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Over After Four Months (Mostly Venting & Just The Story [Help Appreciated])

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We had been in a relationship for a little over four months (November to March). I refuse to say we were dating because we never went out together, because my parents are freaks. Our relationship had started by text (is that where I went wrong?) but, it took us awhile to start talking at school due to my social anxiety. We finally did after a couple of weeks of texting. Before that, while we were just texting, we had pretty intimate conversations about things (don't judge, I'm sorry!) and we always talked about doing things, of course we realized we were way too young to do these things so, we obviously didn't do it. Then it was Christmas, we were on break and he went out of state to see family, we were in two different time zones and he was two hours behind me. We didn't text much as first but, then we did. It was Christmas day (well the night of it) and we were texting and that was the first time he told me that he loved me. I didn't know if he meant it or if it was a "I want to get in your pants" kinda thing but, the next night i asked him if he meant it and he said he meant it completely. We were idiots in love. We went back to school and we talked a lot and I started sitting with him at lunch and it was amazing. Of course, it was annoying because he always messed with me hair but, I didn't really care. We made it through January and then came February. Nothing all that exciting happened until the twenty-sixth. We're both major band geeks and we're both in jazz band. But, on the twenty-sixth, we had a concert to go to after school and we had to take a bus. He sat next to me on the way there and back. It was really late on the way back and he ended up putting his arm around me the entire ride. It was really nice and I absolutely loved it. However, this might be tmi but, my bra hook came undone on the way back and I couldn't get it and, well, he fixed it for me. When he touched my back, it felt really good (just saying and there were no wandering hands!). After we got back and went home, I had texted him ans apologized for my 'undergarment' issues. He told me not to be sorry and that he enjoyed it (wow). He also told me that he was gonna kiss me but, he wasn't sure (oh well). But, the beginning of March was great. It was the middle that went bad. He had gone on a school trip the week before school got out for spring break, so I didn't see him and I couldn't really text him. I was panicking all week because, I suffer from panic attacks. He's usually the one who calms me down but, not that week. And then, it was spring break. He didn't text me for five days after he got back and I kept panicking to my friend because I was worried he hated me and I don't really know. And then came Tuesday night, at 10:55, he texted me. "Hey (my name). I need to talk to you about something." It followed with me saying "It's over, isn't it?" he said yes and then, I just kinda accpeted it. However, I started saying all of the really terrible things that are happening because I hadn't had anyone to talk to. So, we talked. The next morning, I got a text from a number that wasn't in my phone, it read "You're only making this worse,(my name)." They wouldn't tell me who they were and continued to tell me that guilt tripping dosen't work and I said that I hadn't been trying to guilt trip him or anything but they said I was. I texted my now ex and asked what was going on to which he replied " happens" and then "Hey. You screenshot too." And yes I do. So, I guess he had sent our texts to one of his friends and they texted me. I felt really freaked ahout it. I couldn't stop crying because I missed him so much, I even broke down in the car and scareamed at my parents I'm still cryng over this and it's been four days. I really hate this. He said we could still be friends but, still. I miss him terribly and I'm panicking and breaking down everyday. I've also had a dream that it was me and him and we were lying on couch and he was holding me and telling me he loved me. I really hate this. Please give me some advice! Thank you!

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So sorry for what you going through ...its sad when someone walks away after the honeymoon stage ends..it's the most painful because it kills the dreams we had for a future together. I experienced the pain too few month a go as well . I don't know if NC or LC works best ,but in time you will move on , even though u still love them u will move on .hugs

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