming music and cry if necessary. The purpose is to clear your head and find peace, however brief it may be. Reframing your mindset to take a deep breath and embrace the moment – whether it's good or bad – can provide a valuable outlook and help put you back in touch with what you truly want.

    Remember, walking that tightrope isn’t easy, but it is manageable. There will be missteps and swaying along the way, but a little organization and self-reflection can empower you to regain your footing and keep pushing onward.

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