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  • Paula Thompson
    Paula Thompson

    Understanding & Supporting Your Child's Sexual Orientation

    Parenting your child is a hugely important job, and it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the things you have to ensure they have the best start in life. While communities can be full of love and acceptance, many families still struggle when it comes to understanding and supporting their child's sexual orientation. It can be a sensitive and often difficult subject to talk about, but it’s an important one.

    It is essential that parents should not ignore or dismiss their child’s sexual orientation just because they are afraid to open up dialogue about it. You should be prepared to listen and answer questions thoughtfully and make sure your child knows that regardless of who they are or whom they choose to love, you will always love them for who they are.

    This means creating a safe environment in which your child can feel comfortable discussing any issues or topics concerning their sexuality. Respect your child’s right to privacy, but let them know that if they ever need to talk, you will be there to listen and offer support.

    A good starting point could be researching LGBTQ organisations that provide support and advice to families in terms of understanding and educating yourself on LGBTQ issues. This could be done through reading materials, attending events or even joining online forums where you can exchange experiences and talk to people in a similar situation.

    You should also be conscious of the language you use if and when you do talk about this issue. Using appropriate and respectful terminology is essential in order to create a diverse and inclusive atmosphere for your child. Make sure you give out the message that everyone deserves to be respected and accepted for who they are, as well as show that same acceptance within the home.

    Additionally, communicate with people from different backgrounds. Attend pride parades or seminars to raise awareness. Speak up in defense of non-heteronormative beliefs and political rights. Let the world know that you support LGBTQ youth and their families.

    Finally, you may find joy out of activities that are bi-inclusive like going to movie nights, baking together and playing transgender-themed board games. Values of love, acceptance, self-esteem and belonging can be instilled in your child’s life simply by being together with them and incorporating fun into the process.

    Having an understanding and supportive family who accepts and celebrates their child’s sexuality can have a huge impact on their personal wellbeing and confidence. It is okay for parents to feel unsure about how to approach the subject at first, but ultimately it is up to you to accept and support your children and strive towards making an accepting environment for them, so that you and your family can grow and learn together.

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