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Ever get those days & nights that are just rough as heck?

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I'm having one tonight, and possibly the first since the BU (16 days) NC 8 days.


Just this heavy feeling of loss and missing him it's like an anchor around my neck. I hope tomorrow will be a good day, I have made a new friend that has been a blessing tonight, chatting to me about moving past this.


It feels like these days will never end, and I will never not miss him. Please tlel me I'mw rong, and that one day I can think of him and it'll only bring me smiles and fond memories.

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ya the first couple months (for me) were dreadful. i felt lifeless. all the advice here said to get busy so thats what i did just starting with walks around town and it helped so much. being around other people was helpful too even tho it was the last thing i wanted to do.


those bad days and terrible nights come less frequently now, probably once a week or less and its been 5ish months since the BU. idk if we will ever not miss them...but im sure it too will fade with time.


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Right there with you. I feel like I have one of those days every day, and it's especially hard to get over when the breakup didn't feel warranted.

I used to have some trouble with insomnia, but now I welcome sleep because it's a chance to not feel or think anything, though unfortunately I keep having nightmares where I'm with them and then they suddenly remember that they don't want me.

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I was a having a very rough day yesterday as well.Like you i have been counting days since he broke up with me,i wanted to call or text him so badly a day before yesterday almost made my bestie phone him but then i spoke to a friend and speaking to her helped me.So i stopped myself from contacting him again and then i saw this quote and it pulled me back up .I hope it helps you as well x

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Those days are always a struggle, I feel your pain. Broken up 5 months now. First month or so was really bad for me, but that was mostly due to me prolonging the pain by thinking things could somehow be fixed. The rough days are much less frequent now, but today was one for sure. Just found out only a couple hours ago she's moving in with the guy she's been dating for the last 3 months. Feels like I was just so easily replaced after 5 years together. I'm heading to the gym to bust my ass for a few hours, burn off energy and hopefully some of the raw feelings, and start fresh tomorrow morning

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im having a really bad night and i'm not getting any support from friends.

He's still with his girlfriend despite saying bad things about her to me. And I'm sitting here like, did i do that I get treated like cr*p and she probably gets treated like a princess. It's like I wasn't good enough.

so many difficult emotions to deal with.

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im having a really bad night and i'm not getting any support from friends.

He's still with his girlfriend despite saying bad things about her to me. And I'm sitting here like, did i do that I get treated like cr*p and she probably gets treated like a princess. It's like I wasn't good enough.

so many difficult emotions to deal with.


That's something I initially had a hard time with. I thought, she was being perfect to her new bf after learning from the mistakes she made towards me. But we both made mistakes (I think I had made the bigger ones) but I just thought I'll be able to be even better, after learning from my previous relationship, towards that someone new & will have a better experience because of it.


It's not cause you're not good enough. People are still learning, all the time & granted he may have learnt by the mistakes he made while he was with you but just focus on the thought that you created a better person for this world. Even if he doesn't end up with you. Hopefully karma will catch around & give you someone as better than him & improve yourself.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Yup, 3 weeks for me...It's a roller-coaster ride of emotions. The first week was very tough, weaning yourself off someone you've lived with and planned a life with is so difficult. It's really good to surround yourself with friends, keep busy and keep moving forward. There are bad days too, e.g. broke NC this morning by sending him a text. He replied but it wasn't the same. I've made a vow to start NC again and stick to it this time around. At least I haven't seen him in person or called him. Thank God for Gfs, dancing, work and icecream.

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